FOL14 - Week 14 - Morning Moments

It's week 14 for the Focus on Life 2014 Weekly Photography Challenge and Sally over at The Studio Sublime has given us the theme of "Moments" for the month of April.
This week our prompt is
"Morning Moments".
Sally asked us to photograph what our Morning Moments consist of; whether it be a quiet, coffee drinking moment or a mad dash to get the kids off to school, a 3a.m. feeding for those with little ones or stolen moments waiting for the train or bus to take us to work.
Most of you know that I capture as many 'Morning Sunrise Moments' as possible.
Despite the fact that I LOVE the time where the sun starts to rise and it goes from dark to light and the day officially begins,
my favorite morning moment is actually chatting with my son for a while
 before he leaves for school each day. 
But, since he wouldn't let me
snap his photo (surprise!)
or capture any of these moments on film
(digital camera! LOL!),
I captured this Morning Moment instead,
Yep, pretty much everything is 'outta-focus' until I have this! :-)
Ah, the morning Cup O'Joe!
It's my second favorite morning moment.
Okay, well maybe it's my third, favorite!
Please go check out what
Morning Moments
every one else has captured this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Morning Moments!

FOL14 - Week 13 - Eye Level

It's week 13 for the Focus on Life 2014 Weekly Photography Challenge and Sally over at The Studio Sublime has given us the theme of

"Checking Out" for the month of March.
"For the last Saturday of March, we're going to check out what's going on at eye level.
From where you stand, sit, kneel or lay, take a look around at your surroundings and capture what's at eye level."
I was going to snap a photo of my computer screen for the prompt this week because, lately, it's what's at 'eye-level' every single day as I work on analytical data review.
But, I thought that would be rather boring
for you all to see, so,....
I had lunch out on the patio one day
and this is what was at eye level.
Well, it was at eye-level as I leaned back in my chair to enjoy the scene. :-)
And then one night this week, Mike and I walked over to the neighbor's and had cocktails by his negative-edge pool and watched the sunset.
This is what was at eye level
as I sat in one of the comfy chairs.
Of course I had to include a photo
of a sunset (or sunrise), right?
(today's my birthday, so I'm allowed!)

This is really 'eye-level'. You can't tell where the pool ends and the lake begins. I love that!
Please pop over and see what every one else captured at eye level this week.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Eye Level Beauty!

Skulls, Crosses, Peace Signs and Pearls! Oh My!!

I was able to sit and create for a bit this weekend and it was pure BLISS!!
Having fun w/photo edits of my productive and 'knotty' weekend bliss!
Working with the hubby in our business we own and run together on a full time basis has kept me away from creating as much as I'd like this year, but it has given me the chance to step back, slow down and take stock of a few things, jewelry business wise, and that's been really nice.
A while back my friend, Kim, requested one of my leather knotted necklaces with some rather large ringed pearls she knew I had in my possession. 
I finally finished it and shipped it off to her, but of course I spaced out getting a photo.
I know,...seriously. No photo. Not even a snapshot with my phone for goodness sakes!
So, being the sweetheart (and wonderful designer, instructor and fellow GIA Alumni!) that she is, she took some shots for me so I'd have one.
Pearl Necklace - Michelle Buettner, Button Clasp - Green Girl Studios
Photo Credit - Kim Hatzold
Thank you so much my friend! 
On another note, my hubby has been having a ton of fun in the garage melting and pouring pewter for a new line of crosses, skulls and peace signs.
Original Wax Mold - Stephen Elliott, Pewter Skull - Mike Buettner
Here's a couple of pieces that, if I get the chance next weekend, I will be 'Pearlizing'.
Skulls, Crosses and Pearls! Oh, My!
Yep, my word.
'Pearlizing' - Adding pearls to a design so they can be considered 'pearlized'.
(another one of my words!).  
If it's not 'Pearlized'
it's not worth wearin'! 
This is my new slogan. Like it?
Just kidding,...designs don't have to have pearls in them to be worth wearing (gasp!!), but it does make them (IMHO) more appealing.  (Wink, Wink!)
Hand Knotted Freshwater Cultured Pearls, Hand Poured Pewter Coptic Cross
and Handcrafted Sterling Silver Hook Clasp (MiShel Designs)
So now that Spring has sprung, (hopefully it's not still snowing where you are!!) what is it that you're enjoying?
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise Nuggets, Antique Buffalo Nickel Button,
and Hand Poured Pewter Peace Sign. (MiShel Designs)
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Pearls, Baby!! 
(And Skulls, Crosses and Peace Signs!)

