Bridging the Gap,...

If you've followed my blog for any length of time,
 you've probably noticed that I'm a pearl lover.
(Understatement of the century for those of you who know me well, wouldn't you say??!)
 Along with pearls, I love to drool over jewelry photos.
Or the real thing when life permits.
 I love ALL kinds of jewelry.
Be it handcrafted, artisan jewelry created by all my very talented 'beady' friends or trendy costume jewelry or super, high-end luxury jewelry. 

I'm pretty much a stalker of all things jewelry related.
And styles, too.
I'm not what you would call 'picky' when it comes to what jewelry styles I like to ogle. What I actually wear, possibly, but not when it comes to getting my 'eye-candy' on.

Nope, I'm pretty easy.  
Sure, I have my favorites, but I'll take what I can get,
when and wherever I can get it.
In my extensive 'research' throughout the years
(yes, I call it research because this way I can justify all the 'jewelry-porn' that's on my computer!) I’ve seen tons of beautiful pieces of jewelry and I now have an extensive list of jewelry artists who I admire and look to for inspiration.
Although I love many different styles of jewelry, as I mentioned above, I do seem to be drawn to designers who can create a piece of jewelry and make it look ancient, worn, rugged or ‘rough’ (for lack of a better word), yet refined and elegant all at the same time.
I love seeing fresh, new pieces of jewelry that look as though they were crafted a century ago with just a couple of very simple tools, someone’s bare hands and a powerful imagination!  

Emanuela Duca Pearl Ring


Some of my favorite examples of these styles
are from designers such as  
Todd ReedSarah Graham and Emanuela Duca.

Sarah Graham Metalsmithing
I first witnessed Todd Reed’s dreamy rough diamond pieces in the pages of Modern Jeweler – possibly around 2007 or so, I can’t exactly recall (he has some cool rings on pages 73/74 of the May 2008 issue that I still drool over!).
Todd Reed Jewelry

Sadly this magazine, after 108 years of publishing, closed their doors in August of 2009.  (I think I may have had a glass of wine and a binge of chocolate eating in order to cope when I learned of this tragic news!)
Thankfully, JCK (Jewelers' Circular Keystone) is still on the scene and so the ‘eye-candy’ that I love to drool over and the designers I love to read about is still within reach.
In a pic I posted on Instagram the other day I mentioned my excitement at receiving the latest issue of JCK in the mail and was a bit surprised when a fellow jewelry friend of mine said she wasn’t quite sure she had ever heard of JCK magazine.
My Mail "Loot" The Other Day! ;-)
When I saw her comment, I wanted to do this post and share with all of you one of my favorite magazines and a true staple in my jewelry life.
And, even though you think it might be geared just towards the luxury jewelry industry and high-end jewelry stores and their owners, I’m here to tell you that no, it’s not.

Well, actually that is their target market, but just stay with me here and you’ll see where I’m going with this one.
Although I love all my jewelry crafting magazines, both online ones and ones in print, I’m excited and grateful that there's a high-end gem and jewelry trade publication like JCK; it fuels a different side of the 'jewelry geek' in me.
JCK has tons of marketing articles, trending news, legislature happenings, hot jewelry topics and trends, fabulous new designer info, insider tips of the trade, awesome photos to drool over and so much more.

It's all the information I search the Internet for,
all in one place!

Notice all the Gorgeous PEARLS on the Cover!!
Now, if you are only interesting in learning how to make jewelry and/or read jewelry crafting tutorials, 
then this won't likely be your cup of tea.

But, if you’re open to various styles of jewelry, things trending in the jewelry industry world-wide and of course, reading about up and coming designers (inspiration galore!), then you have to check it out.

So, follow their blog, sign up for their newsletters and devour ever issue.
They really are the Industry Authority – just like it says on their cover!
Okay folks, What are your ‘staples’?

Please leave a comment below and let me know what magazines, websites or other jewelry authorities you think are some of the best in the business and why. 

