Here's what Sally wrote to us for this week's prompt:
Knock, Knock!
A door opened and I went through it. ~Temple Grandin~
"Let's open some doors to see what awaits us on the other side.
Is it a door that holds opportunity? A door that holds a story? Is it a door you have been hesitating to open? Is it a gate to a new life? A door to a new adventure? Is it a door that holds a memory? Is it the perfect door for a simple picture?
You have arrived at the door for a reason,
open it up and step in!"
Oh my, if I needed a prompt to photograph a door!
Along with flowers and a few other things, doors are my favorite to photograph!
For me, they all hold a story, a secret, an opportunity, some mystery, security, a new beginning, a special memory.
I call this "Doorway to the Sea". It is in the Cinque Terre Region of Italy.
The Ligurian Sea is on the other side.
This is by far, my favorite photo I've ever snapped of a door because
being here was a dream come true and this is where I go when I day-dream!
Doors stir this fascination in me that I can't quite place
and trigger emotions that elude words.
These are the front and back doors to my sister and brother-in-law's cabin.
Not only do these doors lead to one of my favorite places on earth, inside these doors are some of my best memories and it's as close to "home" as I can get.
Inside these doors I feel safe and secure, comfortable and inspired.
Oh, and of course I use the back door - you read the sign, right?? :-)
Doors have all these textures, colors, and styles.
Then there's the materials,...wood, metal, stone, glass.
Each one unique. Beautiful in it's own way.
And, no matter where your travels take you,
you can always find a door.
We were walking in Venice at night and rounded a corner and
look what door if saw!! It wasn't so much this door that caught my attention.
It was what was inside this door that I longed to see!
Ah,...a "missed opportunity" as the Swarovski
store was closed, but the photo opp was not to be missed!
I snapped so many door pics from my trip last fall that I thought my sister and brother-in-law were going to schedule and intervention. Follow this link to view a blog post on some of my "Door Porn" as I call it.
These doors hold mystery. We all wished we could peek inside. They are my symbol of Tuscany. This home is located in the small hill top village of Sommocolonia, above Barga. I've photographed these doors (this house) more than any other doors ever! |
The doors I have pictured here today for you are just a few of my collection, along with their special meaning to me.
Do doors hold a special meaning to you?
This is probably my second all-time favorite door photo I've ever taken.
It was taken from inside the church on the highest hill in Barga, Italy.
It represents "the world out there". The beauty to be seen and appreciated.
The history to be cherished and preserved. The adventure and opportunity that awaits.
There are days when I go here in my dreams too,...I walk outside this church and
stand in the warmth of the bright sunlight and breathe in the surrounding beauty.
Outside this door I am at peace, and so is the world. |
Please step on through to the doors that the other
photo challenge participants have posted over at The
Studio Sublime today.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Meaningful Doors!