Showing posts with label Focus on Life: 52 Photos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focus on Life: 52 Photos. Show all posts

Focus on Life: Week 13 - Have Faith

*If you're looking for my
Birthday Post / Give-A-Way - It's HERE

And Now,...

It's Week 13 for the Focus on Life series over at

This week's prompt: Have Faith

And here's what Sally told us:

Faith is to believe what you do not see; the reward of this faith is to see what you believe. ~Augustine~

"There are many of us who are religious and there are many of us who are not, but most of us, religious or not, have faith in someone or something.  A faith that gets us through our day, a sickness or even a death. Faith is held by each of us; it is what keeps us believing that there will always be a positive outcome even if we can't see it at the time."
November 27th, 2007

He was only 10 years old when he walked down the hallway of the hospital with his mother. As they rounded the corner she bent down and spoke quietly into his ear , "I'm not sure you're old enough to be in this section so if anyone asks, you're 12. Okay?"
"Okay, Mom."
Standing on the other side of the door was an orderly,
looking out as if waiting just for them.
He opened the door and pointed to the second door on the right. The woman looked at the nurse behind the ICU desk. The nurse, nodding the 'okay', gave them an almost apologetic smile as the young boy and his mother entered the room.

With tubes sticking out everywhere and his skin a light ash color, this wasn't the man the boy had seen that morning as he left for school.
"Hi, son," the man whispered; his eyes barely opening.
"How ya doing, Dad?"
"I'm doing okay, son."
"Are you hurting?"
"Not really anymore. They've got me on some pretty heavy stuff."
"You gonna be okay?"
"Oh yes, I'm going to be fine son. It might be a while, but I'm going to be just fine, don't you worry."

When visiting hours were over and it was time to leave, the boy kissed his dad, told him he loved him and that he'd see him tomorrow.

As the mother and son said goodbye and walked out of the room, the nurse behind the desk looked at them with tears in her eyes and with another, even more apologetic smile, told them, "Good night."

The next day, the young boy went sadly to school and the woman returned to the hospital.
As she walked into the ICU ward she noticed the mood of the people behind the desk was different than the night before. There were smiles on their faces that morning. 
"Oh, you're still here?", the woman asked the nurse.
"Yes. I'm here for about 30 more minutes," replied the nurse. 
Entering her husband's room, the woman saw him sitting instead of laying. His color was returning and there was a 
slight smile on his face.
"Hi Honey! Got my computer like I asked you?"
I'm not really sure you're allowed to have it here with you."
"It'll be fine. I gotta get back to work and let my guys know what's going on and that things might be a bit slower coming out to them this week.  Can you tell the nurse that I need some more bottled water?"
The woman walked out into the hallway and asked for more bottled water.
"Oh my. He's already gone through all those bottles? We don't have anymore on the floor. I'll have to send someone to get more."
"Thank you."
"Last night was rather touchy," the nurse said. "I'm glad he's doing much better today. It's like a total turn around."
"I know, right?!"
"I got rather choked up as you were leaving with your son last night."
"I thought you looked really sad."
"We all thought that was the last time he was going to see his Dad." 
"That thought crossed my mind too, for a minute anyway.  But then I realized that that just wouldn't be Mike," the woman said as she turned to walk back into the room where her husband was typing away on his computer.
Two days later the man was released from ICU.
Mike and Logan goofing around, like normal, at the 'look out' - June 2008
And yes, he hiked up the mountain from just above that valley you see below
 with a defib in his chest only 7 months after his heart attack.
We call him 'Iron Man' - LOL!! :-)
A few months after recovering at home the doctors put a defibrilator in my hubby's chest (on Valentine's Day of all days!!) and to look at him now, well,'d never know he had a massive heart attack 5 years ago or that the staff at the hospital had little to no FAITH that he'd even make it through the first night. 
The "Masked Rider" and Mike,...a.k.a. - Iron Man!!

Faith is believing in something when common sense tells you not to.  ~from the movie, "Miracle On 34th Street"
The Buettner's - December 2012

I "Have Faith" and am grateful that there will be many more family photos just like this one!