Time to ‘bridge the gap’ between handcrafted and luxury.
I mean after all, we do love the same thing!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Jewelry!

Focus on Life 2014 - Week One: The Minimalist Photograph

I was so happy when Sally, from The Studio Sublime, continued in 2014 with her wonderful photography challenge, Focus on Life.

I have to say I was quite pleased that I managed to photograph and post for every single one of the 52 weekly photo prompts in 2013.  This was a challenge that truly made me stop and think about my surroundings and the things going on in my life each week and I thoroughly enjoyed the entire journey last year, along with all the wonderful and caring people I 'met' along the way.
So, when I saw the information for the 2014 Focus on Life Photography Challenge, I signed up immediately!

Sally's changing things up a bit and will be focusing on a specific subject each month, with weekly prompts pertinent to that subject, for us to post each week or just keep to ourselves if we choose to go that route instead.  She's also giving us tips, techniques and photo recipes through out the year so we can better our picture taking skills as well.  
Pretty cool stuff, eh?

Sally mentioned this week that:
Every year we approach the new year with high expectations of changing your lives.  We jump in with both feet and the water quickly splashes over our heads,  we begin to feel overwhelmed.  Before we know it the water subsides carrying our expectations in its ripples and waves.  We reach, we grasp, but everything becomes out of reach.  We sink.  Our progress stops in its tracks and with head hanging low we feel like we have completely failed. 
Let's change the view.  This year let's focus on entering 2014 by first tiptoeing into the lapping water, testing the strength of the waves.  Let's give ourselves a better chance to succeed, to feel good about ourselves, let's allow ourselves to reach our fullest potential.  Let's use the minimalist's approach, strip down to bare bones and chose one or two goals to pour our energy into for 2014!  Let's scale back the world around us and focus our viewfinder on one subject and snap the shutter.
Week One: The Minimalist Photograph - capture an image using a single subject
I was out for a walk and discovered this single leaf laying in my path that captured my attention and thought it would be perfect for this week's prompt. But once I got back home, I noticed that the shadow behind it and the concrete it was laying on completely distracted from it's minimalistic simplicity.
So instead, I captured one of my 'loves'.
Click to enlarge photo :-)
Isn't she a beauty?
Feel free to check out all the links below and see what Single Subjects the other players captured in their Minimalist Photograph this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and The Single Pearl!

This "Observe" Thing is Hard!

Well, for someone who's supposed to be 'observing' things this year, I'm having a hell of a time keeping my mouth shut! 
I guess I don't have to be totally silent but seriously, each time I turn on the news, or read a blog post, or talk with a friend on the phone, all I want to do is chime in. 
I am finding it rather hard to observe with out saying how I feel. I guess that's not bad, it is what it is, but I was hoping to observe more while talking less.
In my own defense, I am being more observant, but my mind keeps racing with tons of things I want to spurt out - even more so than normal.
This year's word is going to challenge me, I can tell already!
I'm really glad that Sally, over at The Studio Sublime is continuing on with her Focus On Life photography challenge in 2014.  This photography challenge has helped me focus on life (hence the title. Sally's so clever!) a bit more and I think that's how the word 'observe' found me this year.
On Sunday I received my prompt for this week's photo challenge from Sally and as I was out for a walk, looking around and actually 'observing' my surroundings,
I found this little leaf.
I know it's January, but here in the Valley of the Sun, Fall is taking place. Literally. The leaves are finally changing to some beautiful golden colors and orange tones and they're falling off the trees to the point where it looks like a leaf-storm in some areas.  
Click on Photo To Enlarge these Beautiful Trees.
Photo taken January 1, 2014 - Glendale, Arizona
It's beautiful.
Anyway, as I was walking and observing my surroundings and taking things in, I was overwhelmed with gratitude and felt so blessed to live where we do.
I have sympathy for those of you going through all the snow and ice storms right now and hope you're staying warm and 'hunkering down' and enjoying things the best you can.
I hope you'll come back tomorrow - Saturday - and see what Sally's first prompt is for the Focus on Life 2014 photography series!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Observing My Surroundings!

