Showing posts with label Photography Challenge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography Challenge. Show all posts

Focusing on Life: Week 39 - Your Best Shot!

Okay - so has anyone else been singing Pat Benatar's
"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
this entire week or is it just me? 
I will not put you though the You Tube version of this 1980's classic just in case you're in the free and clear!
(You're Welcome!)
Sally's prompt this week for the
Week 39:  Your BEST Shot
"This week get snap happy!  Give us YOUR best shot!"

I snapped lots of photos of jewelry this week in hopes of getting them edited in time for Stringing Magazine's Spring 2014 issue deadline of the 26th and was going to use one of those (a sneak peak anyway) for this week's prompt.
But that didn't happen because my pics turned out pretty bad (crappy is a much better word to describe them actually!).  So needless to say, you won't be seeing those and I didn't send them via email to Stringing either (yes, they were that awful!!).  I was pretty upset with myself to say the least! 
And let's see, I failed to capture the pretty sunrise the other day, I spaced out trying to get a pic of a friend who popped into town from Georgia to have dinner with us Thursday night and the pics I took of my son before he left for Homecoming to pick up his girlfriend turned our poorly too because I tried to take them with my iPhone,...and we all know how many times I've successfully used THAT as a camera!
Oh, and of course the pic that I had the waitress take of my friend Michael from St. Croix (whom I hadn't seen in years, and yes, it was his father's funeral I attended this week) and Jackie and I at breakfast last Saturday came out blurry, too (I guess I'm not the only one who can't use my iPhone camera properly!). 
So, despite all the friends I reconnected with this week and the positive things that did happen recently, I was in an ugly 'funk' late Thursday night. Just one of those weeks, I guess.
But, I got up today (Friday) and decided to shrug off the icky-ness and adopt a positive mind-set and get on with things! 
I didn't touch my camera because I didn't want to jinx anything, so I'm giving you a photo that I consider one of my "Best" shots ever.

I know, you were expecting a picture of Italy, weren't you!   Or pearls, or flowers,...or Door Porn!!  Yep, I love this one. He's just hanging out,....unaware of everything else around him.
And yes, he was orange - not red, like most. I like that about him. Showin' his true colors! :-)
It reminds me of happy times up in the mountains, taking nice walks (snapping pics that actually turn out) enjoying nature, relaxing, being present and living in the moment and not stressing myself out over stupid things that really aren't going to matter or even be running through my head when I'm laying on my death bed!
Hopefully everyone else had a productive and happy week and was able to capture some great photos!
I'm going to hop on over now to The Studio Sublime and enjoy all the other BEST shots!  Join me? 
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Letting Things Go, Taking Stuff In, and Getting Back To 'ME' At My BEST!

Focus on Life: Week 38 - A Quiet Moment

I'm not quite sure if we're on week 38 or 39,....I think last week was week 37, but I could be mistaken - Lord knows I can't keep track of things very well any more, but either way - this week's prompt from Sally over at The Studio Sublime was one of those that really made me take notice of things around me!
Our prompt this week was:
A Quiet Moment.  A moment of calm, peacefulness, self-reflection. Quiet little moments through the day where you pause, listen to your heart and breath. This week, capture a quiet moment.
Well, this week was just as hectic around our house as last week, but in a totally different direction, so I was completely stumped for what to photograph - again! 
I love it though, because it really makes me think and observe things.
So, the hubs and I sat outside the night before the Full Moon, and enjoyed a glass of wine together and talked about all the stuff going on in our lives this week.
I tried to capture the moon as we sat outside - but as  you can see, or rather as you can't see - I was unable to capture it.
Yes, there really is a 'Moon-Rising' in this photo.
I know, it almost looks like the sun, but it's the best I could do w/my phone!
It really is right there,.....just up over those houses.
Then, just today (Friday) as I sat in his office and we were writing and reading emails that were going back and forth between us and our son's teacher and guidance counselor (it's all good, baby!!), I looked down to see these, hubby's feet.
There they were all propped up on the little foot stool thingy I gave him this week for our 19th Wedding Anniversary (we're not that into gifts, can you tell! LOL!!) and realized that even when things are hectic and seem to be going a mile a minute around you, there's still time to 'put your feet up' and just chill. Even if you are reading and writing tons of emails, answering phones, working on data review and building new classes, like he was doing all this week. 
And then, as I was looking at some pics this week trying to find some family stuff - I found these.
Quiet Moments Through the Years,.....
Yep, this one, although he rides his motorbike with his 'hair on fire' like I've told you all before, he definitely knows how to take a 'Quiet Moment'.
So thank you Sally, for once again prompting us to take the time to realize that 'Taking a Quiet Moment' (or finding one to capture with my camera!) can be nice and come when you least expect it!
Now, Hop on over to The Studio Sublime and check out all the "Quiet Moments" that everyone else had this week, won't you?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Stealing a Quiet Moment!

