This or That Thursday

Playing along with Deb Duty and the gang for

Waiting for the perfect wave,....

Wanna join in?

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun!


My Ah-Ha Moment

****Caution**** The below post contains a few choice words. If you're easily offended by stuff  like this, then please don't read any further.


So, I'm reading InStyle Magazine the other day - the April issue with the funny and ever-so-gorgeous Sofia Vergara on the cover.   I land on page 177 and start reading
'Designer One-on-One' featuring

Les Arts Decoratifs

There's this picture of Marc in the upper right hand corner of the article with a quote from him that stopped me dead in my tracks. 

Marc Jacobs - via Pinterest - Lane Brooks/Packaging Men

It goes like this: "Be open! If you dress to suit you mood - as you should - you don't need a signature look."
~ Marc Jacobs, InStyle Magazine, April 2012 ~

Marc Jacobs

Finally I saw in writing something I had felt in my heart for-EVER! 

Only, here's what I heard in my head and my heart when I read his quote:

"If you design jewelry to fit your mood - as you SHOULD - you don't need a signature style!"

Wow,...that's some powerful stuff right there, baby!!

 Thank you Marc Jacobs!! 

Most of the experts will tell you that you have to pick a "Style" and focus on that. You know, design with a certain set of materials and create a "cohesive look and feel" to your designs so that when people see your 'stuff' they know - with out a doubt - that it's yours.

Make sure people can recognize YOU in your designs. 

Shit, I don't recognize me in my designs - how can everyone else? 

It's excellent advice I know, and maybe I put too much thought into it, but when people ask me to describe my style I sit there with a blank stare on my face. 

That's like the hardest question on the planet for me.  

And you know why?

Because most jewelry designers I know DO have a specific style. They've got their vintage, steampunk, rocker, eclectic, romantic, boho-chic, organic, spunky style down to a perfect "T". 

And me,...well I kinda feel like my ass is just 
flappin' in the wind.


Until I read that quote by Marc Jacobs and my muse, God, the Universe, my soul - whatever it was - spoke to me, I felt like I was just 'hanging-out' with out a clue in the world and that I had to fit into some nice, neat, itty-bitty, little category that was already defined for me.  

I kept thinking,..."Well, I must be doing this all wrong if I don't have a specific style or certain design category that I fit into. I better decide on one and start going in that direction."

And then I'd sit there. Unable to design. Unable to create. Unable to be motivated or inspired. Unable to be me. 

If I choose something for the sake of choosing, or for marketing purposes or because other folks think it's something I'd be good at,
it will be forced and fake.

I cannot pigeon-hole myself into a design category or style.

I don't want to.

I want to create whatever it is I'm drawn too.

I want to create for whatever mood I feel today.

I love vintage things,...don't really make 'em that often,...but I love looking at them and drooling over them. I love steampunk stuff, and rocker things. I love eclectic, organic, rustic and boho-chic things to the MAX.  I have a bit of a romantic side,...every now and then,...and I can be sort of spunky when I feel like it, too.

I have bits and pieces of all those things inside of me. I have lots of different sides, lots of different moods and lots of different styles that I love to create and let come out. 

I love a ton of different music and I like to dance to all of it! 

My inner child likes to play 'dress-up".

I dress pretty casual and have a rather simple wardrobe and so jewelry is how I express my moods and the various styles that I like - all of them!

No, my designs do not all look alike. 

They don't all have the same colors (well, sometimes they do!),  they don't all use the same materials and they certainly don't all have the same style - not in the least!   

They are quality - that's one common thread.

At least that's what my clients tell me.

Pot-Pouri?  Is that a style?  How about Eclectic,..sort of organic-rustic-boho-chic-bit of glam-elegant-rocker-classic-casual-ness-ish? Yeah,...I like that!

It does cover lots of moods and after all,...I am a woman.

I'm entitled to ALL my moods!  (And styles!)

How about you? How do you celebrate all your moods? Do you have a certain design style that you are drawn to and like to create or do you like to mix things up all the time? 

Do you follow your heart and let your inner child play?

 She might just surprise you!

My Muse!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Playing with Style!

All jewelry designs created and photographed by Michelle Buettner

Happy Easter!

May you be surrounded with
beauty, peace and love today

Until Next Time,

Peace. Love.


I'm linking up with
I Heart Macro today, too.


I'm dreaming of beautiful colors today.

What are dreaming of?

Linking up with This or That Thursday
over on Deb Duty's Blog today.

Care to join me?

Click to enlarge any of the photos

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Sweet Dreams!



