The Cat's Outta The Bag!!

Okay - here's the scoop. I love pearls. I mean I REALLY love them! (As if you didn't know!) I love to touch them, see their fantastic lustrous finish, feel how cool and smooth they feel in my hands,...yep,...I'm obsessed, let me tell you!  I love them so much that I attended the Gemological Institute of America and got a Pearls Diploma in them saying "Shelly Knows - And Really Loves - Pearls!"

I like to hand knot them in non-traditional ways, put them in designs with silver, gold, leather - you name it. I like to wear them with everything from my jeans to my dress-up jeans (I don't really get 'dressed-up"!), and I think they're the most amazing gemstone ever!

My quote (aside from my very over used motto of  'Peace, Love and Pearls, Baby!') is "I don't think there's a pearl I've met that I haven't fallen in love with." That's true!  Each one is unique and special, stand alone beautiful, one-of-a-kind, like no other; dreamy!  It's okay to drool. I drool all the time just taking photos of these gorgeous little creatures!

Metaphysically, pearls represent purity, faith, charity, innocence, focus, spirituality and wisdom. Pearls are the preferred gemstone of Queens, (and princesses, too!), at weddings and as handed down heirloom jewelry. Pearls are believed to bring about wisdom, protect the wearer from harm while at sea, encourage open, heart to heart communications and connections and to allow you to see the 'good' parts of yourself,...enabling you to love yourself more!  Pearls are, quite simply, astonishing!
I guess this should really have been my blog post for June, since the Pearl is June's birthstone, but I just couldn't wait. I was reading this great article over on Etsy by Johnny B. Truant about how you have to tell stories with whatever it is you're selling and was inspired to write up this little bit to tell you how much pearls are loved - at least by me, anyway! To tell you that pearls are my story. Well, part of my story at least.
So, what's my purpose, focus, point of this whole ramble? One thing the article pointed out was that our entire lives are stories. Each individual moment is a tid-bit, a morsel, a speck and a pinch of our whole, complete and amazing story. Maybe each and every single second isn't worth being documented, written or blogged about, video taped or recorded, but some moments are. And, when we find things we're passionate about, these stories should come easily for us. (doesn't always happen that way,..but hey,...we can dream, right?!)
I'm writing this to encourage you all to challenge yourself a bit and write a part of your story. Now, the other article I read today on Etsy was about a 'challenge' (an assignment really) of how you had to tell your story in 6 words. They had to make sense, they had to make up a complete sentence and they had to be true to you and tell your story.  (You can tell that I have failed miserably at this second one - to say the absolute least!)  Okay - so now, here's your challenge from me,....go ahead and post 6 words (or a whole paragraph!) and tell me a bit about you - your story! I want you to think about your life and if you had to choose bits and pieces to write about,...what would your story be?  I bet it comes a lot easier than you think!  Give it a try!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Stories (about pearls!!)  LOL!!
  P.S. The pics in the blog post are: Pearls purchased at the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show last year; Some of my designs using gorgeous pearls; The Tree House my hubby and son built at my sis and bro-in-laws cabin;  The historical library in my hometown where I'd go to read books as a little kiddo along with the Route 66 sign in the forefront (Route 66 was the 'main drag' in town!); and a pic of me,....before I was the "pearl girl" that I am today! 

So see, I bet you have a story,.......why not share a tiny slice of it?

Week 2 - Year of Jewelry Project 2011 - Eclipse

This is week 2 of  Year Of Jewelry Project 2011 and the theme was "Eclipse" (although you don't have to follow the theme - it's just to give you ideas if you want them!).

My jewelry project was a pin that I created with sterling silver wire and a Black Agate Drusy Quartz Faceted Oval Bead.  You can't see the facets very well, but boy are they there and do they ever make the bead look really cool!  I plan to wear this with my grey cashmere wrap  - providing it doesn't get too warm, too quickly here in AZ! (cross your fingers!!)

I'm sure after taking a look at the bead you can probably figure out why I chose to create with this particular one for week 2's theme of "Eclipse".  I fell in love with this jaw dropping bead last year and, of course, had to buy the whole strand (just because of this one bead!!) at The Whole Bead Show at the Windmill Inn (sorry, the exact vendor escapes me and isn't in my records correctly it seems - oops!) during the Tucson Bead, Gems and Mineral Shows last year.

