It's been a hard week for me since the tragedy last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary. I know it really affected a lot of people all over the world.
I haven't been able to watch any of the news reports on the victims, their families or any of the 'goings on' since a couple of days afterwards. The hubby's a heart attack survivor with a defib in his chest, so he can't watch either - it hurts his heart and that's not a good thing.
Plus, we've got a teenage son whose own high school was on the news this week with word spreading of a possible threat to the school and/or students (they beefed up police patrol/security and every one's assured us things will be fine) and so tuning out most of the media do-da has been a priority.
I did make an effort - socially - to do a few FB posts, to comment on people's blogs and their FB posts and things like that, but it just felt so trivial.
I realized as I went about finishing up my Christmas card writing and packaging up things to mail off to family who live out of state, that I was completely engulfed in a total 'funk' if you will, of doom, gloom and sadness. Not to say that it wasn't appropriate given all the beautiful lives that were taken recently, but being depressed and 'out of it' wasn't helping anyone, especially my family and those I care about.
And, as the fates would have it, as I pushed forward and was editing some pics to get my next blog post ready, the photos I was working on brought back some wonderful memories and an excellent reminder.
It reminded me that even in the wake of change, whether that change is something we find negative, neutral or strange, hard to grasp, or what ever, laughter and humor are the best way to recover and carry on.
To 'adjust our sails', as I like to think of it.
I'm talking humor that makes you roll with laughter - true, tickle your belly, gasp for air, laughter!!
Like what you see here.
Jen, Denise, Shelly and Kathy
Creative U Holiday Party - December 2012 |
It's pretty obvious that Jen and I are on our own little "planet" in the photos here,...well, Kathy eventually gets our humor a bit, too, but Denise is the only one even remotely concerned that my hubby's standing around, some what patiently, trying to snap a good pic of us (at our request!), no avail! LOL!!
This was a fun night filled with tons of laughter, great moments and wonderful energy!
These photos represent some change as well. This was the Creative U Holiday Party and Gift Exchange (Jen's holding one of Mike's 'Stash Sticks' from the White Elephant Swap) last week and it's the last one we're having because Kathy has announced that she's closing Creative U as of December 31st, 2012. :-(
So, no more fun classes, no more laughter in the studio, no more exploding kilns (unless Jen comes to my house and has fun with mine!), no more yummy chocolate breaks in the middle of teaching class,'s the end of an amazingly creative and fun place.
But, where there's laughter among friends and creative spirits, memories to share, hugs to give and love to bind,....there's always more adventures on the horizon!
Thinking of the fun times refreshed my spirit and reminded me that it's okay to go on and not feel guilty for things I'm blessed to have in my life, my child, my husband and my wonderful family and friends. And that sending love and prayers out to those who are hurting is needed, but to laugh is to heal. I believe it's also a way to honor those who've gone before us, for I think they'd want us to be happy and laugh instead of cry!
So I wish you all much love and laughter,.....healing laughter that tickles your tummy and immerses you in those wonderfully fun moments you will cherish for a life time!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Letting Laughter Heal Your Soul!