FOL14 - Expression

It's week 12 for the Focus on Life 2014 Weekly Photography Challenge and Sally over at The Studio Sublime has given us the theme of
"Checking Out" for the month of March.
This week's prompt was:
"Whether is is someone by themselves, interacting with others or (this is always the best) the way they interact with their animals;  the way a person expresses themselves is always so interesting.  This week we are checking out expression.   There are many definitions of expression and it doesn't have to be a capture of the face."
So, I captured two snapshots of Mike.
One of him working in the garage on some pewter skulls for me.
And, one of him helping me with
my apple pie crust.
A very 'serious' expression in both
pics if you ask me.
But, then I thought of these two silly kids.
My son and his girlfriend - what a cute and funny couple!

Yep. They make me smile!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Expression Fun!

We're All Ears - March Reveal

The lovely creative gals over at Earrings Everyday are running a monthly earring design challenge focused on a specific piece of artwork each month and for March, this was the wonderful piece that was chosen to inspire us all ~
Beatrix Potter - The Tailor of Gloucester
Beatrix Potter's, The Tailor of Gloucester
Oh indeed!!  I know they mentioned it over on the blog the day they put up the challenge, but yes, as a child I too was drawn into many Beatrix Potter stories by her amazing artwork.
I believe she is the reason I am not afraid of mice and think they are beyond cute and believe that all animals in the forest have the coolest of little homes tucked away in a tree somewhere! 
Here's  my (late to the party today) post for the
The minute I saw the picture, I could think of nothing else but pink ribbon and cord with some wood beads, rose quartz and of course, pearls.
I hope you'll take a moment to check out all the other participants from the "We're All Ears" monthly challenge and see their lovely pieces created with the inspiring artwork of  Beatrix Potter's, The Tailor of Gloucester's picture.
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Childhood Memories!

March Merriment! (And some Aquamarine and Pearls!)

March in the Arizona desert is one of my favorite months because the weather is usually so amazing!

The citrus trees are blooming and smell fantastic, the birds are singing extra 'pretty' and the sky seems to burst each day with colorful sunrises and sunsets.

I have several family members and friends who have birthdays in March and it's my birthday month too,
so March is special to me.

Aquamarine is the birthstone for the month of March
and it's one of my favorite stones.

Each year during the Tucson Gem Shows in February I try to snatch up a few of these precious gems and then create something for my birthday as my gift to myself.
(I know, kinda weird, but that's just me!)
This is what I created this year. 

Hand-knotted faceted Aquamarine nugget focal with faceted Aquamarine roundelles,
faceted Labradorite rounds and freshwater cultured Pearls. Handcrafted
sterling silver hook clasp.
It's an asymmetrical, hand knotted necklace and bracelet with pearls (of course), aquamarine and labradorite. There's also a piece of ancient Roman Glass (love this!!) from Happy Mango Beads thrown into the bracelet mix.

Hand-knotted faceted Aquamarine nugget and roundelles, faceted Labradorite rounds,
freshwater cultured Pearls and ancient Roman glass from Happy Mango Beads.
Handcrafted sterling silver hook clasp.
The pieces aren't totally 'matchy-matchy' but they're still similar enough to be what I would call a 'set'  
It's a bit unusual, but I like that!
I love reading about gemstone lore and learning the metaphysical properties of the stones I'm wearing or using to create jewelry. 
I feel the energy in the different stones brings the piece to life, so to speak, and gives it an inner meaning that speaks to the wearer, offering up a sense of protection, guidance or clarity to things.
Here's some of the metaphysical properties and folklore of the stones within this set:
Aquamarine: It is said to be the 'stone of sailors', as they believed it would protect them on the water.  
The Romans used it for diseases of the stomach and also believed it could alleviate or cure liver and throat problems. 
Aquamarine represents Courage, peace, balance, preparedness, purification self-expression and intuition.
PearlsThe mystic properties of pearls lend them to be associated mostly with women and they are known as the ultimate gemstone for feminine energy.

Pearls are said to represent purity, faith, loyalty, truth, integrity, fertility, charity, innocence, spirituality and wisdom (to name a few things).

Some cultures use pearls as a way of helping women to connect with their “inner goddesses” and pearls are believed to help you focus, keep you centered and to give the wearer a sense of calmness.
Labradorite:  It is believe to be a stone of transformation that protects you through change by reducing stress and providing clarity, insight, patience, peace and sense of good timing, while increasing intuition, mental illumination and helping with subconscious issues.
One of my niece's and I used to call Labradorite, 'fish-stone', because we thought that its color and iridescence was like that of some fish scales.

Which makes it perfect (in my opinion) to pair with pearls and aquamarine.
You know, other 'water-stones'.  (grin!)

Do you have something special you do for yourself for your birthday or during your birthday month?

I'm curious.

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Aquamarine,...with Pearls, of course!