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014!!

I hope everyone had a safe, happy and fun New Year's Eve last night! 
Are you watching all the New Year's festivities on T.V. today? 

What are your New Year's Day traditions?
For the last few years, we've spent New Year's with my sister and her family up in the mountains. This year everyone stayed home and we're watching the New Year's Day Parade and just chillin'.

We're also enjoying the sunshine and the fact that we live in a climate where we're not buried under 3 feet of snow and ice. (Sorry to those of you who are suffering through all the cold and icky stuff - you have my sympathy!)

Arizona Sunset Photo by Paul Hindman
As I mentioned in yesterday's post, 2014 is looking to be a year of change and I've chosen a 'word' for the year and I wanted to share it with you.
Actually, this year's word chose me.
This past week, as I was giving thought to how 2014 might shape up and what I wanted, this word popped into my head almost immediately.
(much easier and quicker than last year's word!!)
My dad used to say all the time to me,...
"Shelly, keep your eyes and ears open and your mouth shut!" 
Yeah - that's always been a really hard one for me. 
I'm a bit 'wordy', if you haven't noticed!

So, when this word hit me,
I knew it was for a reason.

And for once, I was ready to listen.

My word for 2014 is: 
1: to inspect or take note of; to take notice 
2:  to watch carefully, especially with attention to details or behavior for the purpose of arriving at a judgment
3: to make a scientific observation on or of 
(how fitting w/our environmental business!!)
4:  to come to realize or know especially through consideration of noted facts
5: to make observations; to watch
I would like to observe things more closely this year.

To take things in, to learn, to see, to observe and absorb with my heart and my head, the world around me. 

To observe things allows me to grow and learn.

When I observe things, it makes it easier to write about them with an open mind.

Observing my students and listening to their needs makes it easier to teach my jewelry classes and write tutorials.
(Which I still plan to do in 2014)

And, I'm certain that the more I observe things happening in our environmental business and IAQ industry, I will learn and grow in this area as well.

So, what's on your plate for 2014? 
Do you choose a 'word' for the year?
Please share your word and reasoning behind it if you do, I'd love to listen!
I'm wishing you all a very Happy New Year! 
May you and your loved ones be blessed with good health and much happiness in 2014!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Observing the New Year!

*Arizona Sunset photo by Paul Hindman
All other photos by me. :-)

Endings, Changes and New Horizons

It's the last day of the year and as 2013 comes to a close, I'm reminded of my "Word" for the year that Sally, over at The Studio Sublime, prompted us to choose (and photograph) for the Focus on Life: 52 Photos weekly photo challenge back in January.

The word I chose for 2013 was "READY". 
You can read the Original Post Here

I truly felt I 'ready' for so many things on various levels, but could have never guessed what would transpire this year.

Magazines that I was fortunate enough to be featured in this year!

It was not a bad year; to the contrary, it was quite good overall, and for this I am grateful and feel very blessed.

However, when I chose the word 'ready', I was thinking more along the lines of my jewelry making, of my creative side and of nurturing and taking better care of my family and things of this nature. 

As I was 'ready' for all those things and prepared for them in my life, something else came along and smacked me upside of the head.

You gotta be really careful what word(s) you choose for yourself, that's for sure. I'm a bit apprehensive to say I've learned my lesson, but I think this might be the case. 
(I am a bit hard-headed though, so we'll wait and see!)

There's a shift brewing.

We're taking the company that I co-own and run with my husband, RespirCare Analytical, in some new directions and there's potential growth to prepare for.  

In order to be "ready" for this shift and take on added business roles I have attended classes in preparation for some environmental certifications and am helping to formulate the plans of growth for our future endeavors.  I will have a more active role in our company vs. working on my jewelry business while just answering the business phones, fielding questions and doing front office work.

