They just don't make 'em like they used to,...

My hubby came home with this the other day. 


I know!  That's what I said!!

I had to snap some pics before he could even clean it up. I love rust and dust macro shots!

It's 114 years old. Cobwebs and all.

They just don't make 'em like they used to anymore.

It had been 'upgraded' with a little motor and a light for working long hours, well into the night.

Yep. Motor still works.
So's everything else on it.
Needs a bit of WD40 here and there.

I finally let him wipe some of the dust and dirt away so he could check things out.

It's such a novelty because the parts actually, well,...they come apart, so  you can replace them with out having to throw the whole thing away, melt it down or recycle it.

Today's world seems mostly about
quantity vs. quality.

Faster and cheaper vs. tried and true.

Nope, they just don't make them like this anymore.

I think we're going to learn to sew on it.

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Timeless Quality!



If you're looking for the One Crayon Color Challenge from Yesterday ~

I told you that last weekend we got out of the  desert and headed to the mountains, right?

Well, these little fella's were just begging for attention - but the wind made it rather hard to snap a pic of them. 

Here's the best ones I could get before they all just blew away!

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday!

I'm linking up with I Heart Macro over at Studio Waterstone today - won't you join me?

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Tiny Treasures!


One Crayon Color- What Am I?

Welcome to the
 One Crayon Color Challenge
and Blog Hop!

Sally over at The Studio Sublime
came up with a challenge for us.

Create in a monochromatic color scheme
using the Crayon Color of our choice.


What Color Am I?

I'm the depths of the Sea,
where the dolphins roam free.
I'm the bright, beautiful sky
where the birdies all fly.
I'm the ranges of mountains as you look to the west,
I'm the soft, pretty sweater that you love best.
I'm the color of your eyes, so sweet and true,
Why yes, I am the color BLUE!

Yep ~ I chose BLUE.
(Duh! Like that's surprising!)

We could use any and all shades / hues of our chosen color,
but we had to try and create with just that color.

I had lots of ideas but I couldn't decide
what color/shade/hue of Blue to create in.

So, I chose one of my favorite photos as my inspiration
while creating in my absolute, all-time favorite color!

San Clemente State Beach Park ~ San Clemente, California

There's quite a few different colors of BLUE in this photo.
So I created a few things in many shades of Blue,...
just for YOU!

 ~ As always, click on photos to see enlarged view ~

I had a ton of fun, can you tell?!!

Blue is the color associated with the Throat Chakra.
Some of the positive aspects of this color are: Loyalty, Trust-worthiness,
Tactfulness and Calmness.

Too much blue/green (turquoise) can cause you to become
over analytical, egocentric or to even shove your heart aside and allow
logic to make all of your decisions. (ouch!)

Blue is believed to symbolize youth, spirituality, truth and peace.

Turquoise promotes intuition and is the color of communication.

Blue gives us a feeling of distance and allows us to "look beyond"
and increase our perspective outward.
It is said that this is why artist use it to show perspective.

Thanks so much to Sally Russick
of The Studio Sublime for
coming up with and hosting this
wonderful challenge and blog hop!

It's really stretched my imagination!

Really?!  You actually thought that I
was going to let you out of here with out giving you
some gorgeous, BLUE, freshwater cultured pearls
to drool over? 



Please be sure to visit all the participants and colors
listed below!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Shades of BLUE!


One Crayon Color Challenge and Blog Hop


Hosted by:





Alicia Marinache


Jenny Davies Reazor


Jennifer Judd Velasquez



Oh, and happy Cinco De Mayo today, too!!

* All Photos and Jewelry Designs by Michelle Buettner / MiShel Designs *

This or That Thursday!

Traveled just outside of Payson this past weekend to get out of the heat and let the "Masked Rider" enjoy his motor bike.

"Mom! I said NO MORE pictures!"

We went to one of the trails listed in this book.

See the Crystal - it was just laying on the ground - how awesome is that?!!

Yep,...that's a huge-ass crystal
that was just laying on the ground.

It's basically the size of my loupe! 

The spot is called Diamond Point for a reason!!

The Hubby with the "Masked Rider"

The hubby and son had some fun!

Ants, ants, and more ants, you see them?!

Saw lots of ants all over the place - even on these little flowers.

Cute, isn't he?!

Had fun snapping some pictures and sitting in the hammock drinking one of these.

Ah,...sipping a Dos Equis!

It was a lovely day!

Arizona is truly a beautiful place!

Linking up with This or That Thursday over on

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Fun Times with the Family!


Today's Color is Purple!

I've got purple on my bead table today - lots and lots of purple.

Amethyst, dyed jasper, Swarovski's in lots of pretty shades of violets and purples, dyed quartz and more,....all various shades and hues.

No, it's not for the One Crayon Color Challenge that's taking place on Saturday, May 5th
(Which I can hardly wait for!!).

It's for a client.  I hope she likes it.

What's on your bead table today?

Hop on over and check out the Flickr group and see what everyone else has got cookin' today,....

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Purple!

May Madness Sale!

~ Hey Gang ~

I'm having a 25% OFF SALE over in my

And,  it's only for my Blog Buddies,
my Facebook Friends and my Twitter Peeps.

To get your discount,
enter coupon code MAYMADNESS
during the check out procedure on Etsy.

The coupon code won't be posted in my shop announcements, so don't forget!

See, Madness CAN be fun!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Going Mad!

I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

I'm away,...playing with family today!

Here's something PINK
for you to enjoy!

Linking up with I Heart Macro

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Pink!
