Focus on Life: 52 Photos - Week 10 - All Wrapped Up!

For Week 10 of Focusing on Life: 52 Photos
Sally's prompt was "All Wrapped Up"
Here's what she said:

As a Verb
1. To arrange or fold (something) about as cover or protection.
2. To cover, envelop, or encase, as by folding or coiling something about
3. To enclose, especially in paper, and fasten: wrap a package; wrapped up the peelings.
4. To clasp, fold, or coil about something
5. To move (text that will not fit on a line) automatically to the following line.
6. To envelop and obscure.
7. To surround or involve in a specified quality or atmosphere: The plan was wrapped in secrecy.
8. To engross.
9. To put on warm clothing. Usually used with up.
10. To conclude filming.
As a Noun
1. A garment to be wrapped or folded about a person, especially an outer garment such as a robe, cloak, shawl, or coat.
2. A blanket.
3. A wrapping or wrapper.
4. A flatbread, such as a tortilla or lavash, rolled around a filling.
5. The completion of filming on a movie.

Are you all wrapped up in warmth or are you diving into a dessert that is all wrapped up in yummy goodness? You have a prompt that has many different meanings, grab the camera and show us how you are interpreting "all wrapped up"!

I truly love these challenges each week!
They cause me to "Wrap by Brain" around things
I normally wouldn't.  They make me aware.
As I went about my week, I realized there's a lot of
"Wrapping" going on in my life!
There was the wire-wrapped jewelry I created this week.

There's the blanket I 'wrap' up in each night as I sit with my hubby and son and there were the yummy burritos we 'wrapped up' and ate one night. 
There were findings/accessories projects that I 'wrapped up' (finished) and then 'wrapped up' (literally) and shipped off this week.
Then, I spent several hours "All Wrapped Up" experimenting with some pics in Photoshop Elements,.....

 Yep, that pretty much "Wraps it up"!


You should "Wrap Up" what you're doing right now
and go see what the other challenge participants
have "All Wrapped Up" for the week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Happy Wrapping!

*To all of you who have left such wonderful comments on these posts each week, I cannot begin to express how much your words mean to me.
Thank you!!

Hang Ups

I finally got some jewelry pics taken and sized and was able to put a few new things up over in my
Etsy Store yesterday.
I swear, it's like pulling teeth to get me to do this.  I do love to take the pictures, edit them and all that good stuff, so I'm not sure what my hang up is as far as putting up new listings.
Sometimes it's because the new things I have are possibly for a boutique, or they're going to a client, or lately it's because I've sent pics in to a bead magazine and am waiting to hear back.
But more so than not, it's usually just because I either haven't gotten anything new to list, or the pics aren't taken and edited yet.
What do you get 'hung up' on with your art and your business?
Hop on over to my Etsy store to see the rest!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Listings!

Yummy Bead Soup Ingredients

I'm participating in Lori Anderson's 7th Bead Soup Blog Party this year.  It's my second time to participate in one of the Bead Soup Blog Party's and I'm so excited!!
Since there's so many people fixing soup and coming to the party, there's three reveal dates and my partner and I are in the 3rd Reveal which will be on Saturday, April 13th, so be sure to mark your calendars and come back and check out what everyone has created!
You might recognize my Bead Soup Blog Party Partner.

Lori paired me with the ever-so-talented
Francesca Watson!  How cool is this?! 

Francesca Watson

I was fortunate enough to already follow
Francesca's blog and know of her beautiful work.

For those of you who don't know, Francesca's one of the jewelry artists and writers who collaborate on the popular
Art Jewelry Elements blog.

Francesca also teaches jewelry workshops in San Antonio, Texas on everything from metalsmith techniques, to etching, embossing, wire work, to mixed media techniques like enameling and resins.  She's got a fantastic array of classes which I'd love to take,...if only I were closer to San Antonio! 
Francesca, along with another jewelry friend of hers, has put together a Metal Retreat September 9th - 15th in Trout Lake, Washington.  It's going to be tons of fun with some very talented ladies! Be sure to go and check it out - I believe there's still a couple of spots open.
Then there's her jewelry - wow!  Her Etsy shop is loaded with the coolest of items.  I'm especially fond of her Studded, Argentium Silver Link Bracelet that she custom makes for her clients. 
Francesca Watson Designs - Silver Bracelet on Etsy :-)
Francesca and I decided to share the soups we sent
each other on our blogs today.

I had played around with many different 'soup mixes' and finally decided to incorporate an 'Arizona' theme and built my soup for her around the 5 C's of Arizona. 


Anyone know what the 5 C's are? 
Arizona's 5 C's are: 
Copper, Cotton, Cattle, Citrus and Climate.  
Nope, I didn't throw in any cows or grapefruit (seriously thought about the grapefruit though!!) but instead based my soup rather 'loosely' around these 5 C's of our state and tossed in ingredients that either represented the actual item or something else from the State of Arizona. 