Focus on Life: Week 37 - In Motion

*If you're looking for the Ears To You Reveal - Click Here!*

It's week 37 for the Focusing On Life Photography Challenge hosted by Sally over at The Studio Sublime and this week's prompt was:
In Motion
This week I was 'In Motion' pretty much constantly, trying to play 'catch up' and get things ready for my Pearls Blog Hop tomorrow but I failed miserably at getting a photo of any of my motions, or anyone else's motions for that matter.
So, I remembered my butterfly pics I took a couple of weekends ago while at my sister's cabin for "Girlfriends Weekend" and there was my shot! 
He's so pretty!  And he even stayed put right there after I walked away and continued up the path back to the cabin.
Then, my friend Ginny comes rushing in just gushing about the gorgeous butterfly that stayed on the path over by the creek and how still he sat while she captured tons of pics. We both turned on our cameras and saw we had taken photos of the same butterfly.  We started laughing because it had to have been at least 10 minutes between when I returned up that path and when she returned.
Guess, he wasn't really that 'into motion' after all. But he sure was exercising his beautiful wings for us!
Hop on over to The Studio Sublime and see what every one else has captured "In Motion" this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Moving Right Along,....

Focus on Life - Week 23: From Where I Stand

For week 32 of the
Focus on Life: 52 Photos Challenge,
Sally over at The Studio Sublime
prompted us with,

"From Where I Stand"
I regularly like to walk barefoot in our grass. 
Feeling the earth beneath my feet is both energizing and grounding at the same time for me.
I talk to God/The Universe and meditate a bit.

Taking in the earth, the smells, the feelings, the sounds.

Focusing on gratitude and life at that moment.
I'm so grateful to have what I do and be where I am (despite the 100+ temps in the summer).
 Earlier this week after a bit of rain, I stepped out and took some deep breaths and looked down.

This is where I stand!
Sally's  having a bit of a problem with her blog this week so her post might not be up for a bit, but here's where everyone else stands - go check 'em out!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Standing Grounded!

Focus on Life - Week 19: HOPE

Our prompt for week 19 of the 
This week my mind kept turning to today.
 Today's an anniversary. Not the good kind.
Tears were there many times before I could stop them; so they just fell. 
You're thought of every day sweetie, more people than you could probably ever imagine. 
Wade - Thanksgiving 2009 - Hindman Cabin, Nutrioso, AZ.
Your selfless actions and those of your fellow Marines are appreciated beyond what many of us can express.
Today's a reminder that because of the actions of others I have HOPE in my life for a Peaceful tomorrow.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and HOPE

Focus on Life: Week 18 - Abstract

This week's prompt from Sally over at
the Studio Sublime for Week 18 of
"Abstract: the use of a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.
All things have form, color, and lines; we just need to step back and step away from the literal image you see through the lens. Take into account the lines, color or form and look for a more figurative composition.  
Take this week and step out of reality and change your view of things!"
I adore these weekly challenges because they really get inside my head.
I realized this week that I might be slightly obsessed smitten with abstract.
I love looking at abstract photography - it's some serious business, let me tell you!
I came to realize that I 'see' things in abstract form most of the time.
I see lines, colors, forms, shapes, images within images and things of this nature with out even trying.
This is just the 'norm' for me.
Case in point.
In Rome last fall with my sister, while other people were snapping 'normal' pics of the Colosseum, I was capturing these: 