I just finished one of my "Shel's Ribbons" in pink for a client and I'm working on a ton of ear wires for clients and a bunch of other things today, too.

What's on your Bead Table Today?

over on Flickr and see what's happening!

Shel's Ribbon - MiShel Designs

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Busy Wednesdays!

What's Your Color, Baby?!

Have you heard the news? 

Sally over at Studio Sublime is having a

Oh - How Fun Is This Going To Be?

Hurry on over and sign up for the fun - there's only going to be 50 spots open.

Oh my - all the lovely colors we're going to get to feast our eyes upon,.....I'm already drooling!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and What Color Am I Going To Be?!!


Suburban Girl Studio Design Team - Spring Reveal

Wow - this has been so much fun! 

Some of you might remember back here, when I mentioned that I was luckily selected as one of Diana's members for her Suburban Girl Studio Design Team?

Well, today's the reveal date for Spring 2012.

Here's the lovely items that Diana over at
Suburban Girl Studio so graciously sent me.

Beautiful, right?  The glass bead was made by fellow Design Team member and talented lampwork artist Jan over at Molten Mayhem and the Sunset Orange Porcelain Flower Pendant was made by Diana herself.

I can't tell you how many times I tried this and I tried that.  I put things together and pulled things apart. I tried Irish waxed linen with seed beads, but the ones I really wanted to use, which were the perfect color, were way too small and the cord wouldn't fit through them. Not to mention that the design did nothing to highlight either the pendant or the glass beads,, it was starting to look like I might not have a design that I was pleased with finished in time for the reveal.

But, last, it came together.  Here's the finished design. 

My son remarked this week that my design colors are usually "blacks, greys, blues, silvers and stuff like that". And he's right - so these colors were a real treat!  They're bright and cheery and definitely remind me of spring; especially with everything blooming and colors popping up everywhere here in the desert.

I love using recycled Sari Silk in my designs.
And then of course, true to my usual style,
(if you could even say that I have a specific style)
is the use of silver with the addition of the chain
and beaded dangles.

And, notice how I could wear this to a PHX Suns game and be loaded with yummy team spirit?
Yeah Baby!!

Please be sure to check out the other 
Design Team Members 
by clicking on  their names in the list below to see the amazing items they've created.

You'll be glad you did!!

Special thanks to Diana for so graciously setting up this Design Team and sharing her lovely art pendants and beads with us and to Jan this season for giving us all one of her lovely glass beads - you two are amazing!!

2012 Suburban Girl Studio Design Team

Diana Ptaszynski
Jenny Davies-Reazor
 Kristen Stevens
 Jan Onipenco
Marla James
 Sandra Basara Mille
 Michelle Buettner

Peace, Love and Design Team Spirit!

Fun Things,...

I really wanted to tell you all about a few amazing things happening on some of the blogs I follow.

1st up, over on Brandi Girl Blog
(you know you LOVE her blog as much as I do!!) 
Brandi's offering her new Photoshop Elements class
at a super incredible price.

If you have PS Elements and need any sort of help, Brandi's your girl!  I have Photoshop CS (and don't have a clue how to really use it other than to crop, lighten up, and put a couple of words on a photo!)  and I'm thinking of getting Elements just so I can take Brandi's class and finally start to understand some things and get a little un-techno challenged! So, click on over and read all about it. You shouldn't miss this great opportunity, okay?

Next, Lori Anderson is having an incredible give-a-way over on her blog Pretty Things.

Lori Anderson - Pretty Things

Again, this is one you don't want to miss out on and she's announcing winners on Sunday, April 1st - so get your bum over to her blog and check out the amazing Scott David Plumlee DVD's she's dishing out.
Holy cow are they fabulous!!

And, last but not least today, I wanted to tell you about the "Wrapped, Stacked and Layered Challenge" over on

I love making all sorts of wrapped and stack-able bracelets. I usually have my leather knotted pearl bracelets stacked and layered on my own wrists (check out my right arm here in this video) and so I'm super psyched for this challenge! 

Plus, the reveal date is Saturday, April 21st which is the same day my sis and I are hosting our next jewelry party over at her house, so this is prompting me to make some extra bracelets for that!  You only have until April 2nd, which is Monday, to get signed up.  Whatcha waiting for?
Go on over and sign up, baby!!

Beaded Wrap Bracelets by MiShel Designs

I know there's a lot more going on out there in blogger land than I can post here right now, so please take the time to read down my "Links" list and my "Blogs I Follow" list too.

That way you won't miss anything like I did this last week or so!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Super Cool and Fun Stuff Going On!!

