Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etsy. Show all posts

What Would You Create?

A while back I was the lucky winner of these wonderful Honeycomb Head Pins created by
Raida over at Havana Beads!  
(I know, I was drooling when I saw them, too!!) 

Honeycomb Head Pins by Havana Beads

You should see some of the new ones she has up in her
Etsy shop now,....oh how luscious they are!!

Wildflower Drops by Havana Beads on Etsy

Okay, back to these goodies!!

Honeycomb Headpins from Havana Beads

I created one pair of earrings for my "Spice it Up" Collection using these awesome Honeycomb Head Pins but that has been it so far.

These are "Spiced Cognac" and they're over on Flickr.

I've been looking at these and stewing over them and wondering what else I'd like to create with them.

I love earrings (as many of you know) and they're my favorite things to create, so I have a feeling that a couple of them may find their way into another pair!

Oh, but what to mix them with!?!

Honeycomb Head Pins by Havana Beads

What would you create, given the chance? 

Let me know by leaving a comment below here on the blog and I might possibly (hint - hint) share a couple of these with someone!  (Wouldn't that be fun!!)

I'm linking up with BTW today over on Flikr because these are indeed still on my bead table today.
Along with about 60 more pairs ear wires I still need to get hammered out by the end of the day!!

Take care and don't forget to leave a comment telling me what you'd like to create if these were on your
bead table today!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Sharing!

BTW and a Discount Coupon For You!

I'm still playing around with some of these today, re-stringing (finally) some jewelry for a friend and contemplating a few other things.

Vintaj embossed blanks that I've been playing around with

What's on YOUR Bead Table Today? 

I'm putting a few new pieces up in the
MiShel Designs Etsy Store later this week. 

Mystery Earrings that could possibly show up in my store this week!

Use coupon code "Valentine25" in the MiShel Designs Etsy Store upon check out and get 25% off your order! 

Faceted Amethyst Nugget Earrings

This coupon code is just for my blog friends and my facebook/twitter followers - it's not posted in my shop - so enjoy it while you can!

Leather and Hematite Wrap Bracelet available in the
MiShel Designs Etsy Store

On another note, I must not have rubbed my rabbit's foot the right way, cause I didn't get selected by the random number picker that Lori Anderson did for this round of the Bead Soup Blog Party

Congrats to all those who did get selected - you're going to have a blast!

Plus, it's still going to be super fun hopping around all over the internet on March 3rd  and drooling over what all the particpants created. 

It will be like "Disneyland on steriods" for all us bead lovers!

Everyone have a great "Hump Day" as you coast on into the weekend, okay?

Barbie's still hanging out on my Bead Table!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Random Stuff!

Linking up with Bead Table Wednesday today
over on Flickr!

This or That Thursday!

Linking up today with This or That Thursday

Also, I'm giving a big shout out and huge "Thank You" to Brandi over at Brandi Girl Blog for her lovely tutorial on

I'm extremely techno-challenged, as you've all heard me tell you, so this was a great thing for me to learn.

I'm going to use it this year when I'm designing jewelry and hopefully it will help me to throw more colors into my designs.

Have a great Thursday!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Gorgeous Colors!


BTW - Bead Table Wednesday!

Okay - so I'm not real good at silence,or inactivity, so here's what's on my bead table today. 

Odds and Ends - Making Last Minute Gifts for the Holidays Today!!

Which, I might say, is actually pretty full right now as I'm trying to get gifts finished and ready for Christmas!!

Lampwork Glass Beads - Firebabies on Etsy
Vintaj Artisan Copper and Bead Caps
Someone Special's Getting This for Christmas!

And I finished these - they're for me to wear on Christmas! (Lucky ME!)

Hope you're all having a wonderful week and that you're creating something wonderful, whether it be jewelry, cookies for the holidays or lovely memories with your family!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Creating Fun Things!!


25% Off This Weekend!!

Are You Still Shopping For Wonderful Gifts For All Those You Adore?

Enjoy 25% Off This Weekend Over at the

Use Coupon Code Winter25 Upon Check Out!

Have a Great Weekend Everyone!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Fantastic Savings!


And The Winner Is,...

Patty Wins - Yeah!!
(I've already emailed her to give her the fun news!)

So, there you have it folks!  I hope you enjoyed visiting all the great, unique and fun shops during the Holiday Shop Hop this past weekend!

Keep in mind that from now until January 15th, 2012, the button at the top of my blog that says "Holiday Shop Hop 2011" will have all the shops that participated in the Holiday Shop Hop along with a few more that have been added to the list so you can enjoy browsing their shops, websites and/or blogs during the entire Winter Break.

Many of the shops are running promotions, sales and have all sorts of fun things going on this whole month - so please stop back by and check out their shops and see what's new!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Holiday Cheer!

