This is week 41 (wow, can you believe it?!)
and Sally's prompt for the
Sally told us, " We have, make and witness connections everyday. Connecting to one another makes us feel that we are a part of something more, something great! This week focus on the connections you make, the connections that naturally occur, a connection of things, your connection to your environment, craft or faith."
Wow, how timely. Again! I swear, Sally has this uncanny way of honing in on what we're all going through. It's like she has this little crystal ball that has all of our lives on 'speed dial'.
Or maybe, it's because we really are all connected to each other.
Jewelry-world related I've been rather unconnected for the last month or so. However, business-wise with our environmental business and personally with those around me, I've been more deeply connected.
Aside from answering phones, fielding questions and taking care of the front office work for RespirCare (the company my husband built that we own and run together) I'm becoming educated and trained in the microbial science behind our business and taking a more active role in the strategic marketing and growth aspect of our company.
This week, I sat in on a two day, hands on training class that my hubby taught.
Mike Teaching one of the sampling courses |
It's interesting, but far removed from the likes of pearls, jewelry or the craft world. However, the links between the two industries are more 'connected' than I imagined.
I enjoy seeing the light bulb go off in someone when they grasp a concept that was alluding them, or they are able to thoroughly understand a portion of the science behind the business and see how their new found knowledge can further assist them with not only helping their customers, but actually help them to build upon their own business.
Mike with RespirCare Associate, Don - Our Canadian "Connection" |
It's rather similar to when I'm teaching and I experience a student learn a jewelry technique and how their brain starts seeing all the exciting ways they can incorporate their newly acquired skill and add to their repertoire of designs.
So, these last few weeks have been spent connecting a bit more in-depth with my hubby; with our business, our family, our clients, customers and ourselves. These connections have brought us closer as a family to our future goals, to each other and to those we interact with.
I have to admit though, it's quite challenging to step out of my comfort zone and stretch my knowledge and skill set. It's cozy, warm and comfy in my comfort zone. I like cozy, warm and comfy,....kinda like some fungi I know.
Sorry, I couldn't resist!! LOL!! ;-)
So, who or what are YOU connecting with these days? Please connect with all of us this weekend over at The Studio Sublime. You never know where your connections will lead,.....
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Forming and Fostering Connections!