Echo Creative - See What I Got!

I wanted to share with you the lovely components that Jeannie Dukic (Jewelry By Jeannie) sent me for the next two Echo Creative Club Design Team Reveals.
Oh quick,...shut your mouth, don't want drool spilling over onto the keyboard! 

I'm really in love with this beautiful Cherry Blossom - aren't you?  Although I take a lot of pictures of flowers, I don't particularly design with them that often, so this will be a great challenge for me.
And oh this Aspen Leaf is just super!
I really love fall colors and leaves!
I'm able to participate in both the October and the November Reveals, so Jeannie sent me both pieces together and said I can choose which one I want use this month and which I want to use next month.
I am choosing to use the Cherry Blossom pendant this month and the Aspen Leaf for November.
Come back here on Thursday, the 25th of October and you can see what all the participants have created for October!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Echo Creative Goodness!

Macro Desert Fun!

I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!
(As always, the photos to enlarge them)
Yesterday we went out to Canyon Raceway to let the "Masked Rider" have some fun on a real track.
He's usually just blazin' his own trails out in the desert, kind of practicing for the Baja races that he eventually would like to run in.
He said it was fun. He didn't ride the national track yesterday, just the vet-track because they were getting ready for a big race that's taking place out there today and so there were tons of kids riding, jumping, flying through the air,...making me nervous.
With the exception of a few other guys, he basically had the vet-track all to himself; which he said was awesome!
It was great watching him have so much fun and I loved trying to get pics (wish these would have turned out better - I might need a different camera than a point and click to get the type of pics I want).
I got to take in some lovely desert landscape, too. 

It's amazing what you can see in the cacti up close - see the ants?  They were running all over the place!
The "Masked Rider" and the hubby are going back out today to do some track-free, desert riding.
I won't be at the bottom of any hills or standing in the middle of a track trying to get pics, so he can ride with out me getting in the way this time. 
How much you wanna bet he comes home and says, "Mom!  You should have seen it!  I got so much air and did the most awesome riding!"  Yep, that's how it always goes!!
I'm linking up with I Heart Macro
over at Studio Waterstone today.
The macro shots over there are always drool-worthy!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Hangin' in the Desert!

More Beading Fun And Time For Another Class!

October has dropped in with a bang! 
(Oh, where did September go??!!) 

I've got a ton of things on my bead table this month!
(Fun things - yippee!)
I'm going to have a few posts over the next week or so to tell you about some of them but today I want to tell you about "My Bead Table Blog Hop" sponsored by Lisa Lodge of Pine Ridge Treasures that's going to be taking place on October 13th.  
Check out the lovely (and huge!!) stash of beads that Lisa so graciously sent for the blog hop.  
Ohhh,...just look at all these lovely goodies!! Thank you Lisa!!
Other than a few things here, these are beads and components that I don't regularly carry in my bead stash and so the challenge is definitely on for me! 

I'm excited because I love that this will challenge me to step outside my comfort zone and the colors Lisa's given me to start with (we can add from our own stash, too!) are ones I find really pleasing to work with!

Be sure to hop back over here on Saturday the 13th and see what all the participants have created (me included)!
I also wanted to let you know that I'm teaching another class over at Creative U in Carefree next week, too.
Come join me on Friday, the 12th of October
at 2:00p.m. for the
It still shows up on their calendar as Jen Hanscom teaching the class but I'm helping them out this month, so come on over and join in the fun with me, won't you?!
There's never a dull moment at Creative U - trust me!
Well, maybe Lasso gets a bit bored at times, but we sure don't!!
Oh, and on a side note, I
 think I've finally gotten over the jet-lag from my trip.
I was fortunate enough to go to Italy in September!

I really thought I had my body fooled with setting my watch (and my brain) to whatever local time I was headed to but although it truly did help a bit, I still was kind of out of it from last Thursday until this Monday. 

Now I think a form of normalcy and a routine of some sorts is setting back in. Thank goodness, because the 3:30a.m. wake up calls my brain kept giving my body every morning was getting a bit old!
What have you got cooking for October? 
Are you in the Autumn mood?
Dreaming of Autumn!
Are you decorating and creating things and making goodies for Halloween and all the other Holidays that are coming up?
Be sure to drop me a line and let me know what's going on!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and The October Rush!

Kalmbach Bead Soup Party - Teaser!

I wanted to fill you in on the Kalmbach Bead Soup Party to celebrate the wonderfully talented Lori Anderson's (Pretty Things Blog) awesome new book:

Bead Soup
32 Projects Show What Happens
When 26 Beaders Swap Their Stash.

Kalmbach Publishing got together with several wonderful suppliers who graciously handed out cups of bead soup and asked people who received beads to create something from what they were sent and then to blog about it.

Letter I received from Kalmbach

I was fortunate enough to receive this awesome 'bead soup' from Bead World!

Gorgeous Greens I received from Bead World!

Oh yes, that Bead World - the amazing bead shop here in Glendale (Scottsdale and Phoenix, too!) that's right around the corner from me that I stop in all the time!!

Here I am with Vicki from the Glendale Store and my copy of Lori's Book.

