Countin' Down

It's summer. The kiddo's are out of school (or almost out) and you're daily routine has been changed up a bit. 
Still busy, just different, right? Yep,, too!
I'm trying to get all sorts of stuff done, but I keep turning in circles because I'm not sure which 'stuff' to do first. Then, I just loose momentum. Not to mention focus and inspiration.
And, from what I'm reading on many other blogs,'s happening to a lot of other folks, too!
I've been meaning to get pics of some designs I have had sitting over on my table for a few weeks (possibly months) and there's a bunch of components I've been meaning to actually create jewelry with. And then of course there's the tutorials and videos that are half-done, half-started or let's just call them 'still in the works' shall we?
I snapped a couple of pics this weekend of things I've been 'sitting on' for months. 
Vintaj blanks I altered - such cute birdies!

More Vintaj Blanks - so much fun to play with!!

And then there's these yummy goodies from

Do you ever just sit on stuff for what seems like forever before you turn them into something?  Maybe it's just me.
Anyway,...I did finish up a couple of fun little bracelets and was able to snap a pic of a necklace I created a while back.
Faceted Czech Glass Bead Macrame Bracelet
Beads: Beads Galore, Tempe, AZ
Cord: Waxed linen cord in 'Vino' from
The Knotty Do It All.
"Rugged" - Turquoise, Pearls and Jasper Knotted Bracelet

C-Lon Beading Cord: Online at
Freshwater Cultured Pearls: Ayala's Originals - Evanston, Illinois
Turquoise:  Turquoise Jewelry MFG INC - G&LW Show - Tucson
Snakeskin Jasper: Might be Dakota Stones, but I spaced out writing it down
after purchasing it at the Tucson Gem/Bead Shows in Feb!  (Duh!)
They're all quite simple in design - showcasing the beads/stones.
Hand Knotted Mixed Pearl Necklace
Freshwater cultured pearls: Ayala's Originals and Majestic Pearl, Co.
C-Lon Micro Cord: online at
I'm heading up to my sister's cabin this weekend for a little 'girlfriends retreat'. I'm excited because it's going to be much cooler up in the mountains and I love hanging out with my sister and my girlfriends.
We've got some yummy meals planned as we take turns cooking something special each night for dinner. There's going to be a bit of jewelry 'teaching' going on (yeah!!), some art classes as my sister teaches us about abstract art (I think this is gonna be really fun!) and then she's even going to do a Zumba class or two on the front porch a couple mornings. How fun is that?!

Paradise in the White Mountains of Arizona
We'll be able to go hiking and enjoy the wonderful mountain air and we'll be watching great movies in our jammies, reading, lounging around, listening to awesome music, sippin' some cocktails and napping! 
Oh,...I am sooo ready for a wonderful weekend!
My creative juices seem to be all over the map lately, hence the 'stuck in my own tracks' syndrome, so I think it will be good to get away and soak up some 'nature'.
Happy Hour on the Deck of the Tree House - that's gonna be grand!
According to the Farmer's Almanac, Mercury isn't in Retrograde until June 26th, so I've got some time to get my act together before I'll need to to 'reflect' and 'go with the flow'.  :-)
Do you ever feel like you're turning in circles or you're stuck on what to do next?
What do you do to get past that little 'bump in the road'?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Limbo!

Anklet Blog Hop!!

*If you're looking for Week 22 of the
Focusing on Life: 52 Photos Weekly Photo Challenge,


Today's the day for the Anklet Blog Hop hosted by the sweet and super talented Kashmira Patel with
(Remember the earring swap the two of us did here?)

I used to make anklets all the time and for some silly reason, haven't made any in a couple of years. My sister wears a few of mine at a time on her ankle most of the year (except the winter months) and I usually have one or two on in the summer as well. 
Anklets are a different bread of adornment, if you ask me. They not only take the focus off our upper features but they put it square at our feet. That makes some people rather uncomfortable, while it's truly welcomed by others.
Anklets require a bit of careful thought when creating them too because they tend to sit right on your little ankle bone, thus designating the beads be just right so as not to poke their wearer or be to 'clunky/chunky' to walk around in.
The beads, chain and findings used in anklets must function properly with out smacking your other ankle in the side (ouch!) as you walk, run, jump and dance (!) all day and they must be very well constructed because let's face it - we're tough on our feet! 
I like anklets (both wearing them and creating them!) and think they're a fun way to express yourself.

I think Anklets are sexy!

I feel young and vibrant when wearing anklets.
Kind of like a free-spirited, beach babe!

(It's okay, you can laugh,....I did as I wrote that!)

Free-Spirited, Hippie-Chick, Beach Babe - complete with "Peace Out"
Anklet and Silver Triple Peace Sign Toe Ring (a gift from my hubby and son).
Sometimes, just like any other piece of jewelry, anklets can transform you into that super-chic, sexy, dressed-to-the-nines, classy, going to the opera kinda of gal,...with rhinestones and gold chain adorning your ankles while your feet are tucked so sexily into your black stilettos, who wouldn't feel special and elite?!