Simple was definitely better with this specific stone since it basically screams "WOW", (and 'Eclipse') and deserves all the attention in any design it would have been put in to.

Please jump on over to the Year of Jewelry Project 2011 Website and check out the other participant's entries this week - they're all really gorgeous and very creative!  I'm completely humbled by the abundance of talent that is abound in this fabulous group of designers. I mean really,...besides some basic stringing, hand knotting of pearls, a little fine metal fusing and some basic to intermediate wire wrapping skills, I'm completely left in the dust with these folks and so hopefully this will light a spark under my bum and get me interested in trying some new things this year! (Although, I might not post those tries, mind you! LOL!!)

I hope that you've all had a great week and that your weekend is superb!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Here's to a "Momentary Eclipse of the Mind"!

New Year - New Beginnings

I decided it was time to get off my bum and do something that required stepping out of my comfort zone this New Year.

It also requires commitment, something I'm a tad bit scared of. You know, cause there's always those dreaded "What if's". "What if I can't find the time,...What if my designs aren't as nice as the other's,....What if I can't stay on track,...What if,....What if,....What if,......" 

I'm really not a fan of "What if's",.....and my commitment is to take them out of my brain!!

So, I stepped up to a challenge that I heard about through Rena Klingenberg's Newsletter/Blog/Website's - Home Jewelry Business Success Tips, it's called The Year of Jewelry Project - 2011, and it's where designers create a piece of jewelry a week through out the entire year and post their finished project each week to the website - and the cool thing is they even have themes you can follow each week if you'd like to (or need inspiration and suggestions, such as I do!!).

I've committed (OMG - there's that scary word!) to myself to do this for a few different reasons. I felt the need to evaluate my creative motives, to expand my horizons a bit this year and also, like I said in the beginning of this post, to step ouf of my 'comfort zone'. But I mostly wanted to do this because I felt disconnected from my creative side due to all the "social networking" do-da (as I call it!).  

Don't get me wrong, I think the whole social media wave is great.  I mean, I connect with friends and clients through social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter, etc. and these venues provide an avenue that allows me to interact with people and reach far beyond what I could have several years ago. But I was feeling disconnected from myslef, my family and my own creativity.  That inner spark for creating things had strayed and was missing,...or at least hiding somewhere. She just up and left the room for a bit,....and I missed her. 

And even as I created things, designing different pieces of jewelry, I could only feel a small portion of my creative muse's light shining through to me and I felt this vacant spot.  The enthusiasm was running on empty too, and that wasn't good.  I decided to make a few minor changes and since the beginning of the year is when everyone talks about and does these types of things, well,....why not, right?

So, I signed up for the challenge and checked out the first week's challenge theme and it was "New Beginnings".  Wow - how appropriate!  But, my next reaction was "What on earth am I going to create?"
I thought for a moment and decided that New Beginnings for me meant going back to one of the first things I learned to do, which was basic stringing.  So, I designed a necklace using some gorgeouse Czech glass beads that look exactly like (Honest to goodness - no kidding!) red velvet cake, some wonderful lampwork glass beads by Mary over at Firebabies on Etsy and these cool, rough, faceted, chunky nuggets of green garnet (garnets are January's birthstone, so that worked out rather well, too!) and of course I added some silver and wire wrapped a couple of beads and a clasp on to the designs - seems I can't get away from bending metal! (I just feels great, let me tell ya!)

Here's a quick pic of the piece I designed, but you should really go check out all the participants and their entries for Week 1 of The Year of Jewelry Project 2011.  I mean, there's inspiration galore there and the work these folks are creating is absolutely amazing!  (as I drool on the keyboard while typing!)

So, what's in store for you this year?  Are you making any changes - small or large - any commitments (Oh! There it is again - hopefully it will get less scary as I keep holding my own feet to the fire!) or goals that you've set for yourself for 2011?  Please share them with me as I'm always interested to see and hear what wonderful things others are doing and going through!

Here's to my muse finding her way back into my heart and soul and to everyone creating beautiful things in their lives!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Commitments! (Oh, geeze!)

