Suburban Girl Studio Design Team - Spring Reveal

Wow - this has been so much fun! 

Some of you might remember back here, when I mentioned that I was luckily selected as one of Diana's members for her Suburban Girl Studio Design Team?

Well, today's the reveal date for Spring 2012.

Here's the lovely items that Diana over at
Suburban Girl Studio so graciously sent me.

Beautiful, right?  The glass bead was made by fellow Design Team member and talented lampwork artist Jan over at Molten Mayhem and the Sunset Orange Porcelain Flower Pendant was made by Diana herself.

I can't tell you how many times I tried this and I tried that.  I put things together and pulled things apart. I tried Irish waxed linen with seed beads, but the ones I really wanted to use, which were the perfect color, were way too small and the cord wouldn't fit through them. Not to mention that the design did nothing to highlight either the pendant or the glass beads,, it was starting to look like I might not have a design that I was pleased with finished in time for the reveal.

But, last, it came together.  Here's the finished design. 

My son remarked this week that my design colors are usually "blacks, greys, blues, silvers and stuff like that". And he's right - so these colors were a real treat!  They're bright and cheery and definitely remind me of spring; especially with everything blooming and colors popping up everywhere here in the desert.

I love using recycled Sari Silk in my designs.
And then of course, true to my usual style,
(if you could even say that I have a specific style)
is the use of silver with the addition of the chain
and beaded dangles.

And, notice how I could wear this to a PHX Suns game and be loaded with yummy team spirit?
Yeah Baby!!

Please be sure to check out the other 
Design Team Members 
by clicking on  their names in the list below to see the amazing items they've created.

You'll be glad you did!!

Special thanks to Diana for so graciously setting up this Design Team and sharing her lovely art pendants and beads with us and to Jan this season for giving us all one of her lovely glass beads - you two are amazing!!

2012 Suburban Girl Studio Design Team

Diana Ptaszynski
Jenny Davies-Reazor
 Kristen Stevens
 Jan Onipenco
Marla James
 Sandra Basara Mille
 Michelle Buettner

Peace, Love and Design Team Spirit!

Fun Things,...

I really wanted to tell you all about a few amazing things happening on some of the blogs I follow.

1st up, over on Brandi Girl Blog
(you know you LOVE her blog as much as I do!!) 
Brandi's offering her new Photoshop Elements class
at a super incredible price.

If you have PS Elements and need any sort of help, Brandi's your girl!  I have Photoshop CS (and don't have a clue how to really use it other than to crop, lighten up, and put a couple of words on a photo!)  and I'm thinking of getting Elements just so I can take Brandi's class and finally start to understand some things and get a little un-techno challenged! So, click on over and read all about it. You shouldn't miss this great opportunity, okay?

Next, Lori Anderson is having an incredible give-a-way over on her blog Pretty Things.

Lori Anderson - Pretty Things

Again, this is one you don't want to miss out on and she's announcing winners on Sunday, April 1st - so get your bum over to her blog and check out the amazing Scott David Plumlee DVD's she's dishing out.
Holy cow are they fabulous!!

And, last but not least today, I wanted to tell you about the "Wrapped, Stacked and Layered Challenge" over on

I love making all sorts of wrapped and stack-able bracelets. I usually have my leather knotted pearl bracelets stacked and layered on my own wrists (check out my right arm here in this video) and so I'm super psyched for this challenge! 

Plus, the reveal date is Saturday, April 21st which is the same day my sis and I are hosting our next jewelry party over at her house, so this is prompting me to make some extra bracelets for that!  You only have until April 2nd, which is Monday, to get signed up.  Whatcha waiting for?
Go on over and sign up, baby!!

Beaded Wrap Bracelets by MiShel Designs

I know there's a lot more going on out there in blogger land than I can post here right now, so please take the time to read down my "Links" list and my "Blogs I Follow" list too.

That way you won't miss anything like I did this last week or so!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Super Cool and Fun Stuff Going On!!



It's My Birthday!

I'm taking the day off (yeah, I wish!)

I'm not really a cake person.

I prefer cheesecake or
Misha's homemade apple pie.

So I'll leave you with this yummy picture.

Oreo Cheesecake by Julie Janecki via Pinterest


Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Yummy Birthday Goodies!

BTW - Bead Table Wednesday

Okay - I've been slacking off with the blog posts since returning from vacation, but I wanted to get back in the swing of things here and show you what's on my table today for Bead Table Wednesday.

I got these gorgeous beads in the mail today from Jeannie for the Echo Creative Club Design Team Reveal that's happening again on the 25th of next month - pretty huh?

I have no idea what I'm going to create with them, but it's going to be fun!

13mm Peeled Pain Variegated Copper Leaf
Beads by Jeannie from Jewelry By Jeannie

Don't forget to set the alarm and get back over here on Wednesday, April 25th and see what the other team members have created, too!

And, well, here's the bead table today ~ All kinds of little goodies on the bench.

