This or That Thursday!

Linking up today with This or That Thursday

Also, I'm giving a big shout out and huge "Thank You" to Brandi over at Brandi Girl Blog for her lovely tutorial on

I'm extremely techno-challenged, as you've all heard me tell you, so this was a great thing for me to learn.

I'm going to use it this year when I'm designing jewelry and hopefully it will help me to throw more colors into my designs.

Have a great Thursday!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Gorgeous Colors!


Are You Ready for Tucson,....

Okay, so most of you know how excited I get to attend (and sometimes teach during) the Tucson Gem, Mineral and Bead Shows that happen in late January and early February of each year, right?

Oh, the pearls,...and beads and gems - oh my!

Well, this year's no exception!!  Hopefully with out the hard freeze they had last year, but hey, I will not complain either way!!

Read my article from last year's show
over on the Beading Arts Blog

I'm always busy hunting down my favorite vendors and drooling over which Pearls are the best in town but this year I'm actually looking forward to scoping out a bunch of different things that I've never checked out or attended

Some of my lovely finds

More beauties to take home

Always try something new and
venture outside of your comfort zone!

Here's a handy tip.

Get your Tucson Show Guide now! 

If you've never attended any of the shows in Tucson during this time of year (and there's a zillion of them,...honestly!!) , you're gonna want to have a 'heads-up' on what's what, who's where and how to get around. 

Meteorite Men in Tucson Again this Year

There were a couple of years where the freeway was under construction and if you didn't know your way around or take the shuttles, I'm sure you found Tucson a smidge challenging and your drive time a bit longer than expected - leaving you short on shopping and drooling time!

As for the Tucson Show Guide - I usually end up with about three of these babies in my car because once you get there they're all over and everyone grabs one and leaves it with me thinking I need another,...???

The Show Guide will help you find shows with fun things like this!!

And this wan't even the biggest one!!

This year you can even get your Show Guide digitally and not have to haul it around (How Cool Is THIS?!!) So take advantage of this nifty piece of technology, won't you?  And if you have to have one you can touch and hold, take it with you when you get out of my car, we've got enough to wallpaper the moon with! 

Tucson Sunsets are the best!

Also, you really do have to prepare for almost any type of weather.  Seriously. It's cold in the desert in February - at least when the sun's not shining. It rains each year - truly - at some point anyway. And yes, when the sun does shine or if it's a bit over-cast, you need sunscreen people or your little noses and cheeks will turn a bit red!  Just saying,....

The beautiful Santa Catalinas!

And shoes!  Okay - you're talking to the shoe diva here (see my 'Shel' section of this blog and scroll all the way down - yes I have walked in those - but never at the gem show!!).

Fashion out the window - you don't want your tootsies keeping you from all those gorgeous treasures!

Best places to stay you ask?


Well, I'm really lucky and get to stay with one of my best girlfriends and her family. Our boys have been friends since they were two years old (we used to live in Tucson), and they always open their home to us. I usually check into the "Elliott Hilton" by myself for a few days first while I hang with Nina, some other girlfriends and my sis and check out all the shows.

Lunching with the girls

Then, the last weekend of the show, the hubby and son travel down and join me and both families enjoy a few fun days of searching for great treasures!

We have a tradition where after we're all done shopping we bring our goodies back to the house, have an excellent dinner that Nina always prepares to perfection, open a few bottles of wine and have "Show and Tell" - it's one of my favorite traditions!!

Cookin' with Nina!

Yes - we're all a bunch of dorks - but we do have FUN!!

Our boys are in high school now and they still enjoy this weekend w/us!! (Or at least they tell us they do!)

These two keep us entertained!
In another post, I'll give you some tips on some various shows and exhibits to check out, some great restaurant suggestions for your hungry tummy and a few other goodies to be found down in the Old Pueblo!

So, go download your Tucson Show Guide 2012
now and start planning away!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Gearing Up!!

Today's Your Last Chance!

Today's your last day to register for the

She's doing a lottery style drawing this time around 
to keep in manageable since last time
there were well over 300 particpants.

So, if you've never participated before, or even if you have, go check it out and register for a chance to get in on the fun!!

Untile Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun Things!

Spreading the LOVE in 2012,....

This is kind of like my Friday's Fab Favorites again.  I wanted to share a few sites that I love to go check out and read - they're fabulous, have great content and some of them are even having give-a-ways and challenges to boot! 

Regina's Writings - LOVE her blog!  She has gorgeous jewelry and shares wonderful content and right now she's having a great Give-A-Way on her blog if you leave a comment and tell her about your New Year's Plans - so head on over there right now.

The necklace she's giving away is beautiful!!

Regina's Writings - Blog Give-A-Way

Michelle Mach's blog Beads and Books is always a fun place to check out and right now she's having a Valentine's challenge and it's not a bead challenge either!

Michelle Mach's Valentine's Challenge

And, it's FREE!  (Can you believe I'm posting something that's not related to jewelry in some fashion?)   Check out the cool challenge she's got going on and join in the fun!

