Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts

A Few New Things,...

Here's a few designs that have recently been added to the MiShel Designs Etsy Shop.

Mother's Day is only a couple of days away.

Hopefully you have all of your shopping finished.

But, if not, I'd like to help you out!  

(Crunch Time!)

Go ahead and take a peek over in the shop!


Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and New Additions!


Earrings in the Hopper

I was able to create for a couple of hours this past weekend, despite all the functions and things we had going on, and boy was it nice!

I actually played with wire and wrapped a few gemstones for earrings. 

I even made a few earring wires.

Haven't done that in a while!

Hopefully this coming weekend I'll get these finished, photographed and listed over in my Etsy shop

 It's rather bare at the moment so new items are needed! 

I've been inspired by so many different things lately. 

Here's some of my inspiration for these earrings:

Sea Caves, Taiwan

Glory Hole, Ozark National Forest

Nature is so beautiful, isn't she?

Stalactites Via Pinterest

What is it that inspires you?

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Natural Beauty!


I'm a Mini-Hoard-A-Holic??

I believe that a bit of a confession is in order.
I'm sort of a 'mini-hoard-a-holic' when it comes to art-beads and artisan crafted components.  
I guess that's not a full-hearted confession, but that's because the reality of the matter is just starting to sink in and I don't consider the number I have to be astronomical or anything like that.

 In other words, I don't profess to have tons of art-beads and artisan components begging to be put away or sorted through. 

Heck, I wouldn't even consider my entire bead stash to be that large since it fits quite nicely into the top half of an armoire that sits in my bedroom (aka - studio). 

See, I told you it wasn't that bad. It's pretty 'average' if you ask me.
Or even on the 'small' side considering I've been collecting beads and creating for over two decades now!
My hubs refers to me as the 'pack master', so everything is very well 'placed' inside those containers.
Granted, this is only the beads and cords portion of my supplies.
 My tools, fabrics, leather, etc., are strategically placed in drawers, sewing boxes and other places.

 I mean, despite my complete pearl obsession, I don't even have a super-huge stash of pearls.
Only 11 of those bead bins are full of pearls.
 (surprise, surprise!). 

So no, I don't have the 'I have too many beads and not enough storage room' problem (although that might be a rather fun problem to have!). 
But I used to hoard pearls like crazy! 
I used to open my little bins of pearls and just look at them, (and touch them!!) not wanting to use them in designs because then I wouldn't have them anymore.

It's a sickness I tell you,...a true sickness!
Slowly, over the years, I've been 'letting them go' and putting more pearls into my designs. 

Almost all of my designs have pearls in them these days actually.
Anyway, I do however, tend to hoard the art-beads and artisan crafted components that I purchase.
Not on purpose mind you.  I buy them because they catch my eye and they're just too cool to pass up. 
But then I get them and I either don't know how to do them 'justice' in an equally cool design or I don't want to let their gorgeousness out of my sight!
(I told you - it's a sickness!)
This week I purchased one of Ema Kilroy's super new copper clasps.
This one, to be exact.

Isn't it lovely?  As fair warning though, I did send Ema a message on her facebook page that I'd try not to 'hoard' it like I did all my other art-components, but that I couldn't make any promises.
Here's a few of the artisan pieces I have hoarded collected over the past few years.

See, that's not a huge stash of stuff, right?

 But, I bet you that some of the artists whose beads and components appear in this photo would look at these and say, "Yep Shel,  I haven't made those beads/components for couple of years or more. You really have hoarded those, haven't you!?!"
So, what's a little hoarder to do?  Any suggestions? Do you hoard anything? 
And I don't mean is your house so jam-packed with 'stuff' that you have to clear a 'fire-path',...I'm just asking, do you sometimes 'keep' certain things because you like them and don't want know how to part with them?  
I mean, I guess I could use these super cool components in jewelry for myself and justify keeping them that way, but shoot, I don't even make it that far. 

Sometimes the beads/components/pendants are just so lovely all by themselves that they don't seem to go with anything I try to create.
Do you ever have that problem?  Is it even a problem or just a sweet little luxury?
I guess that's a topic for another post, eh?! 

I'd love to hear what sweet little obsessions you like to 'hoard'.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and
Little Bits of Hoarded Goodness!

Keep Calm and Wear Kick-Ass Pearls!

My apologies if I offended anyone with the Kick-A** part here,
but ya know,
life's too short not to wear your best pearls!