With that being said, I am 'ready' to move forward.
Which brings me to the title of this post.

Endings, Changes and New Horizons.

All things come to an end. Or they change and become something different. And with endings and change comes new horizons; new things to focus upon and look towards. 

Whether these endings or changes have a positive or negative impact on our lives is up to each of us.

I'm choosing positive.

Although I will not be stepping entirely out of my jewelry business, I will be scaling back on designs and online sales. 

Not to say that I'll stop creating jewelry - oh no!
If I couldn't be creating something, I'd freak out!
(Or become extremely grumpy - just ask my hubby!!)

I would like to shift my focus instead towards a few things more in line with my heart's desire/passion such as teaching classes and helping people, writing tutorials, jewelry articles and things of this nature. 
It will not be the same. It will be different. And ending of some sorts. A change for certain. A positive I am confident!

And yes, you can be assured that I will not write about moldy houses or EPA guidelines or things of this nature here on the blog!  (Unless of course, I can tie it into jewelry somehow!)

I will still be sharing jewelry info in some form or fashion with you along with all the other 'norms' I've shared through the years. You know, like info on Pearls (yeah!!), blog challenges and hops, photographs that I snap and different kinds of fun things.

Tomorrow is January 1st, 2014
and a new year will be upon us. 

I'm excited moving forward and so tomorrow I will share with you my "Word" for the year! 

Do you choose a word for the year? A mantra of sort? Something you consciously focus upon?

I didn't, as I mentioned above, until 2013.

This year (2014), my word found me.
So come back tomorrow and see what it is! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Happy New Year's Eve Everyone!!
Be Safe and Enjoy The Last Day of 2013!


Focus on Life: Week 52 ~ Goodbye

Well, it's week 52 of the Focusing on Life: 52 Photos weekly photography challenge for 2013
Sally's last prompt for us this year was:
"Well, we are here at the end of our year long journey. It is time to say goodbye.  This week for one last time in 2013, I ask you to focus on how you would like to say farewell and then capture it in a photo(s)"
I'm certain that so many things went through your heads (and your hearts) for this prompt, as they did mine.
I thought of the Farewell song from the Sound of Music.  And, annoyingly, The Beatles song "Hello, Goodbye" has been a constant (I am not really a big Beatles fan!) in my head all week long.
I thought of Shakespeare's, "Parting is such sweet sorrow,...." and Chaucer's "All good things must come to an end" and of course, the various fashions of the famous one liner in so many movies, "I bid you adieu".  
 I thought of how to capture a wave goodbye, some one walking alone down a road, boarding an airplane or leaving in a car,...all sorts of photographic ways of saying 'farewell'.
My thoughts were of saying 'Goodbye' and how I would wish you all well and much success and happiness in the coming year.

I was saddened to see this journey come to an end.

But happy that it happened and better off for it, too!

Then last week when Sally sent out the invitations for the 2014 Focus on Life: 52 Photo challenge, I was not so blue or sad about this last post of the year. 
I thought of the seasons that have come and gone only to come and go again and of how it can be bitter sweet to see things come to and end. 

Yet with the passing of the seasons, the days and the months, there's the endless cycle of hope.
Of renewal, of birth, of life. Of hello.

I'm excited to continue this journey and look forward to seeing what those of you who continue will be 'snappin' in 2014.  And, even if you don't pop in to share each week with photos, I will be sure to see you 'around' here online.
At least that is my hope.
So, I will end with this:
"May you fare well in these last few days of 2013 my friends.
I look forward to seeing you in the New Year!"
And in the famous words of Dr. Seuss,...
"Don't cry because it's over.
Smile because it happened!"
~Dr. Seuss~
Until Next Time, (I don't say goodbye well at all!)
Peace and Love!

*To sign up/register for the FOL: 52 Photos 2014*
Click HERE!

Holiday Greetings!

Wishing you and yours a very
Merry Christmas!
Until Next Time,
Peace and Love!
~Shelly, Mike and Logan~