Bead Soup from me to Francesca!
(with a few things left out of the picture - my bad!!)

There's a couple of Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Nuggets from the Sleeping Beauty Mine in Globe, AZ,  and other Turquoise beads/chips to represent Turquoise which is our state gemstone (and one of my all time fav's as well!).

There's some little hand carved clay birds to represent out State Bird, the Cactus Wren, and our climate/tourism/environment.  I tossed in some recycled Sari Silk (not pictured) and waxed lined to represent our cotton, some leather (also not pictured) for the Cattle, some Copper for all the copper mines here in AZ, and some pink-ish/peachy jasper to represent our
ruby red grapefruit (citrus). 

Handmade copper toggle clasp I sent Francesca

I didn't photograph the copper toggle clasp I made her with the rest of the ingredients because it was bathing in liver-of-sulfur when I took the bead soup shots and I was too lazy to retake it or wait.  (I know,....bad me!)

Then, I added a few extra ingredients at the last
moment. Hey, that's what soup's all about, right?

I had a bunch of fun cooking up this soup for Francesca and I hope she enjoys it. 
Now, are you ready to see the soup Francesca sent me? 

How lovely is this package?  And the card?  So elegant!

First, let me show you the clasp and
the three (3!!!) Focals she sent to me:

Beautiful Clasp of Argentium Silver made by Francesca and
Three (3!!!) Focals, one of which she made herself!! 

Francesca was extremely generous with her ingredients.

I'm just gonna say it right now,...I AM SOOOO LUCKY!

One thing most people don't know is that I really like Czech glass beads.  (And  you thought I only had a thing for Pearls, didn't ya?!!)


What I do is look at them, touch the strands, marvel at their finishes and their shapes and colors, thinking of the possibilities and then I usually end up setting them back on the table and walking away with out purchasing them.

Just look at all the colors, sizes, shapes and various textures!!


Why?  Because I feel I have to be practical and purchase beads and supplies that I know I will use and already have a design in mind for.  How silly is that?! 

I didn't used to be that way. Nope.
I used to buy beads because they spoke to me.
It didn't matter if I knew what I was going to do with them or not or if it was one, tiny bead or an entire strand - if it grabbed my attention, I usually walked out of the bead store with it.

When Francesca sent me this bead soup and I saw the many Czech glass beads she sent in such lovely finishes, shapes, sizes and textures - I was just beside myself.

She didn't know it, but she triggered that long ago feeling of excitement I used to get when I'd see certain beads and even though I had no idea what I would create with them, I knew I had to have them because I fell in love with them.

That was a cool feeling to have surface again.

I know these beads spoke to Francesca too because they came from her personal stash and she took what she loved (it was in the card, you'll have to trust me on this one) and gave from her heart.  And such a generous heart she has!
(And an excellent sense of color, too!)

The Entire Bead Soup Francesca Sent To Me!

I've got visions of designs that I hope come out
even a smidge close to what I see in my head. 

You know that saying,
"Your eyes were bigger than your stomach"?

Well, I hope that my visions are not beyond my talents,
but they may be! LOL!! 

I hope I can do this great soup the
justice it deserves!

Be sure to stop back by on April 13th to see
how our soups turned out!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Soup-er Amazing Soup Ingredients!!

Focus on Life: Week 9 - Knock, Knock!

It's week 9 of Sally Russick's weekly photography challenge

"Focus on Life: 52 Photos".

Here's what Sally wrote to us for this week's prompt:
Knock, Knock!
A door opened and I went through it.  ~Temple Grandin~ 
"Let's open some doors to see what awaits us on the other side.
Is it a door that holds opportunity?  A door that holds a story?  Is it a door you have been hesitating to open?  Is it a gate to a new life?  A door to a new adventure?  Is it a door that holds a memory?  Is it the perfect door for a simple picture?
You have arrived at the door for a reason,
open it up and step in!"

Oh my, if I needed a prompt to photograph a door!

Along with flowers and a few other things, doors are my favorite to photograph!

For me, they all hold a story, a secret, an opportunity,  some mystery, security, a new beginning, a special memory.

I call this  "Doorway to the Sea".  It is in the Cinque Terre Region of Italy.
The Ligurian Sea is on the other side. 
This is by far, my favorite photo I've ever snapped of a door because
being here was a dream come true and this is where I go when I day-dream!


Doors stir this fascination in me that I can't quite place
and trigger emotions that elude words.

These are the front and back doors to my sister and brother-in-law's cabin.
Not only do these doors lead to one of my favorite places on earth, inside these doors are some of my best memories and it's as close to "home" as I can get.
Inside these doors I feel safe and secure, comfortable and inspired.
Oh, and of course I use the back door - you read the sign, right?? :-)


Doors have all these textures, colors, and styles.