Or your favorite ones.
Any time, or night.
Doesn't matter the season,
Pearls go with anyone, for any reason.
Recently a dear friend of mine had this to say:
"I'm normally not a pearly girl but the way you do them, I am becoming converted!!"
I told her that was my mission in life: 
Pearl Converter.
Once everyone on the planet falls in love with them like I have,
my job on Earth will be complete.
 May the sun always shine when you need it to,
And the wind always be to your back.
May happiness be yours in whatever you do,
and may gorgeous, kick-ass pearls be the adornment you never lack!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Pearls, Baby!!



March Merriment! (And some Aquamarine and Pearls!)

March in the Arizona desert is one of my favorite months because the weather is usually so amazing!

The citrus trees are blooming and smell fantastic, the birds are singing extra 'pretty' and the sky seems to burst each day with colorful sunrises and sunsets.

I have several family members and friends who have birthdays in March and it's my birthday month too,
so March is special to me.

Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March
and it's one of my favorite stones.

Each year during the Tucson Gem Shows in February I try to snatch up a few of these precious gems and then create something for my birthday as my gift to myself.
(I know, kinda weird, but that's just me!)
This is what I created this year. 

Hand-knotted faceted Aquamarine nugget focal with faceted Aquamarine roundelles,
faceted Labradorite rounds and freshwater cultured Pearls. Handcrafted
sterling silver hook clasp.
It's an asymmetrical, hand knotted necklace and bracelet with pearls (of course), aquamarine and labradorite. There's also a piece of ancient Roman Glass (love this!!) from Happy Mango Beads thrown into the bracelet mix.

Hand-knotted faceted Aquamarine nugget and roundelles, faceted Labradorite rounds,
freshwater cultured Pearls and ancient Roman glass from Happy Mango Beads.
Handcrafted sterling silver hook clasp.
The pieces aren't totally 'matchy-matchy' but they're still similar enough to be what I would call a 'set'  
It's a bit unusual, but I like that!
I love reading about gemstone lore and learning the metaphysical properties of the stones I'm wearing or using to create jewelry. 
I feel the energy in the different stones brings the piece to life, so to speak, and gives it an inner meaning that speaks to the wearer, offering up a sense of protection, guidance or clarity to things.
Here's some of the metaphysical properties and folklore of the stones within this set:
Aquamarine: It is said to be the 'stone of sailors', as they believed it would protect them on the water.  
The Romans used it for diseases of the stomach and also believed it could alleviate or cure liver and throat problems. 
Aquamarine represents Courage, peace, balance, preparedness, purification self-expression and intuition.
PearlsThe mystic properties of pearls lend them to be associated mostly with women and they are known as the ultimate gemstone for feminine energy.

Pearls are said to represent purity, faith, loyalty, truth, integrity, fertility, charity, innocence, spirituality and wisdom (to name a few things).

Some cultures use pearls as a way of helping women to connect with their “inner goddesses” and pearls are believed to help you focus, keep you centered and to give the wearer a sense of calmness.
Labradorite:  It is believe to be a stone of transformation that protects you through change by reducing stress and providing clarity, insight, patience, peace and sense of good timing, while increasing intuition, mental illumination and helping with subconscious issues.
One of my niece's and I used to call Labradorite, 'fish-stone', because we thought that its color and iridescence was like that of some fish scales.

Which makes it perfect (in my opinion) to pair with pearls and aquamarine.
You know, other 'water-stones'.  (grin!)

Do you have something special you do for yourself for your birthday or during your birthday month?

I'm curious.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Aquamarine,...with Pearls, of course!


Jewelry of the Day (or week, rather)

It's time to share more "Jewelry of the Day" shots.

Last week was pretty much all about pearls.
No surprise for you there. 
I mean, when is it not about pearls for me, right?

Even though my day-job is based out of my home, I still dress for work. I'm always pretty casual (jeans or long skirts can be seen most days) but I come to work 'put together' and of course that means jewelry.

I used to wear the same jewelry day in and day out, but for the past several months I've been wearing more of the jewelry that's in my collection (mine and other designers) and trying different styles and colors to see what works and what doesn't for me. 
It's been fun and a bit of an eye-opener, too.
I am still very much a 'Plain Jane' though.
Not straying too far from my 'jewelry comfort zone'.
If you care to follow along, you can catch me on Instagram
(thank you Samantha!!).
I've also got a Jewelry of the Day board over on Pinterest.
And then there's always Facebook.
You'll catch shots there every once in a while, too.
I really gotta quit messing around w/overlays, etc. on Pixlr! LOL!!
Please, join in the fun and post pics back.
I'd love to see what Jewelry you're wearing for the day! 
Earrings by Jennifer Hanscom of Jenuine Article and
Copper Owl Pendant by Kristi Bowman of Kristi Bowman Designs
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Pearls, Baby!!