Focus on Life - Week 12: Observe the Curve

For Week 12 of
Sally's prompt was:
Observe the Curve
"In life, as in art, the beautiful moves in curves."
~Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton
"We move, live and love in curves. Arms, legs and bodies curve to propel us into the life around us. Branches of trees curve to embrace the breeze. Letters curve and form words. Curves can keep things apart, hold things together or create a path. This week take a moment to focus on all the different kinds of curves that surround you everyday?
And there were indeed curves that surround me every day.
From the earring wires I create each day,
to the pottery dish sitting on my desk that was
skillfully crafted by my friend Kathy,
To the shadows of light that are cast,
Hand Carved Lucet by Gordon Wayne Baldock
On the perfect curves of the hand carved Lucets my brother so lovingly made for me.
Hand Carved Lucets by Gordon Wayne Baldock
Each week these challenges open up my mind, helping to slow the pace so I can
Observe the Curves of Life!
Hand carved Lucet by Gordon Wayne Baldock
Please join the other participants over at
and see what Curves they have Observed!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Observing the Curves!

***Side Note***

Since people were curious as to what a Lucet (Knitting Fork) is and what it's used for, I thought I'd point you in the direction of
Rad Megan who sells them on Etsy.

I have one of her knitting forks.
I got it to use when I travel because I don't want to lose or harm the ones my brother custom made for me.

Rad Megan also has a blog and a you tube video where you can read about them, see the necklace tutorial she has posted using them and watch the video where she shows two different methods of
braiding cord with them.

Here's the Link:

The You Tube Video is about 
half way down on her post.



Focus On Life: 52 Photos - Week 11

This week's prompt from Sally over at
The Possibilities Are Endless!
"There are many things around us that hold so many possibilities; a child's face, a seed of a flower, the tools pictured above. (trust me, she had a picture of her tools!!) This week pay attention to your surroundings and your daily activities and show us what holds endless possibilities for you."
And she included this quote:
In this moment, there is plenty of time. In this moment, you are precisely as you should be. In this moment, there is infinite possibility." ~Victoria Moran
And so I thought, and I thought,.....what to photograph?
There's Endless Possibilities in so many things! 
My tools, beads and supplies have possibilities that are endless indeed - deliciously so.
What about my books?
Books contain knowledge and with knowledge the possibilities are unimaginably endless.
With colors the possibilities are delightfully endless.
Nature?  Flowers - endlessly, beautiful flowers?
More Door Porn?
I mean seriously, the possibilities really ARE endless
as far as doors go (just sayin').
I thought of so many things.
But, what to photograph?
Yep,'s just a point-n-click!
And then, looking through my lens,...
the possibilities truly are endless. Infinitely so!
I know what you're thinking:
"She only posted ONE photo this week?!"
Yep, it only took 11 weeks!
Didn't see that one comin', did ya?!
Hop on over to The Studio Sublime today
and see the Endless Possibilities
everyone else has captured!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Endless Possibilities to Photograph!

Focus on Life: 52 Photos - Week 10 - All Wrapped Up!

For Week 10 of Focusing on Life: 52 Photos
Sally's prompt was "All Wrapped Up"
Here's what she said:

As a Verb
1. To arrange or fold (something) about as cover or protection.
2. To cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something about
3. To enclose, especially in paper, and fasten: wrap a package; wrapped up the peelings.
4. To clasp, fold, or coil about something
5. To move (text that will not fit on a line) automatically to the following line.
6. To envelop and obscure.
7. To surround or involve in a specified quality or atmosphere: The plan was wrapped in secrecy.
8. To engross.
9. To put on warm clothing. Usually used with up.
10. To conclude filming.
As a Noun
1. A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.
2. A blanket.
3. A wrapping or wrapper.
4. A flatbread, such as a tortilla or lavash, rolled around a filling.
5. The completion of filming on a movie.

Are you all wrapped up in warmth or are you diving into a dessert that is all wrapped up in yummy goodness? You have a prompt that has many different meanings, grab the camera and show us how you are interpreting "all wrapped up"!

I truly love these challenges each week!
They cause me to "Wrap by Brain" around things
I normally wouldn't.  They make me aware.
As I went about my week, I realized there's a lot of
"Wrapping" going on in my life!
There was the wire-wrapped jewelry I created this week.

There's the blanket I 'wrap' up in each night as I sit with my hubby and son and there were the yummy burritos we 'wrapped up' and ate one night. 
There were findings/accessories projects that I 'wrapped up' (finished) and then 'wrapped up' (literally) and shipped off this week.
Then, I spent several hours "All Wrapped Up" experimenting with some pics in Photoshop Elements,.....

 Yep, that pretty much "Wraps it up"!


