Laughter Really Is,.....

It's been a hard week for me since the tragedy last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary.  I know it really affected a lot of people all over the world. 
I haven't been able to watch any of the news reports on the victims, their families or any of the 'goings on' since a couple of days afterwards. The hubby's a heart attack survivor with a defib in his chest, so he can't watch either - it hurts his heart and that's not a good thing.  

Plus, we've got a teenage son whose own high school was on the news this week with word spreading of a possible threat to the school and/or students (they beefed up police patrol/security and every one's assured us things will be fine) and so tuning out most of the media do-da has been a priority.
I did make an effort - socially - to do a few FB posts, to comment on people's blogs and their FB posts and things like that, but it just felt so trivial.
I realized as I went about finishing up my Christmas card writing and packaging up things to mail off to family who live out of state, that I was completely engulfed in a total 'funk' if you will, of doom, gloom and sadness. Not to say that it wasn't appropriate given all the beautiful lives that were taken recently, but being depressed and 'out of it' wasn't helping anyone, especially my family and those I care about.

And, as the fates would have it, as I pushed forward and was editing some pics to get my next blog post ready, the photos I was working on brought back some wonderful memories and an excellent reminder.

It reminded me that even in the wake of change, whether that change is something we find negative, neutral or strange, hard to grasp, or what ever, laughter and humor are the best way to recover and carry on.
To 'adjust our sails', as I like to think of it.

I'm talking humor that makes you roll with laughter - true, tickle your belly, gasp for air, laughter!!

Like what you see here.
Jen, Denise, Shelly and Kathy
Creative U Holiday Party - December 2012
It's pretty obvious that Jen and I are on our own little "planet" in the photos here,...well, Kathy eventually gets our humor a bit, too, but Denise is the only one even remotely concerned that my hubby's standing around, some what patiently, trying to snap a good pic of us (at our request!), no avail! LOL!!

This was a fun night filled with tons of laughter, great moments and wonderful energy!

These photos represent some change as well. This was the Creative U Holiday Party and Gift Exchange (Jen's holding one of Mike's 'Stash Sticks' from the White Elephant Swap) last week and it's the last one we're having because Kathy has announced that she's closing Creative U as of December 31st, 2012.   :-(

So, no more fun classes, no more laughter in the studio, no more exploding kilns (unless Jen comes to my house and has fun with mine!), no more yummy chocolate breaks in the middle of teaching class,'s the end of an amazingly creative and fun place.
But, where there's laughter among friends and creative spirits, memories to share, hugs to give and love to bind,....there's always more adventures on the horizon!

Thinking of the fun times refreshed my spirit and reminded me that it's okay to go on and not feel guilty for things I'm blessed to have in my life, my child, my husband and my wonderful family and friends. And that sending love and prayers out to those who are hurting is needed, but to laugh is to heal. I believe it's also a way to honor those who've gone before us, for I think they'd want us to be happy and laugh instead of cry!
So I wish you all much love and laughter,.....healing laughter that tickles your tummy and immerses you in those wonderfully fun moments you will cherish for a life time!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Letting Laughter Heal Your Soul!

Thoughts and Prayers

Sending out prayers to all who are affected by the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut.
We're hugging each other a bit tighter tonight; thankful for all those in our life.
May love and light comfort everyone who is grieving.
Until Next Time,
Peace and Love
~Shelly, Mike and Logan~

Extremely Fortunate

The 12th Annual Christmas Pudding

Each year Alice Cooper and his wife Sheryl host the Annual Christmas Pudding - the Valley's premier holiday event - with proceeds benefiting their Solid Rock Foundation which helps kids in the Phoenix area.