I've got to have my piece finished by the 31st of October and emailed to both Kalmbach and Bead World no later than the 2nd of November.
Although it doesn't give any rules as to a specific date you have to post your before and after photos on your blog and their Facebook Page, I've already seen some people who have finished their pieces and posted them so I've set a deadline for myself of the 19th of October.  Be sure to come back here on Friday the 19th and see what sort of soup I cooked up, okay?

Here we are showing off the cool cup of bead soup I got from Bead World!
Plus, this week, Lori has been hosting a Bead Soup Blog Tour where the participants of the book are sharing their designs, telling their stories and having some fabulous give-a-ways. And, Lori is have a grand prize give-a-way too, so you won’t want to miss out on this one! 
(You know it’s gonna be a good one when Lori puts it together!) 

Hop on over to the Pretty Things Blog and check it out right now!

Everyone have a great week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Cooking Some Soup!

Bead Soup Mix from Bead World!

Window Shopping Anyone?

The fashion and shopping in Italy seemed to be just as big of an attraction as the ancient ruins and historic sights.

I tried to get some good shots of the window displays but it didn't really work out too well because the sun was shining so bright on the days these were shot (not to mention all the people in the plazas), so you'll have to trust me when I tell you that they were all amazing!

I'd love to tell you the names of some of the shops but we were running through the squares and I was snapping away with my camera as fast as I could and wasn't always able to step back enough to get the shop/brand name in most of the photos with out bumping into people or before I had to run off to catch up to Marsha and Roberta.

(They were often seen turning around asking, "Where's Shelly?!")

I noticed that although there were pops of vivid colors and wonderful textures every where,
And this dear friends, is how to wear a necklace with a scarf!
Their wrists are bare,...they need bracelets and bangles!!
 the displays showing clean lines and simple silhouettes highlighting black, white, cream/beige and gray for Autumn were very prominent.

Yes, you know gray is one of my favs! 

Bold Black and White
(and here I thought Cobalt Blue was the new black this season!)

The Versace window was so cool - wish I could have gotten a good shot!

And then, there were these boots!  Yep, I'm in love. Simply and utterly in LOVE!  Wild, aren't they?! I was so distracted at getting a photo of them with out some one's hand touching them, I have no idea what brand they are. (I know, I should get a fashion-ticket for that!!)

Another shopping detail was how the window displays had this electric vibe to them.
They seemed to come alive and evoke feelings and emotions of actually wearing the clothes and 'being' in the scenario pictured. 

Can't you just see these girls waiting for the metro, off to have a fabulous weekend?

Oh, and the creativity of the displays
(most of which I couldn't capture because of extreme window-glare!)
were a visual delight!

Shoe Trees!  Quite the forest if you ask me!

Works of art in themselves, I tell you!

How fun is this?!  And the music playing was great, too!

My excitement was obvious by the little squeals of joy at each window! I'm sure people were probably thinking I was some sort of nut job! At least I wasn't the only one snapping pics of the window displays and merchandise. I guess they're quite used to this by now.

Of course I did have to get some of the 'names' on camera - I mean, there's some things I just don't see every day on my way to work.
And, the architecture that houses these wonderful names is equally impressive, if not more, and the blend of the old and ancient with new and modern was a big time rush for me!
Textures mixed with smooth, clean lines and soft curves nestled among bold, sharp angles - oh my!

I know I'm kind of a freak (dork!) when it comes to drooling over the fashion scene, but really, it's one of those things that make me tick; that tickles my fancy and makes me smile inside and feel all wonderful and excited with life.

Here's a couple of pieces of jewelry that I designed to go with those gorgeous boots above and those wonderful, soft, cream and beige cashmere pieces in the windows of Rome!

Silver and white with some gray tones mixed in.

Bold Black and White

These pieces will go nicely with the 4 Italian leather handbags I purchased too. Now I just need to find an awesome pair of black riding boots, these that my sister smartly talked me out of.
See the ones right there in the middle?  Uh-uh,...I know.
I haven't quite figured out how to wear two pair of shoes at the same time yet and so that little detail, (coupled with the fact that I had absolutely no more room in my suite case for them) meant they were left behind in Rome. I heard them sigh a bit as I walked away! 

I may have to order them online,....

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Window Shopping!!

I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

Linking up with I Heart Macro today over at Studio Waterstone.
Happy Sunday Folks!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Flower Power!

When In Rome,...or Venice!

So, the vacation has come to an end.
The little village of Sommocolonia, near Barga, Italy in Tuscany where we stayed.
The sights, sounds, smells (except for all the cigarette smoking) and photo opportunities were amazing!!
Colosseum - Rome, Italy. Photo by Michelle Buettner
I will be posting some great window displays every now and then over the next few months as inspiration with everything from jewelry, shoes, purses, fashion trends - the awesome ways they display products - you name it!
Yes, I found the Swarovski Store in Venice, Italy!!
I'm not really jet-lagged. I thought I would be but luckily I think I figured out how to program my body and brain.
Italy really is this beautiful.
Sommacolonia, Italy  (near Barga in Tuscany)
I'll have my Etsy shops back up the 1st week of October is all goes well. I don't have all of the new designs I wanted to have finished done yet, but hopefully I'll have a few for you.
Pretty Blue Turquoise in One of the Shops in Venice.
I felt right at home!! ;-)
What have you been up to in September?  Have you transitioned into Autumn yet?  Do you enjoy this season and all it's fascinating colors and jewelry styles?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Returning Home!