You should "Wrap Up" what you're doing right now
and go see what the other challenge participants
have "All Wrapped Up" for the week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Happy Wrapping!

*To all of you who have left such wonderful comments on these posts each week, I cannot begin to express how much your words mean to me.
Thank you!!

Focus on Life: Week 9 - Knock, Knock!

It's week 9 of Sally Russick's weekly photography challenge

"Focus on Life: 52 Photos".

Here's what Sally wrote to us for this week's prompt:
Knock, Knock!
A door opened and I went through it.  ~Temple Grandin~ 
"Let's open some doors to see what awaits us on the other side.
Is it a door that holds opportunity?  A door that holds a story?  Is it a door you have been hesitating to open?  Is it a gate to a new life?  A door to a new adventure?  Is it a door that holds a memory?  Is it the perfect door for a simple picture?
You have arrived at the door for a reason,
open it up and step in!"

Oh my, if I needed a prompt to photograph a door!

Along with flowers and a few other things, doors are my favorite to photograph!

For me, they all hold a story, a secret, an opportunity,  some mystery, security, a new beginning, a special memory.

I call this  "Doorway to the Sea".  It is in the Cinque Terre Region of Italy.
The Ligurian Sea is on the other side. 
This is by far, my favorite photo I've ever snapped of a door because
being here was a dream come true and this is where I go when I day-dream!


Doors stir this fascination in me that I can't quite place
and trigger emotions that elude words.

These are the front and back doors to my sister and brother-in-law's cabin.
Not only do these doors lead to one of my favorite places on earth, inside these doors are some of my best memories and it's as close to "home" as I can get.
Inside these doors I feel safe and secure, comfortable and inspired.
Oh, and of course I use the back door - you read the sign, right?? :-)


Doors have all these textures, colors, and styles.

Then there's the materials,...wood, metal, stone, glass.
Each one unique. Beautiful in it's own way.

And, no matter where your travels take you,
you can always find a door.

We were walking in Venice at night and rounded a corner and
look what door if saw!!  It wasn't so much this door that caught my attention. 
It was what was inside this door that I longed to see!
Ah,...a "missed opportunity" as the Swarovski
store was closed, but the photo opp was not to be missed!


I snapped so many door pics from my trip last fall that I thought my sister and brother-in-law were going to schedule and intervention.  Follow this link to view a blog post on some of my "Door Porn" as I call it.

These doors hold mystery. We all wished we could peek inside. They are my symbol of Tuscany.  This home is located in the small hill top village of Sommocolonia, above Barga. I've photographed these doors (this house) more than any other doors ever!

The doors I have pictured here today for you are just a few of my collection, along with their special meaning to me.

 Do doors hold a special meaning to you?

This is probably my second all-time favorite door photo I've ever taken.
It was taken from inside the church on the highest hill in Barga, Italy.
It represents "the world out there".  The beauty to be seen and appreciated.
The history to be cherished and preserved.  The adventure and opportunity that awaits.
There are days when I go here in my dreams too,...I walk outside this church and
stand in the warmth of the bright sunlight and breathe in the surrounding beauty.
Outside this door I am at peace, and so is the world. 

Please step on through to the doors that the other
photo challenge participants have posted over at The
Studio Sublime today.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Meaningful Doors!

Focus on Life - Week 8 - Monochromatic

Sally's prompt was: MONOCHROMATIC
"This week look deeper through the lens to the story your photo captures and then process it to one color! 
Or be daring and shoot in B&W (monochrome)."
I thought this would be a rather easy challenge but I was wrong.

I played around with my camera settings and some photo editing software programs and tried out new things.

 I really like other people's black and white photos and even many photos I see with Sepia and other tones, but not so much my own photos. 

Sepia's not too bad I guess,....
  I just really don't have the eye for it.

Not the way I want to, anyway.

That said, it really made me start viewing things in an entirely new way and noticing different colors.

The mountains of AZ. I truly love how the mountains
are every shade of blue!

I liked that!
So I challenged myself to capture Monochromatic (sort of!) pics in the world around me, with out processing to one color or doing major edits.  And it couldn't be shot in black and white (my own silly rules!).

Pretty much everything is this drab, dead color since we've had such a weird winter.

This was tough - the world is so multi-colored!

Thanks for bringing me out of my comfort zone this week Sally! 

It was definitely a fun perspective this week!

Make sure you check out all the other participant's photos!

Just for fun!!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Monochromatic Challenges!