Shelly's pile of goodies on her bead table today!
(Click on any picture to enlarge it)
There's the way cool pendant that I received from Diana over at Suburban Girl Studio for the 2012 Spring Design Team. (De-Lish!)

Come back on Sunday, April 1st - yes, this Sunday - and you'll get to see what I created with it!!

And, I've got a few other little goodies on the table, too - like one of my "Shel's Ribbons" for a client who wants me to put a pink Swarovski Crystal dangle off one end and tie a pink ribbon to it because she's a breast cancer survivor (yeah!!) and some nice Irish Waxed Linen from White Clover Kiln over on Etsy,...and some seed beads and other things,....

So, what's on your bead table today,...or your work table, your 'to-do' table,....whatcha up to??

Hop on over to Flickr and see what everyone else has on their Bead Table today won't you?

Until Tomorrow,....yes, tomorrow,.....(It's my birthday!)

Peace, Love and Fun at the Bead Table!!


I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

We had a lovely time on Spring Break this past week.

Here's a few things that graced the beach where we played,....

I'm linking up with I Heart Macro over at

Won't you join me?

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Tiny Treasures!


I'm Here,...

Got my toes in the sand,
drink in my hand,
watchin' the waves crash land,
takin' it all in,...
life's grand!

Until Next Time,...
Peace, Love and Beautiful Beaches!

I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

The grapefruit trees are getting their blossoms.

click to enlarge photos

They smell amazing!

I'm linking up with I Heart Macro
over at Studio Waterstone today.

Won't you join in the fun?

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Sweet Smells!

Here's the LUCKY One!

Happy St. Patrick's Day Everyone!!

A couple of days back I posted a pic of these gorgeous lampwork  head pins by Havana Beads that I'd won. 

I created these fun earrings with a couple of them.

I wanted to share a couple with you and so I had a little drawing. Only a couple of people comment here below on the blog, but a few of you convo'd me on Etsy and FB'd me, so just I put the names together and had a little 'old fashioned' drawing - you know, with paper, a little cup!

And, Therese was the lucky recipient of two of these lovely Lampwork head pins from Havana Beads!!

Woo Hoo!

So, Happy Beading Therese and if you get the chance to show us what you create with them, that would be fabulous!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Sharing Cool Findings!!

Suburban Girl Studio Design Team

Remember how I told you I was fortunate enough to get chosen to be part of the 2012 Suburban Girl Studio Design Team?

Well, here's the first set of components that Diana sent to me!

Sunset Orange Porcelain Flower Pendant by Suburban Girl Studio
Lampwork Glass Bead by Jan O. of LakeSide Creations

Lovely, aren't they?

The flower pendant is her Sunset Orange Porcelain Flower that she carries in her Etsy Shop.

Wait till you see all the fabulous items Diana has in her shop!
Oh my!  Trust me, you'll want one of everything!

The lovely handmade glass bead is from Jan Onipenco. You can find some really cool things in Jan's Shop, LakeSide Creations over on Etsy!

Sunset Orange Porcelain Flower Pendant by Suburban Girl Studio
Lampwork Glass Bead by Jan O. of LakeSide Creations

Thanks so much to Diana for providing this opportunity and her lovely ceramic pendant and to Jan for her amazing lampwork bead.

I'm excited because these aren't colors that I normally work with so it's going to be fun to challenge myself and play with some fun colors!

The 1st Reveal Date for the Suburban Girl Studio Design Team is on Sunday, April 1st, 2012.

April Fool's!
No really,....seriously - come back here on the 1st and I'll have the design team links and you can see all the really cool stuff that every one's created with the items that Diana sent out!

So, while I'm vacationing on the beach, I'm going to be playing with these. 

I mean really, who could ask for anything more?

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Designing with WAAAAY COOL Goodies!!

Client Highlight

Everyone once in a while, I get the wonderful chance to show off some of the jewelry my clients create with my handcrafted earring wires and today's one of those days!

Pat's Peruvian Blue Opal Chrome Diopside Sterling Silver Earrings

Pat Barden's jewelry over on her Artfire shop has a contemporary flair.  Her jewelry is filled with colorful gemstones that sparkle with movement. 

Pat's crazy lace blue quartz apatite sterling silver earrings

Pat been using several of the different style ear wires I offer over in my Shel's Jewelry Supplies Etsy Shop for quite a while now and I think her earrings make my earring wires look special!

Pat's citrine and hessonite briolette sterling silver earrings

I like Pat's jewelry because she takes the obvious and does the 'not so obvious' with her designs, creating jewelry that's hip, modern and fun, yet still classic enough to wear for years!

Pat's faceted square opalite sterling silver earrings lilac rain

Thanks Pat, for sprucing up my earring wires and for being such a valued client!

Hop on over to Pat's Artfire shop and have a look around - her gorgeous necklaces are something to behold as well!!

Pat's peruvian blue opal african turquoise bird lariat necklace

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Lovin' My Clients (and friends!!)

*All Jewelry and Photographs Compliments of Pat Barden*