Then there's the materials,...wood, metal, stone, glass.
Each one unique. Beautiful in it's own way.

And, no matter where your travels take you,
you can always find a door.

We were walking in Venice at night and rounded a corner and
look what door if saw!!  It wasn't so much this door that caught my attention. 
It was what was inside this door that I longed to see!
Ah,...a "missed opportunity" as the Swarovski
store was closed, but the photo opp was not to be missed!


I snapped so many door pics from my trip last fall that I thought my sister and brother-in-law were going to schedule and intervention.  Follow this link to view a blog post on some of my "Door Porn" as I call it.

These doors hold mystery. We all wished we could peek inside. They are my symbol of Tuscany.  This home is located in the small hill top village of Sommocolonia, above Barga. I've photographed these doors (this house) more than any other doors ever!

The doors I have pictured here today for you are just a few of my collection, along with their special meaning to me.

 Do doors hold a special meaning to you?

This is probably my second all-time favorite door photo I've ever taken.
It was taken from inside the church on the highest hill in Barga, Italy.
It represents "the world out there".  The beauty to be seen and appreciated.
The history to be cherished and preserved.  The adventure and opportunity that awaits.
There are days when I go here in my dreams too,...I walk outside this church and
stand in the warmth of the bright sunlight and breathe in the surrounding beauty.
Outside this door I am at peace, and so is the world. 

Please step on through to the doors that the other
photo challenge participants have posted over at The
Studio Sublime today.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Meaningful Doors!

Weekend Wear!

What are you wearing this weekend?
Me?  Like you have to ask!! :-)
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Pearls Baby!!

Focus on Life - Week 8 - Monochromatic

Sally's prompt was: MONOCHROMATIC
"This week look deeper through the lens to the story your photo captures and then process it to one color! 
Or be daring and shoot in B&W (monochrome)."
I thought this would be a rather easy challenge but I was wrong.

I played around with my camera settings and some photo editing software programs and tried out new things.

 I really like other people's black and white photos and even many photos I see with Sepia and other tones, but not so much my own photos. 

Sepia's not too bad I guess,....
  I just really don't have the eye for it.

Not the way I want to, anyway.

That said, it really made me start viewing things in an entirely new way and noticing different colors.

The mountains of AZ. I truly love how the mountains
are every shade of blue!

I liked that!
So I challenged myself to capture Monochromatic (sort of!) pics in the world around me, with out processing to one color or doing major edits.  And it couldn't be shot in black and white (my own silly rules!).

Pretty much everything is this drab, dead color since we've had such a weird winter.

This was tough - the world is so multi-colored!

Thanks for bringing me out of my comfort zone this week Sally! 

It was definitely a fun perspective this week!

Make sure you check out all the other participant's photos!

Just for fun!!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Monochromatic Challenges!

Style Influences

Things are moving a bit slowly as I'm trying to get back in the groove of things after the Gem Show and after being down for a few days with a bit of a cold.
Ceramic Beads by Havana Beads on Etsy
I was able to finally get some jewelry pics edited that I've been sitting on for a while (some older than others!) and have been learning more of my Elements 10 (Editing with Elements Class from Brandi - it's awesome!) and also using some online editing sites such as Pixlr and PicMonkey.   I'm getting quicker,....or less picky,....not sure which is the case actually.
I've noticed that at different times of the year my design style seems to go all 'Southwest' with a major Bohemian flair.   With maybe just a dash of 'Gypsy' style (or whatever you want to call it) thrown in for good measure.  I'm wondering why?
What influences us with our trends and tastes?
I wonder if, at times, it's something subconscious (??)
How about  you? Do you find that your work, your art, your wardrobe, or the styles of things you like seem to go back and forth through out the year(s); possibly with the seasons, the different moods of the year(s), with different events around the world, or with age (gasp!) and things like that?
There's all sorts of Art Deco stuff that's been going on for a while now (it was everywhere during NY Fashion week) and there's some things about it I like and some that I really cannot stand. 
The Miami Design Preservation League - via Pinterest
Personally I'm drawn a bit more to rugged textures with neutral and/or deep colors than I am to geometric designs in mint green and lilac with silvery-mirrored accents! 
(I know - I'm exaggerating a bit there - but you get what I mean!)
Via Pinterest (Spanglish Fashion blogspot)
(This is more me,...well, sort of!)
It's interesting to see things as they come back in style again and again and how there's modern twists and takes on them, isn't it?
   Mary Katrantzou Spring 2013 - Via Pinterest
(I actually think these are pretty funky and cool!!)
That said, what time periods affect your designs, your art work, your style or clothing, your home decor or your travels? 
I'd love to hear what influences your style, your tastes and what things you're most drawn to and why.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Stylin' Through the Years,....