Cyber Monday!

It's Cyber Monday and that means shopping in your jammies till you drop! And awesome savings of course!!

Hop on over to the MiShel Designs Etsy store today and save 10% off you entire order by using Coupon Code  "Cyber10" upon check out. 

And, here's some more good tips to help you save while shopping online today -

Hop on over to Studio Waterstone where Lori Plyler is having free shipping on all orders today. I have a couple of Lori's clutches and "OH MY!"  They're fabulous so you don't want to miss this!!

At Studio Waterstone, Lori's "Sharing the Love" and letting people post the specials they're having in their shops right on her blog - complete with easy links and everything!!  So, go check out all those goodies today,
you'll be happy you did!

Als0 over on Lori Anderson's Blog, Pretty Things, the 1st Annual Virtual Craft Fair is continuing today - check out the artists listed today and see what goodies they are giving away and what specials they have for you as well this week!

And, don't forget to come back here this weekend, December 3rd and 4th when a bunch of yummy shops will be posted here on my blog for the Holiday Shop Hop

Several shops are doing free give-a-ways and offering discounts or other goodies - so you don't want to miss this!

I'm hitting the internet now and going to check out all the great deals for Cyber Monday!

If you're having a special today for Cyber Monday on your shop, please be sure and leave me a link in your comments so I (and my readers) can go check out what you've got going on!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Happy Cyber Monday Shopping!!

Here's Your Coupon Code!

Happy Saturday Everyone!!

Today's the day my sister and I are having our Annual Fall Jewelry Boutique
Woo Hoo!!

MiShel Designs Falling Leaf Necklace

This is always so much fun!

This year, in addition to live music
(Thank You, Preston!)

Guitarist, Preston Hindman
Photo Courtesy of Egan Eyes Photography

we're also having a massage therapist join us and folks are signed up to get massages in between shopping and chatting with everyone! 

How fun is this going to be?!

MiShel Designs Pumpkin Spice Necklace

For all of you who cannot physically be here in Arizona to join in on the fun, know that you can shop right along with everyone by going to the MiShel Designs Etsy Store and using Coupon Code FALL15 for 15% off your order!  

MiShel Designs Desert Sagebrush Necklace

Plus, I'll be doing a give-a-way over on my MiShel Designs Facebook Page today, too.

So, be sure to hop on over there
and leave a comment in order
to be put in the drawing for the
jewelry give-a-way!

I'll announce the winners of the free jewelry give-a-way Sunday here on my blog and over on my MiShel Designs Facebook Page, too.

MiShel Designs Purple Rain Necklace

Everyone enjoy their Saturday and pretend there's someone rubbing your shoulders while you're browsing the
today - K?!!

MiShel Designs "Follow Your Heart" Necklace

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Happy Shopping Today!!

MiShel Designs "Perfect Pearls" Necklace


Holiday Shop Hop 2011 - Are You In??

Okay ~ so here's the scoop :

"Holiday Shop Hop" - My idea is to have a “Holiday Shop Hop” for a weekend on our blogs with a link to each other's shops so all our friends, family and internet connections can ‘hop’ around our shops/websites and shop for some wonderful handmade goodies for their family and friends for the holidays.

Carved Wooden Snowman Ornament by Gordon W. Baldock

When: Saturday and Sunday, December 3rd and 4th, 2011 (some folks suggested this weekend - so I listened)

Who: We're looking for people who sell quality, handmade items with an online storefront or shop of some sort (like Etsy, Artfire, your own website or other craft site, etc.) that have blogs or active Facebook Fan Pages that could post links on the specific weekend for people to 'click' on and hop around to.

What:  Items can include, but are not limted to:

Jewelry, jewelry components and supplies, art beads, art sculptures/paintings, beauty products, handmade soaps and bath gels and products, clothes, accessories (shoes, handbags, belts, etc.), photography prints, vintage goods, home decor, candles, ceramics and pottery, furniture, glass, housewares, gift cards, paper products, children's items, toys, holiday decorations, books, sewing/quilts, scarves, woodworking, carvings, yarn crafts, holiday decorations, wrapping paper and goods, etc.

I would like to limit things to hand-made, (vs. manufactured or store bought) and a nice mix of all sorts of handmade items would be great.

Where: A "link List" that weekend on your blog to all the participants. Or, a link on your Facebook page or your website, or your Etsy/Artfire shop announcements, etc. to the Host blog(s) so people can find the list of 'shops to hop' around to.

Why: To help spread the word about 'shopping handmade' this holiday season, because I've heard so many people wonder (out loud) what they could do to boost their online sales this season.

Now, here's all the other details:

You can offer any type of incentives, or discounts codes, or free give-a-ways, etc., on your own shops, Etsy stores or Artfire shops or blogs, websites, etc., (however each person sells their wares) whatever it is you want to do.