Miss Layla in Pearls!

Okay - I just couldn't resist. My cute little great niece, Layla, (who's Mommy is one of our MiShel Designs Models!) has joined the "Pearl Girl" ranks and is sporting her own set of Pearls! 

Layla is wearing Freshwater Cultured Pearls with Swarovski Crystals hand knotted on 100% silk,.....she's our newest Model (so to speak!) and we think she looks absolutely divine!   I mean, what girl wouldn't look perfect in pearls at only 4 months old!?   

I think I may have to spoil her a bit when it comes to the 'jewelry' side of things as she grows up,...what do you think?  

I'm wishing you all a very wonderful, happy, fun, healthy and prosperous 2011! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and literally,...."Pearls Baby" !!!

End of Year Sale at MiShel Designs!

As we say good-bye to 2010 and ring in 2011, I wanted to say "Thank You" for making 2010 a great year and what better way to do so than by having an "End of the Year Sale" over at MiShel Designs!

Just in case you didn't get everything you wanted for the Holidays (accessories wise!) - here's your chance!

For all my Blog followers and Facebook friends and fans, enter coupon code NYE2010GET20 upon check out in my Etsy Store and get 20% off your order from now through January 2nd 2011!
There's lots of fun designs that will go great with your January wardrobe - producing a warm glow for those cold winter days!
I'm wishing you and yours a very Safe, Happy, Healthy and Mega Prosperous New Year!
Until 2011,.....
Peace, Love and Happy New Year To You and Yours!

"Re-Brewed" Delights!!

Check these awesome earrings out folks!  Rebrewed Creations over on Etsy has some really fun and funky earrings and they're using our custom earring wires from our Shel's Jewelry Supplies (also on Etsy), with their great designs!  (Thanks so much!!)

What better gift for "Beer Loving Enthusiasts" and "Funky Jewelry Lovers" can there be?  These unique and well thought out earring designs are not only great conversation pieces, they look great for everyday wear, too. And, they're lightweight, they go with just about any outfit and what a clever way to 'recycle' your beer caps!  Now that's wise!!

My favorites are Pale-Ale Beer-Rings because I think their design, whether using beer caps or not, is completely unique and modern.

My other fav's are the Porter Beer-Rings because their shape reminds me of sea shells on the beach,...some place I'm likley to be sipping a cold brew! 

These would make great Christmas and Holiday gifts, stocking stuffers and even New Year's treats for your friends and family members who enjoy things a bit out of the norm.  Oh, and another HUGE PLUS - they're having a "Happy Hour Special" - which includes Free Shipping in December, so go check out the details and pick up a bunch of 'Beer-Rings' today!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun and Funky Earrings!

Colors of Fall Designs for

Just when you thought all things Fall/Autum were gone - being that Santa figures, Christmas Trees, Winter Scenes, Shopping Malls and Snow Storms are all the rage right now - I'm finally posting my blog post for their Colors of Fall assignment. 

I've had this piece for a little while now (just not the pictures), so I'm happy to be able to get this posted but it made me a bit sad, too. 

See, Fall is my favorite time of year,...the colors, the activities, the somewhat cooler temps (although not this year here in the desert - it was still in the high 90's until Halloween!!) and I hate to say good-bye to Fall, even though the Winter Holiday Season and the New Year Celebrations are always fun and filled with excitement!

I really love designing jewelry for fall with all the typical fall colors; seeing how I can maybe combine them differently this year than in the years past and possibly throwing in some new and unexpected colors as well. 

I love  Trends section of their website. And, their section in their Learning Center section under Seasonal Jewelry has tons of great free designs for you to try and the inspiration you can get from this resource is invaluable!  (Plus, it's loaded with all the lastest and greatest colors of the season, too!)

For my designs I started with's silk ribbon in Multi Browns.  I love this ribbon!  I'm sure you can tell because the photo at the top of my blog of my  'Midnight' necklace was created using this ribbon in the Blue/Grey Color Combo!