Bridging the Gap,...

If you've followed my blog for any length of time,
 you've probably noticed that I'm a pearl lover.
(Understatement of the century for those of you who know me well, wouldn't you say??!)
 Along with pearls, I love to drool over jewelry photos.
Or the real thing when life permits.
 I love ALL kinds of jewelry.
Be it handcrafted, artisan jewelry created by all my very talented 'beady' friends or trendy costume jewelry or super, high-end luxury jewelry. 

I'm pretty much a stalker of all things jewelry related.
And styles, too.
I'm not what you would call 'picky' when it comes to what jewelry styles I like to ogle. What I actually wear, possibly, but not when it comes to getting my 'eye-candy' on.

Nope, I'm pretty easy.  
Sure, I have my favorites, but I'll take what I can get,
when and wherever I can get it.
In my extensive 'research' throughout the years
(yes, I call it research because this way I can justify all the 'jewelry-porn' that's on my computer!) I’ve seen tons of beautiful pieces of jewelry and I now have an extensive list of jewelry artists who I admire and look to for inspiration.
Although I love many different styles of jewelry, as I mentioned above, I do seem to be drawn to designers who can create a piece of jewelry and make it look ancient, worn, rugged or ‘rough’ (for lack of a better word), yet refined and elegant all at the same time.
I love seeing fresh, new pieces of jewelry that look as though they were crafted a century ago with just a couple of very simple tools, someone’s bare hands and a powerful imagination!  

Emanuela Duca Pearl Ring


Some of my favorite examples of these styles
are from designers such as  
Todd ReedSarah Graham and Emanuela Duca.

Sarah Graham Metalsmithing
I first witnessed Todd Reed’s dreamy rough diamond pieces in the pages of Modern Jeweler – possibly around 2007 or so, I can’t exactly recall (he has some cool rings on pages 73/74 of the May 2008 issue that I still drool over!).
Todd Reed Jewelry

Sadly this magazine, after 108 years of publishing, closed their doors in August of 2009.  (I think I may have had a glass of wine and a binge of chocolate eating in order to cope when I learned of this tragic news!)
Thankfully, JCK (Jewelers' Circular Keystone) is still on the scene and so the ‘eye-candy’ that I love to drool over and the designers I love to read about is still within reach.
In a pic I posted on Instagram the other day I mentioned my excitement at receiving the latest issue of JCK in the mail and was a bit surprised when a fellow jewelry friend of mine said she wasn’t quite sure she had ever heard of JCK magazine.
My Mail "Loot" The Other Day! ;-)
When I saw her comment, I wanted to do this post and share with all of you one of my favorite magazines and a true staple in my jewelry life.
And, even though you think it might be geared just towards the luxury jewelry industry and high-end jewelry stores and their owners, I’m here to tell you that no, it’s not.

Well, actually that is their target market, but just stay with me here and you’ll see where I’m going with this one.
Although I love all my jewelry crafting magazines, both online ones and ones in print, I’m excited and grateful that there's a high-end gem and jewelry trade publication like JCK; it fuels a different side of the 'jewelry geek' in me.
JCK has tons of marketing articles, trending news, legislature happenings, hot jewelry topics and trends, fabulous new designer info, insider tips of the trade, awesome photos to drool over and so much more.

It's all the information I search the Internet for,
all in one place!

Notice all the Gorgeous PEARLS on the Cover!!
Now, if you are only interesting in learning how to make jewelry and/or read jewelry crafting tutorials, 
then this won't likely be your cup of tea.

But, if you’re open to various styles of jewelry, things trending in the jewelry industry world-wide and of course, reading about up and coming designers (inspiration galore!), then you have to check it out.

So, follow their blog, sign up for their newsletters and devour ever issue.
They really are the Industry Authority – just like it says on their cover!
Okay folks, What are your ‘staples’?

Please leave a comment below and let me know what magazines, websites or other jewelry authorities you think are some of the best in the business and why. 

Time to ‘bridge the gap’ between handcrafted and luxury.
I mean after all, we do love the same thing!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Jewelry!