This Spring, the Rock Teen Center opened in Phoenix and the Solid Rock Foundation provides programs, classes and resources such as dance, music and various vocational opportunities in the sound, lighting, and staging industry.  (Good Stuff, Good Stuff!)
I'm extremely fortunate to be attending Alice Cooper's 12th Annual Christmas Pudding Holiday Event this weekend with one of my BFF's, the lovely and ever-talented, Lea Haben, founder of - The Intelligent Guide For Women On The Go.
I'm excited to attend such an awesome event; one that I've followed for several years now, seeing highlights on the local news stations and hearing of the wonderful talent that's always present and the good they do during this event each year.
Since I'm not sure if I'm technically allowed to post pics of the amazingly handsome Johnny Depp (who will be there, playing on stage with Alice and his band!! OMG, OMG!!) on my personal blog (I guess FB and Pinterest are okay to post on so go over there to drool, okay?!) I'll have to leave you with a pic of the outfit I'm planning on putting together,....
So, what about jewelry? Any ideas other than what I've got there - you know, something I could whip up quickly in the next day or so?  Please leave me your comments and share your thoughts on this.
Also, I was reminded by my brother-in-law this past week that although the holidays are supposed to be a time of 'good cheer', many times this is not the case for people.  Some folks find it a sad time because they've lost a loved one, or are far away from their friends and family, or have fallen on hard times and need a helping hand.  
I'm interested to see what events your city has going on that help to benefit troubled teens, or families and children in need,...not just during the holidays, but all through the year. 
We're quite fortunate here in Phoenix to have several great people like Alice and Sheryl Cooper in town,..people who help year round with giving people a helping hand or a needed job, some food, clothing or just a place to go to get out of the heat/cold or rain.
So, while I'm drooling over Johnny Depp this Saturday night, I will also be feeling a sense of extreme gratitude for all the Solid Rock Foundation has done and continues to do on a day to day basis!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Solid Rock!


Had so much fun hanging with Mike's sister and hubby yesterday, sharing travel stories, laughing and drinking the most yummy Prickly Pear Margaritas on the planet!
Sara was trying to pin us down on a date for a Hawaiian vacation with them. Her and Roger are a blast to hang out with, but I'm just curious, you see a trend here?
Yeah, me too! LOL!
Now I'm off to go hang with my sis for the day,
listen to my nephew play some great tunes 
and get heckled by my bro-in-law.
This is why family is so much fun!
Have a fantastic Sunday everyone!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun Family Times!

And The Winner Is,....

Random number selector chose #15 and that's Linda Y!
Email me your address and I'll get these cuties popped in the mail to you this coming week!! 
I hope everyone enjoyed shopping all the great handmade goodness over at the Artisan Whimsy site this past week - I know I did!
Today I'm pricing all my jewelry and boxing it up to take down to my sister's house for our Holiday Jewelry Boutique we're having on Sunday from 11:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. If you're in or around central Arizona, please stop by. 
MiShel Designs - Sneak Peak Jewelry Pics!
This afternoon we get to meet up with Mike's sister and her hubby. They're connecting through Phoenix on their way back home from vacation and have quite a long layover, so we're taking them out to eat. We can't wait to see them!
Siblings will be Siblings!
Summer 2011 - Kansas. 
It's going to be a very full and fun filled weekend - I just love it!
What do you have going on this weekend?  Holiday Parties?
Decorating? (I still have that to do!)
photo credit: Marsha Hindman

Of course, my sister's house is all decorated so it will look fantastic for the show tomorrow!! 
(I swear, she really is wonder woman!)
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun Weekends!!

Cyber Monday - Cyber Week!

A Fun Week of Artisan Cyber Sales is going on right now over at the
Artisan Whimsy Site through Friday, November 30th!

Come join in the fun and purchase handmade this holiday season! 
There's lots of great handcrafted jewelry that's being offered at some fantastic prices and for you jewerly designers, there's lots of awesome handmade components and beads, too!
Each participant is doing their own give-a-way on their blog or website as well - so don't forget to check out each site and leave comments to get in on some great winnings!


Artisan Whimsy will be hiding
Three Exiciting Giveaways
throughout the partipants blog posts.

When you find one of the Hidden Give-A-Way Banners
on a participant's blog (hint-hint!),
click on the link and follow the directions
to be entered to win some goodies!

~Good Luck~

I'm offering 15% off your total purchase in my
MiShel Designs Etsy store from now through Friday, November 30th.
Use coupon code AWHOLIDAY upon checkout to get your discount.
And, on December 1st I'll be giving away a pair of these lovely sterling silver and freshwater cultured white coin pearl earrings.
Just leave a comment here on todays blog post below or on the original post from the 21st of November, Here to be entered into my drawing.  
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Shopping Handmade All Week In Your Jammies!