I wanted to mix things up a bit, which is hard for me sometimes as I tend to stick to the same materials, so I added some copper chain and an antiqued copper Leaves and Flowers Toggle.  Both were easy to work with and since the toggle was 'antiqued' it brought the shininess of the chain and the matte colors of the ribbon together quite nicely.

You all know I love pearls and I love all things 'sparkly' too, so I chose to use some Swarovski Crystals and Crystal Pearls in my design in some fall-like colors.  I chose to use the Deep Brown Swarovski Crystal Pearls and the Brown Pearls since they matched the browns in the ribbon so well. I wanted some pops of color, so I chose Swarovski crystals in "Cosmic Olivine" and "Amethyst" and then threw in some really soft "Golden Shadow" for that added sparkle!  

With "Tassles" being so poular this season I decided to do a mini-tassle on my necklace and dangle it from the chain, adding little dangles of the pearls and crystals along the sides and using the ribbon so it would lay in the back; soft and natural on your neck!  (great for those sweaters we wear in the fall - nothing to catch or snag them!)  I used the toggle to connect the ribbon with the chain on the side so it would be easy to get on and off. 

I like how it turned out - although the pictures don't do the actual design justice!  But it does emind me of the rich colors of fall, the greens that are turning to brown, the purple hues of the sunsets as the nights get colder and the browns of the woods as the nights get longer.

Oh,...Fall,....sorry to see you go!

Until next time,

Peace, Love and all things "Falling,.....Falled,....Fell.  (On to Winter!!)

*I have received these products free of charge from and I am honestly reviewing/creating with these products and have not been paid or compensated for my endorsement as it pertains to the products received.

And We Have A Winner!

Woo Hoo!  In our drawing this morning for the book give-a-way, Regina was selected.  She's been a loyal blog follower and I'm so excited that she has won!

(Psst,...Regina,...I will send you a private message and see where you want this mailed! )

Anyway - we had a few folks send us comments here and a few more on FB, but several of you either emailed me or Etsy Convo'd me as well, so there was a nice showing of hands for who wanted to win Irina Miech's book, "Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders" - thanks so much to all who participated.

I'm getting ready this week to blog about a few of the folks who are using my earring wires in their designs.  Their creations are super cool and would make perfect holiday gifts and stocking stuffers,....and of course they'd make wonderful gifts to give yourslef, as well!!  (And this way you know you'll like the gift you get!)

So, Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Congrats to Regina - here's to making beautiful wire jewelry!


Beautiful Book Give-A-Way

Happy Cyber Monday to you all!!

In honor of Cyber Monday, I'm giving away copy of Beautiful Wire Jewelry for Beaders (book 1) by Irina Miech today!

This book is full of fantastic wire jewelry designs that incorporate beads!  Full of beautifully photographed, step-by-step instructions, Irina shows you how to create lots of wonderul wire jewelry designs and how to include a variety of stunning beads, crystals, donuts, focal pendants, cabachons and more!  And, although designed as an introduction to wirework, Irena's designs, tips and techniques are not just for the beginner, but for the advanced wire and bead artist as well.

Her new book, Beautiful Wire Jewerly for Beaders 2 is also available and worth your purchase, but I thought I'd my treat my blog readers and Facebook Fans to a copy of this one for free!

All you have to do to enter for your chance to win, is become a follower here on my blog and also "Like" my MiShel Designs Facebook Fan Page by going to and then enter a post on FB letting me know exactly why YOU should be the recipient of this fabulous book!  I'll choose a winner tomorrow morning, Tuesday, the 30th, and announce it on my MiShelDesigns Facebook Fan Page, of here too, of course!

So, go enter now and good luck to you all!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Free Stuff on Cyber Monday!!

Pretty Things!

I've got another wonderful client to feature today - Patricia Barden from Etsy

I'm grateful that Pat has used some of my earring wires in her fabulous designs and wanted to share them with you.

These stones pop with natural colors and would make great gifts for the upcoming winter holidays!

Think of chilly winter weather and then put these on and they instantly warm up your day!!  With their great organic look, they can be paired easily with either jeans and sweater or a nice dress, tights and your new favorite boots!!

There's also some really cool necklaces over at Patricia's shop, too - very unique, with cool stones and colors mixed together - go check 'em out!  Perfect for some attention getting!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Great Designs!