Then, you know what's coming up right? 

Yep, it's the
and registration starts this weekend! 

It's gotten absolutely HUGE the last couple of times she's hosted this awesome event and so this time it's going to be run by a lottery to keep it down to a do-able size for everyone. 

So, head on over to Lori's Blog between 
and then hold your lucky rabbit's foot or whatever else you do for luck and pray you're one of the fortunate 200 who are randomly picked!!  I participated this past fall and had a wonderful partner and a great time!

Lori does an excellent job of keeping everything fair, fun and fantastic!! (what a job though - I cannot even begin to imagine all she goes through to accomplish such a wonderful event!) And, even if I don't get to participate this go-around, I'm really looking forward to the reveal date on March 3rd (Just a few weeks prior to my birthday!) when everyone's creations will be revealed and I can drool over all the fabulous designs everyone creates - that part is SOOO much fun, let me tell you!!

I love sharing what other's are doing out there on the web in 'Jewelry and Craft Land' because there's so many talented people with awesome give-a-way, challenges, ideas and fun parties going on - what's not to love about all of them!

Drop me a line and let me know what you've got going on over on your blog and I'll do a little mention here or on my MiShel Designs Facebook Page and I'll send a couple of Tweets out into Cyberland for you as well! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Spreading the LOVE in 2012!!


This or That Thursday!

It's This Or That Thursday over on Deb Duty's Blog. Her photography just amazes me. It's like you can reach out and touch everything that's in her photos - I love it!! 

So, not as good as Deb's,...or most other's over on her blog today, but these are the best I've been able to produce this week,...

Here's what's happening in my world today:

I love our roses and various flowers around out yard (they're in all my pics and I'm sure you're sick of them by now!).

Yes, this one is fake, but she changes colors once it gets dark and it's pretty cool!

Anyway,...I'm really loving our Grapefruit that are finally ready!

I'm making one of THESE yummy drinks with them and,....

I'm going to sit HERE and enjoy it while I take in the last of the Christmas Tree lights before they come down tomorrow.

The weather here's been in the high 70's to low 80's and so I'm getting together with my girl friends and we're grilling out some yummy steaks and having salad and great wine and loving the fact that we don't have to shovel snow in January!! 

We're going to enjoy each other's company and try to convince Rox to go with us to Italy this fall (even though she's already been there,...done that!) and hang out with us while we stay at a farm house in Tuscany, sip wine, eat fantastic food and hopefully perfect or photography skills enough to take some really cool pics (where's Misha's when you need her, huh?!).

So, what were you up to this week, huh? 

Please hop on over to Deb Duty's Blog for This or That Thursday - you will SOOOOO love it!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Enjoying Beautiful Moments in Life!


BTW And Other Things,...

So, today for BTW (Bead Table Wednesday)

these were on my bench,
along with some other things.

Oh, what to do with these,...what to do,....

My thoughts included.

And these 'huge-ass' crystals that have been sitting in my drawer for almost a year screaming at me for attention are now on my bead table, too!

Not quite sure what I'm doing with these yet, either!

Barbie stopped in to sit a spell on my bench again, too!

She thinks if she stops by often enough I'll make her another necklace,...or a cool little leather belt like she's been asking for!

I've been busy setting my goals for 2012 this week and have been organizing, planning new directions, setting up a course of action and contemplating everything from
business plans and personal goals to fine tuning my
body, mind and soul! 

You name it, it's been buzzing around in my head!

Getting in touch with ME is a biggie this year.  You might see more of the 'real me' than you want to and in the comments box you may have to write "TMI, Shel,...TMI!"
But let's hope not! 

You're lucky I can't take a picture of the inside of my head or it would be here for you to see,... all that jumbled up do-da in my head on these pages.
Yep,...I'm pretty sure I'd loose a few followers on that one!


Vintaj brass blanks that I embossed.
(See the owl? Owl's are one of my totems and I usually don't use them in my designs or even show them - I just hoard them!)

Not sure what I'm doing with these Vintaj Brass Blanks I embossed. Should I create something with them or put them in my Jewelry Supplies shop for other people to create really cool things with them?
Any thoughts?

I'm trying to find the flip camera (I think it's in the RV that's out in storage a Ba-Zillion miles away!) to see if I can do those tutorial videos on the earring wires like people have asked for, so that's going a bit slow at the moment!

Photo from one on my bracelet tutorials from about 4 years ago or so!

I am participating in a pretty cool little endeavor this year - The Echo Creative Club over on Jeannie's Blog

Echo Creative Club - Jeannie's Blog

I'm only doing about 6 or 7 of the months because that's all I could commit to at this time, but I'm really looking forward to it and my first post will be this month on the 25th, so stop back by and see what's going on with that won't you?

So, what's cooking inside your head and studio this year?  Anything cool? How's your creative juices?  Are they flowing like crazy with the start of the New Year? 

I hope that 2012 has started off to be a great year for you and that it continues full spead ahead so all your hopes, dreams and aspirations come to fruition!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Contemplation!