It's August! (Already!?!)
Our topic for the month of August for the
Weekly Photography Challenge is "Outside".
This is week 31 and our prompt is
"Outside The Box".
Sally didn't technically give us any rules for this one and it could be a play on words or it could be literally "Outside the box", so today I'm going to share a photo I took back on Mother's Day while down at my sis's house.
We usually take a photo of all the cousins when we get together, but this Mother's Day only Logan and Chad were actually there and so we tried to skype with all the other kiddos who live out of state or who couldn't make it that day.
My nephew had moved to Florida earlier this year and as the boys were standing around the t.v. chatting with Preston, I said, "Boys, squat down in front of the t.v. so I can get a photo of all three of you together."
"Seriously?", was what I think both of them said at the same time.
"Yes, Seriously. How else am I gonna get a photo of all three of you today?"
And if you look really closely, you can see my bro-in-law's face in the little square to the bottom left of the t.v. as he was on the computer skyping with them! LOL!! |
So, Preston's actually 'in' the box,...not out of it.
I'm pretty sure no one else with find this as odd funny as we all did, but I think it's pretty much an 'out of the box' way to take a photo.
What do you think?!
Catch all the "Out of the Box" pics everyone else has captured and posted today, won't you?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Snappin' "Out of the Box" !!