Echo Creative Team - November Reveal!

Once again it's time for the Echo Creative Club Reveal!

This month I decided to keep it simple.

Well, that wasn't actually my original plan, that's just how things turned out. 

I love working leather into my designs and I really liked how it looked with Jeannie's Aspen Leaf Pendant and so I decided to make something to wear for Thanksgiving.

 Each year we spend Thanksgiving weekend at my sister and brother-in-law's cabin in the White Mountains of Arizona.

My hubby and son (a.k.a. the Masked Rider) built this awesome tree house up there and actually sleep in it - my nephew usually joins them - even when it's 17 degrees or colder out.  Silly boys!

My sis, niece and I prepare all sorts of yummy food and there's usually friends from town that travel in to have dinner with us and the cabin is usually full of people and children.

And delicious smells, too.

This year my niece is with her in-laws and so I'm missing her super delicious homemade apple pie - big time!!

(and her, her hubby and their kiddos, too!)

There's lots of Aspen up at the cabin.

And since the Wallow Fire in 2011,  there's a lot more Aspen on the mountain because Aspen come back quite a bit faster than the other trees that were lost in the fire.

I look around and am so grateful for all that is still left.

The trees, the cabins that are still standing and the animals that still call this forest their home.

It's a quiet Thanksgiving this year.

So simple was in order.

Please stop by and visit all the other Echo Creative Club Team Members this month to see what they've created with the components that Jeannie sent them.

Echo Creative Club - November Team
 Echo Creative Club

Jewelry By Jeannie
Echo Creative Club
Flickr group

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Giving Thanks!

Artisan Cyber Sale Starts Today!

A Fun Week of Artisan Cyber Sales Starts Today, Friday, November 23rd and goes through next Friday, November 30th!
Come join in the fun! 
Artisan Whimsy is hosting the largest artisan
shopping cyber week ever!
There are tons of designers all offering discounts in their shops and they're each having their own give-a-ways, too. Don't miss out!  Head on over to the Artisan Whimsy site and check them all out - plus find details for more fun give-a-ways to be had as well!
I'm offering 15% off your total purchase in my
today through Friday, November 30th, 2012.
Just enter Coupon Code: AWHOLIDAY upon check out to get your discount.
Plus, I'll be giving a pair of these super sweet freshwater cultured pearl and sterling silver earrings away (a $32.00 value!) on December 1st. Just leave a comment on the original blog post: here,....or comment down below on this post to be entered. 

I will draw a random name on Saturday, December 1st and announce the winner here on my blog.  Be sure to head back over here on the 1st of December to check out the winner!
Whatcha waitin' for - get to shopping!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Shopping "Hand Made" on Black Friday and during all of Cyber Week!

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing all my family and friends in the U.S.
a very warm and wonderful Thanksgiving!
Until Next Time,
Peace and Love!

Artisan Cyber Sale!

 Join in the fun and shop handmade at the largest Artisan shopping event for Cyber Week!

A Fun Week of Artisan Jewelry Sales and
 Friday, Nov. 23rd - Friday Nov 30th!

Each participating member over on Artisan Whimsy will be offering a discount in their own stores or on their facebook pages and will be promoting their own give-a-way as well. 

Winners will be chosen individually by each shop owner
so be sure and stop by all the participants and
enter their give-a-ways.


Artisan Whimsy will be hiding
Three Exciting Giveaways
throughout our participants blogs.
When you find one of the

Secret Give-A-Way Banners
on a participant's blog (hint, hint!) 
click on the link and follow the directions
to be entered to win some awesome goodies!

Good Luck!
Head on over to Artisan Whimsy
to see all the participants and
what they have to offer!


Here's what's happening in the

MiShel Designs Etsy Store

I'm offering 15% OFF 
from Friday, Nov. 23rd - Friday, Nov. 30th!
Be Sure To Use Coupon Code
Upon Check Out To Receive Your Discount.
Also, I will be giving away a pair of these
beautiful, white freshwater coin pearl and
sterling silver earrings on December 1st.
(a $32.00 value!)
To be entered in my drawing, be sure to leave a comment below in this blog post and then come back here on December 1st to see who the lucky winner is!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Whimsical Shopping!