Lines, Textures, Form, Shapes, Angles, Colors, Light Play, Images within Images.
"Designs", if you will.
I love how this line meets that line or how the blue of the sky is shaped in a particular way because of the outline of the stone walls.
How the clouds have 'soft' lines while the stones have 'hard' lines. 
Or how it seems you're looking through a "key hole", viewing an ancient secret.
And even with my flowers,....I love capturing the abstract of my roses.
There always seems to be some super cool and interesting shape to photograph.
 Black dirt from by boys' gold panning trip last weekend. The sand is
surrounding a round magnet and it's making the dirt all wonky!
Cool, eh?!
And then, the other morning, as I was ready to get out of the shower, I saw these:
Can you see what looks almost like 'butterfly wings' in the water droplets?
I grabbed my camera and captured what I thought were some totally awesome ABSTRACT water droplets.
See how there's shapes within the shapes?
 Lines, forms, colors!
It's a whole other world in there!
Special Effects with Pixlr - Too Much Abstract Fun!!
Then, some voice inside my head said:
"Sometimes, I worry about you!"
I looked up to catch a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror.
There I was, in all my glory, naked in the shower, sopping wet, with my camera in hand, snapping pictures of water droplets as they rolled down the shower window!
I am so lucky my hubby didn't walk in to see that sight because it would have given him just the right amount of ammo to have me committed to the 'Looney Bin" for sure!!
Someone please, PLEASE, tell me that you've gone to such crazy lengths to capture a photo with out even realizing it?!
Colorful Abstract!
Be sure to pop on over to the Studio Sublime and see what
perspective everyone else has this week on ABSTRACT!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Over the Moon for Abstract!

Focus on Life: 52 Photos - Take a Walk

It's week 16 over at the Studio Sublime's
and Sally's prompt for this week was:
"Grab your camera, open the door and step outside into the fresh air. Take a walk! Whether you walk to your favorite chair on the porch, walk a few miles down a rural road or a busy city street;  take a moment to be aware of the beauty of the world and let its grandeur energize your soul, inspire your mind and jump start your creativity. Step back and look at the wide world around you and capture a shot of the landscape in front of you!"

Greenbelt area with some pretty trees near my home where I walk.
Sure doesn't look like the middle of the desert, does it?! ;-)  

 It was the perfect weather this week for walks here, too - temperature wise.
Lakes in my neighborhood along my walking 'path' (sidewalk!)
It was a bit windy for several days with gusts from 40-60 miles per hour one day and on Wednesday we had a micro-burst come through the neighborhood sending the trash bins rolling down the street - but other than that it was perfect spring weather in the desert. 

 Here's what I snapped on a couple of walks around the neighborhood. 

We have some green belts in our neighborhood and a few lakes (duck poo ponds, as we call them!) and some really pretty trees too, so it makes for some lovely walks.

So, get up, and go for a walk over at the Studio Sublime today and see where everyone else's walk will take you!!

Evening Walk with the Sunset Over the Lake
One thing's certain; Arizona truly has some gorgeous sunsets!
**Thanks to you all who have been leaving such wonderful comments each week on here - your posts and comments always make me so happy - Thank you!!  Last week I was trying to 'reply' to all of them, but when I hit the reply button on blogger here in the comments section it just 'spun' and spun,....loading,...loading,...and never loaded. Not sure what the deal was but I wanted you all to know that I wasn't trying to be rude - it just wasn't letting me 'play nicely'  last/this week. I haven't been able to comment for several days and although I think it's okay now, I talked w/a few of my other blogger friends and a couple of them had the same problem for a day or two, so I don't feel like such an idiot!! LOL!!   So, please accept my apologies for not responding to your replies here in the comments section this last time, hopefully this week I'll be able to read them and respond.**
Everyone have a great week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Lovely Walks!!

Focus on Life: Week 14 - Up Close

*I'm in Sedona this Friday/Saturday with out internet service, so please forgive me for posting late over at the Studio Sublime this weekend.  I'll be hopping to everyone's blogs that I can on Sunday/Monday!!*

Sally's prompt for Week 14 of
Up Close
"Macro Shots - How Close Can You Get?"
I LOVE me some Macro!
Taken w/my Canon. I had to hold the flower still because it was windy!
I cannot seem to get as close with my new
Canon Powershot XS 160 that I just got as I can
with my Panasonic Lumix DMC-FH5 camera.

I've had 3 Lumix and I love them!
The one I use most has 'macro zoom'.
(translation: super-duper macro!)

This one was taken w/my Lumix. Click to enlarge any of the pics.

The Canon's got a feature that lets you'zoom' while doing video. I know, so does an actual video camera, but a still shot camera seemed more up my alley so I decided to try it. 

I'll let you know what I think after I use it a bit. 
So far I'm rather pleased with the still shots.

 Of course, if I'd ever save up the $$ for a 'big daddy camera' (the kind where the lens costs more than the camera itself), I'm sure my pics could be even better.  And closer!

Spring has Sprung! Captured with the Canon.

But until then, here's some "Macro Love" for you!

Comparing the different photos,...what do you think?

Off Center because of the wind - but still rather close w/the Lumix.

Jump on over to The Studio Sublime and see what the other participants have captured Up Close today!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Getting Up Close!