This is a more 'dressy' type of anklet.  I like creating "S" clasps for anklets
because they lie flat against your ankle and are easy to get on/off!
Sometimes anklets make you feel loved and are a source of comfort and security and have great sentimental value to you due to the memories they hold because of the means by which you acquired said anklet - say your true love gifted you one and lovingly placed it upon your ankle.
How perfectly romantic, right?!

Sleek, Go with Anything Anklet created with Swarovski Crystals
and Silver Bali Daisy Spacers
Or, they remind you of having fun in the sand, running on the beach in the summer, the salty, sea air kissing your skin as the water tickles your feet! (this would be the dream that runs through my head as I don my anklets!)

I had fun playing around with some photo editing of all these pics, too!
I thought it was a fun idea to do anklet blog hop when Kashmira mentioned it and other than her request for us to just create something we love, there weren't really any other guidelines. She was super organized though and gave us tons of prompts, links and Pinterest boards to drool over and to help us with our designs. (Thank you!!)

I had to to be my own model and get the pics all on my own, too.
So, sorry for the tile floor pics, but I took them looking into the mirror of the closet
in our master bath!   :-)
I had a lot of fun creating some new anklets for this blog hop.

I already have a bunch of leather and pearl anklets (imagine that!) and Bali-bead ones that I've created over the years, so I tried to create ones that were a bit different than the ones I already had. 

Can you tell which one is my favorite
that I've been wearing all week?!


"Peace Out, Baby!"

Thanks Kashmira for a hosting such a cool blog hop - it's been fun!

 Now, hop on over to every one else's blog and see what beautiful designs they've created to adorn their ankles!!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Adorn Those Ankles, Baby!!


Anklet Blog Hop Participants:

Kashmira Patel                                    Http://
Kaushambi Shah                                 Will Post On Kashmira’s blog
Jean Wells                                 
Mischelle Fanucchi                   
Shellie Grindie                          
Ginger Bishop                           
Monique U                                
Cynthia Machata                       
Kay Thomerson                         
Mimi Gardner                           
Anindita Basu                           
Rita (Toltec Jewels)                  
Gina Hocket                              
Tammie Everly                          
Dyanne Cantrell                        
Ema Kilroy                                
Emma Todd                              
K. Morgan                                 
Sharyl McMillian-Nelson          
Cheri Reed                                
Rochelle Brisson                       
Michelle Buettner                     
Sandra McGriff                        
Stephanie Weiss                        
Shelley Graham Turner             
Lynda Carson                           
Roxanne Mendoza                    


I truly hope you enjoyed seeing all the Anklet Candy today!!

Focus On Life: Week 22 - Foodie!

*If you're looking for the Reveal for the Anklet Blog Hop
Sally's prompt for week 22 of the
"Did you know that the photos most taken and uploaded to Instagram are food? I'm not kidding!  Everyone looks at food differently, but we must admit that we all have some type of connection to food. What seems little a simple plate of food can turn out to be so much more. Food can brings us together, affect are well being and bring us comfort when sad.
So this week I ask you to capture a photo of:
"What ya eatin'?"
Well, one of my favorites is a pretty simple little salad.
Sauteed spinach with sliced tomatoes and Gorgonzola cheese.
Don't tell anyone, cause it's kinda weird, but I have this for breakfast a lot.
What are you eatin'?
Hop on over to The Studio Sublime and catch a glimpse of all the yummy food that everyone else is munchin' on, won't you?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Yummy Tastes!!

Blog Hops!

Hey there gang! 
I just wanted to let you know to come back over here this Saturday, June 1st, for the Anklet Blog Hop being hosted by Kashmira Patel of Sadafulee,...Always in Bloom
With summer here (well not officially, but technically, right?!) adorning your ankles with the cutest of anklets is fashionable and oh so fun!! 
So, be sure to hop back over here and catch the wave of Summer Anklets to kick start your warm weather fashion!
And, Sally with The Studio Sublime
(and the weekly Focusing on Life: 52 Photos challenge)
is hosting a fun jewelry challenge as well. 
The reveal date is Wednesday, July 10th. 
Braided Bohemian Style Necklace - MiShel Designs
Sign ups are going on now so hop on over to
The Studio Sublime, sign yourself up, and get to designing some fun black and white jewelry!! 
"Rome" - Bracelet by Michelle Buettner of MiShel Designs - 2012
( I just LOVE black and white jewelry - can you tell?!)
Know of any other fun challenges and/or blog hops going on this summer?  Please Share them here in the comments (with links if you've got 'em!).
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Creative Summer Fun!
Remembering all those who are serving our country this Memorial Day and all who have served before them.
Thank you for the sacrifices you have made so that we may enjoy the Freedom we have!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Remembering!

