Showing posts with label Lori Anderson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lori Anderson. Show all posts

Hopping, Hopping, Hopping,...

Well, I'm still blog hopping this week,
trying to get to everyone who participated in
this past Saturday.

I've encountered so many wonderful blogs, made new friends, seen some of the most amazing jewelry designs ever
(I'm w/Lori - my hat's off to all the peeps working w/seed beads - you amaze me!!)
and I love all the various mediums people have utilized - simply amazing!!

I have even picked up a few "Great Finds" here and there
from some of the wonderful artists I've encountered.

Like these lovelies from Raida Disbrow over at
Havana Beads - Oh My! 

Havana Beads on Etsy

How lovely are these goodies?  
They arrived yesterday (Thank you Raida!!) and WOW!

"Love" - Ceramic Bead by Raida Disbrow of Havana Beads

Coolio, huh? I know,...I know!!
They're so SWEET!

So, what are some of your great finds from the

Do Share!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Cool Finds!!


Lights, Camera,....Oops!

Ocean Blue by Michelle Buettner of MiShel Designs
Bead Soup Blog Party - Fall 2011

Okay - so, if you were blog hopping this weekend for the
and you made  it to my entry here, you may have read down far enough where
I told you that as I was taking the pics of my last "Bead Soup Creation"
that my camera went all hay-wire on me.

Well, I pulled out my old camera (which is now the 'family' camera) and got some shots yesterday of the necklace I created with the remainder of the beads my bead soup partner, Melissa, sent me.

I am still having trouble with the new camera - keeps reverting back to 'normal settings' even though I keep adjusting the iso, f-stop, white balance, etc. for my macro shots - so not sure what's up there, but thank goodness my old camera doesn't take half bad shots, cause the new one's taking stuff that's all fuzzy, grainy and sort of 'filtered' looking - weird! 

I'm sure it's something I've set it on to revert back to the original settings or whatever, but it should at least take the picture the way I want right after I set it, right? 
Nope,...that would be too easy to figure out then, wouldn't it?

So, here was my inspiration for the opalite beads and those cute little 'birdie links' Melissa sent me. 

Birdie on the Beach!

Anyone who knows me at all knows I LOVE the beach and I take a zillion pictures of it anytime we're there and there's always way more pics of the ocean than of us as a family while on vacation!

More Birdies on the Beach

This is "Ocean Blue" - A macrame necklace with waxed cotton cord, opalite links, one cute little birdie, a few glass beads that are supposed to resemble beach glass and some recycled Sari Silk ribbon tied on for a bit more texture and color.

Ocean Blue by Michelle Buettner of MiShel Designs
Bead Soup Blog Party - Fall 2011
Ocean Blue by Michelle Buettner

So, enjoy the beach shots, and wish me luck w/the new camera
and future shots this week as I try to figure out where I'm messing up.

California's Ocean Blue - March 2010

P.S. - We're not telling the hubby about the whole camera thingy yet as this was my birthday gift back in March,...and I can't find the receipt (and don't want to ask him!!)! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Working Camera Karma!!

My First Bead Soup!

I'm getting excited for my first "Bead Soup Blog Party"!! And no, you don't exchange soup recipes on your blog. Although that would be rather yummy - this is probably a bit more colorful!

Lori Anderson's having a Bead Soup Blog Party over on her blog "Pretty Things" and there's a BA-Zillion people signed up! (Well, almost!)

I've peeked in on some of the past Bead Soup Blog Parties and have completely drooled over the beautiful pieces folks have put together out of the beads they were sent. There are some talented people out there, that's for sure!

I've got my focal bead, my clasp and my other beads all put together and am waiting to see who my soup partner is so I can send them off this week. I hope they like what I've picked out. I'd love to post a pic of what I'm sending, but I'm not sure that's allowed!!

I must say though, that they're pretty 'safe' - color wise - and not too risky or anything. I know I'd love to get them and create something beautiful out of them, so I'm guessing it'll be okay! But, you want to know what's totally freaky?  I didn't include one single pearl - NOT ONE!  That's the most unusual thing I've done all week - so out of character for me. But, I'm not going back and 're-doing' my bead soup mix that I'm giving away because I love the focal bead and the clasp too much and the beads I picked go quite well with them - pearls just didn't make the mix this time! Oh my,...pearls not making the mix,...that just hurts to say! 
"Pearl Stash" from one of my trips
to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show

Any Hoo,.....Go ahead and hop on over to Lori's blog - "Pretty Things" - and check out the details of the Bead Soup so that next time around, you can participate too!

Have a great week everyone!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Here's to a Cup of Bead Soup!
"Peace Baby"
Labrodorite and Kyanite Bead "Sculpture"