It’s your shop – do what you want.
(you're responsible for all your own orders, shipping, etc.)

I cannot promise you any increase in sales,
but more traffic to your shops wouldn't hurt!
This is an ‘Attention Getter’ ,
with the purpose of getting more people to view your handmade products this Holiday Gift Giving Season.

Realistically, it shouldn’t be any extra work or stress for the participants or anything out of the ordinary other than what you would (should!) normally be doing for your shops at this time of year.

Unless, of course, you wanted to make extra items for your shop so that it's well stocked when people stop in to shop, or create discount coupons, and things like that.

**Here's the important part***

I would like those with a blog and/or facebook page to please do one or two posts leading up to the event, getting the word out and helping to get people to stop by on the dates set for the Holiday Shop Hop.

And, if you are on Facebook and/or Twitter, then a FB post/note and a few Tweets would be really great, too.

Basically, any Social Media things you would be doing for your own blog during the this time of year would be something nice to do for the "Holiday Shop Hop".

***Please Note***

I'm of the mindset that "there's enough for everyone" and so it will not be the sort of thing where there's only one
 type of product in each category
(say only one jewelry shop in the jewelry category). 

Shoot,...with all the jewelry peeps I know, it could all be jewlery!  But I'm really hoping to spead the word and get a nice, wide variety of handmade items to show our guests who visit and give them some great items to choose from.

Any help on getting shops in a wide variety of categories would be greatly appreciated!

So what do you say?

Would you like to play along?

If so, please leave a comment with your shop name, blog name and your email so I can contact you.

If you don't want to leave an email on the comments, please make certain that you leave a blog or facebook link that leads me to an email or phone number so I can reach you and get all your information and proper links to post that weekend for everyone.

I've got several folks who have already asked to participate, so early next week (after I've gathered everyone's responses), I'll post a link button for you to grab for your blog and for those with only shops and no blogs, I'll have the link for you to post in your shop announcements for people to click on.

I hope all of this long winded stuff just made sense.

If you have questions - please contact me.
My email is:
And, there's a link to it over here --->
on the right side of my blog somewhere, too! 

Old Fashioned Santa
Hand Carved by Gordon W. Baldock

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Spreading Good Cheer, Baby!!


Gearing Up,...

I hope everyone had a very Happy Halloween yesterday!!

Today's a day of "Gearing Up" for some things that are going to be happening around here, so I'll jump right in.

Multi-Strand Knotted Bracelet
by MiShel Designs
1st up, my sister and I are having our
at her house this coming Saturday, November 5th,
from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

I hope those of you here in Arizona will join us!

I Invite all of my Blogger family, Facebook friends
and beloved online connections who can't physically be with us in Arizona, to join us online this Saturday for our Annual Fall Jewelry Boutique by stopping by here and over on my
MiShel Designs Facebook page and grabbing your "coupon code" that you'll be able to use upon check out in my
Etsy Store.

Plus, we'll also have some online Jewelry Give-A-Ways here, and over on my MiShel Designs Facebook Page as well,
so you'll want to check in both places on
Saturday afternoon and see what's going on!

Desert Sagebrush Necklace

I really love connecting with all the women who come to 

They have shown me their support for several years now.  They're my trusted "board of advisors" on what's good and what's not and they are a fun group of gals that I love to hang out with for the day, while we laugh, joke and share.

They are truly some of the best clients (and friends!!) 
anyone could ask for. I cannot wait for Saturday!!
"See" you there!!

Next up for business today is this idea
I've been swirling
- or should I say "Twirling"-
around in my head.  

These days, I see more and more people who enjoy giving handmade gifts to those they care about. 

The Pippy Golden Pom Pom Scarf by Sew Stacy on Etsy
(I have one in black and white - simply stunning!!)

It's a wonderful feeling gifting someone something
that is handmade and unique - it's very delightful indeed!

One of my favorite handmade purchases was this
Red Leather Recycled Clutch from Lori Plyer over at Studio Waterstone
Yummy - isn't it!?!  I just LOVE carrying this around!!

I don't know about you, but knowing my purchase of handmade items helps to support the
small business person as well as the arts/craft industry
is double the delight for me! 

So, come back tomorrow
(yep, gotta stop by here again tomorrow!)
as I give you all the juicy details for the
"Holiday Shop Hop" I'm putting together.

And, if you're one of the people who have an online shop,
say on Etsy or Artfire, or you sell your wares online via
your website or another craft market place, you'll definitely want to check back in here tomorrow to see how you can participate in this fun and exciting venture and have the possibility of putting more of your handmade items in the hands of those that want them this
Holiday Gift Giving Season!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Gearing Up For Fun Things!!