Focus on Life - 52 Photos - Week 21 - Reminisce

For week 21, Sally's (The Studio Sublime) prompt was:
"Have you ever been in the middle of a busy day and all of a sudden you run across a certain baked good, candy, flower or an object catches your attention and you are sent right back to you childhood? This week,...capture what takes you back to moments past and reminisce a little."
Oh, there were so many things.
Smells, sounds, tastes.
How do you capture those on film (camera)?
They're so sweet. They capture and hold.  You hear things,...smell,...feel. You're transformed back into another world. A world you once lived. One you experienced whole-heartedly. With raw emotion. You didn't know to protect, just were. There. Then. PURE.
And now, it's today.
Of all the things that I reminisce about,...experience,...go back to,...enjoy; there is always one that stops me in my tracks; captures and holds me like no other. It's a specific smell. And it it embodies so much,....
I was only 3 when we went to California.
It was the summer before my Mother passed away.
My sister tells me stories of Disneyland, the San Diego Zoo and driving up the coast. I really have only scarce memories of it, but strangely, I have very strong feelings of actually being in California. 
Several years back, the hubby and I took our son to  California and when we walked into Disneyland, I felt like I was home. 
I know,'s a place of happiness, family, etc. but this was different. This was one of the last places I had been with my Mom,...significant places, anyway (even though I didn't really remember it) and there, all of a sudden, catching me totally off guard, among all the hustle and bustle, the crowds, the sounds, everything,...I felt at home and at peace. I felt like I was supposed to be there. Not just supposed to be there at that moment,...but that that was where I was meant to be. That was home.  I felt complete and happy.  Like everything was right with the world. I did not want to leave. Ever! That was rather confusing and hard to wrap my brain around. Especially as an adult.  I mean, it's kids who don't want to leave Disneyland,...not adults, right?!! So, as we departed,...I felt like my heart was ripped from my chest!
The same thing happened the first time (and each time since)that we've been to the Queen Mary Hotel in Long Beach.
That's how I feel ever single time I leave California.
ANY place in California. 
It's like I'm not supposed to be leaving. And, when I do,...I feel like I'm leaving something or someone behind.
I absolutely hate leaving California and driving away - yet sometimes, I'm so ready to be home - just to escape that feeling.
It's a love / hate thing!  I love going,...hate leaving,...hate going back (because I am aware of emotions that may find their way in) But I absolutely love being there,'s who I am,...strangely enough.  I'm 'home' when I'm there. Yet, I've never lived there.  Explain that.  It's so freakin' weird I tell you - so really weird how I feel when I'm there. I cannot explain it and if I tried to even attempt to tell others what I feel when I'm there,....well,..I'd totally be dragged off to the loony bin! 
Okay - so I guess I just sorta told you all,...please don't drag my ass off to the loony bin just yet!!
Anyway, back to Sally's prompted.
It was to Reminisce. 
Well, since I couldn't travel to California this week, and after thinking of all sorts of other things, I realized that there's one thing that stops me dead in my tracks! 
It's a smell. The smell of Coppertone Sunscreen.
 It's the one smell that if allowed, I would sniff all day!
(Oh man, I'm sure that's not good info to give out!)
 But, it takes me back,...each and every time, takes me back to a place I love. To my childhood. To being in Disneyland with my Mom, my Dad and my Sister.
Funny, but I have no idea what so ever, if we ever even used it while we were there!
I so wish I had a picture of the four of us in Disneyland.
When I smell Coppertone, I see us all there.
To me it's Summer in California!
The Beach. The Water. The Waves.
Mickey and Minnie!
And that smell, for whatever reason, reminds me of my Malibu Barbie. 

And she reminds me of the beauty of California.
Of the sites, sounds and smells of California.
Of being a little girl.
Of walking on the beach.
Of being free, the ocean, the breeze,....
Of being in a moment that lives forever in your heart. 
Of Childhood.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Reminiscing.

Focus on Life: Week 20 - Looking Up!

For Week 20 of the
hosted by Sally over at the Studio Sublime,
our prompt was:
Look Up!
Sally told us:  "This week, let's change our perspective and look up!  There is a whole world above us that we sometimes miss seeing because we simply forget to look up!"
I took this prompt literally this week and saw tons of cobwebs that needed dusting away in the corners of each room of my house.
Thanks Sally! ;-)
But, instead of showing you how I'm decorating early for Halloween (hey, that's my story!), I decided to go outside and LOOK UP!
I saw nothing but blue skies,...beautiful blue skies!  So I went and stood under the neighbor's palm tree! 
I love standing under trees and looking up into them (hence some other pics you've seen on this blog!).  
Palm trees are a favorite of mine and I love how they look here, in the sun, and also how they look at night, with the moon rising over them (sorry to not have a great pic of that scene!).
Simply Beautiful!!  
Thanks for making me "Look Up" this week Sally, it was a pleasant change of pace from seeing the dust bunnies on the floor,...chasing me!  At least the cobwebs don't move and the Palm Trees don't need dusting!!
Head on over to the Studio Sublime and see what everyone else saw when they stopped for a moment to "Look Up", won't you?! 
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Looking Up!!