Showing posts with label The Studio Sublime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Studio Sublime. Show all posts

Focus on Life: 52 Photos - Week 45 - Industrial Photography

It's week 45 (Holy Cow Smokes Batman, where has the year gone?!) for the Focusing on Life: 52 Photos weekly challenge hosted by the talented Sally Russick over at
The Studio Sublime.
Our prompt this week was:
Industrial Photography:  It's amazing how something perceived as cold and whose purpose is to perform a function can have a beautiful soul."
Well, this got me thinking - as our weekly prompts always do.
On Halloween, our son (aka - the Masked Rider) took a pretty good spill on his motorbike while taking it for a spin around the block here in our subdivision. I was at the grocery store when this happened and, long story fairly short,'s the gist of it.
Normally, the "Masked Rider" looks like this when he rides his dirt bike (even around the block, pretty much!):
This day, he was dressed like this:
Logan was actually wearing only a tank top, basketball shorts and his riding boots when he crashed.
And, this is Mike's motorbike, which is much smaller than Logan's.
And this is what happened when he decided the street would look better paved with his skin than with the asphalt that was already there,....
Yep - OUCH!  His hands were the worst - well kind of!
Nope - not a pretty sight.
Didn't feel too good either according to Logan.
Lesson learned: always wear your helmet, NO MATTER WHAT!!  And gloves, a long sleeve shirt and some pants couldn't hurt, either! :-) 
We're the luckiest and most grateful parents on the planet that he didn't hit his head (which didn't have a helmet on it and although it's pretty hard, it's not that hard!!) and that this didn't turn out worse than it did.
But, I thought about what Sally said in her prompt. How something cold and 'industrial' (if you will) can have a beautiful soul.
Well, 'Scrape' as he's now referred to, is chomping at the bit to get back on his bike and ride. To him, it has a soul. It's beautiful in his eyes.  (it's his fault he biffed it he said, not the bike's fault)
So, here's a piece of 'soul' from his bike:
This is a pic I took of his broken muffler.
It wasn't broken in the crash, but it was a kind of cool angle/pic to get - so I grabbed it!
And yes, he's doing fine - thanks to all of you who follow me on facebook and sent well wishes. They were greatly appreciated!
Then there's this. This definitely has a soul. And, it's back in use. It's the water line from Grandma Emma's cabin that burned in the Wallow Fire a few summers back.
Utility pipe that was burned in the Wallow Fire at Grandma Hindman's.
It's now in use at the new cabin that's over close to where the old one was.
Now, it's back up and running to the new cabin that's being put in close to where Grandma's was!
How beautiful is that?!
Not exactly sure if these are considered 'Industrial' photos or not, but I thought this was a very cool prompt this week Sally - I'm looking at things in a totally different manner than before and am excited to see what every one's going to post this weekend.
I'm prepping for a show tomorrow, so I may not get to every one's posts until next week - sorry about that!!
Now, hop around today and see what other beautiful, industrial souls were found this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Feeling Blessed!

Focus on Life: Week 44~ Saints, Souls, Sugar Skulls and Scares

The prompt from Sally over at The Studio Sublime for Week 44 of Focusing on Life: 52 Photos was this:
Saints, Souls, Sugar Skulls and Scares
"Whether 'trick or treating', celebrating the spirits and souls of loved ones that have passed, or having a scream from a scare, this week take a moment to capture a spirit, spider or other spectacle of the season!" 
We're celebrating  Dia de los Muertos,
so here's the only thing I captured this week.
Sorry, no cool sugar skulls!

But you can see my post about it HERE!
Time to hop-along and see what everyone else has captured this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Celebrating the Season!

Focus on Life: Week 42 - All In A Day

This week Sally's prompt for
Focusing On Life: 52 Photos Challenge was this:
Week 42 - All In A Day
"There are many things that can happen in a day. Let's focus on 24 hours and see what goes on during your day!"
Well, all days at the Buettner household are pretty normal (for us!) yet not one of them is actually normal, if you know what I mean. 
Monday was "Fall Break Day" for our son and we had lots of thing scheduled for that day.
First, the soft water system decided to rupture last weekend and spray tons of water all over the garage, the workbench, Mike's old desk and the ceiling (good thing we know a mold guy and he knows how to clean things up - I actually moisture mapped the garage later in the week for training!!) and so Monday our new soft water unit arrived - it's pretty nice. And and I love having my soft water back (my boys hate it - they tolerate it just for me!)

Click any photo to enlarge
Then, Logan's QX4 had the air go out -again- so neither he nor the hubby were happy they had to return it to the shop but Logan "called" the convertible (Our son loves Mike's BMW - even though it's practically as old as he is and he drives it as often as possible!) and so Mike hopped in to the Q and they drove down to the car place to drop it off and then grab a bite to eat on their way home.
I heard tons of sirens no too long after they had left so I texted Logan (Mike was driving them back home) to see if they were okay.  Did you know you can pick GOD up at Taco Bell?  LOL!!  I didn't either! :-)  Auto-correct can be a hoot!

Text between Logan and me
Then there was work stuff, filling an order, afternoon tea, folding laundry, and putting things aside for when I would eventually get the time to create with Kristi Bowman's awesome component for the  AJE October Component of the Month Give-a-Way that I'd been fortunate enough to win. (The reveals is on the 30th, plan to stop back by!)
So, just normal stuff around our house. 
What's a typical day look like for you? 
Anything but typical, right?  But it's All In A Day!
Now, hop on over to The Studio Sublime or scroll down to the bottom here and see what everyone else has going on today!
Oh, I almost forgot - TODAY I get to devour Cindy Wimmer's new and ultra-super-cool wire-work book, "The Missing Link"!  (Insert dorky looking happy dance here!)

My joy for Today!

 I can't tell you how excited I am to try out some of the fun links this weekend and play with my wire! (my wire feels a bit neglected because I'm usually playing with cord and pearls!) and then tonight we're having our annual neighborhood Cul-de-Sac party with our ultra-fun and cool neighbors - it's gonna be a super day!!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Having Fun "All Day"

Focus on Life: Week 41 - Connections

This is week 41 (wow, can you believe it?!)
and Sally's prompt for the


Sally told us, " We have, make and witness connections everyday.  Connecting to one another makes us feel that we are a part of something more, something great!  This week focus on the connections you make, the connections that naturally occur, a connection of things, your connection to your environment, craft or faith."

Wow, how timely.  Again!  I swear, Sally has this uncanny way of honing in on what we're all going through. It's like she has this little crystal ball that has all of our lives on 'speed dial'.
Or maybe, it's because we really are all connected to each other.

Jewelry-world related I've been rather unconnected for the last month or so.  However, business-wise with our environmental business and personally with those around me, I've been more deeply connected.

Aside from answering phones, fielding questions and taking care of the front office work for RespirCare (the company my husband built that we own and run together) I'm becoming educated and trained in the microbial science behind our business and taking a more active role in the strategic marketing and growth aspect of our company. 
This week, I sat in on a two day, hands on training class that my hubby taught.
Mike Teaching one of the sampling courses

It's interesting, but far removed from the likes of pearls, jewelry or the craft world.  However, the links between the two industries are more 'connected' than I imagined.  

I enjoy seeing the light bulb go off in someone when they grasp a concept that was alluding them, or they are able to thoroughly understand a portion of the science behind the business and see how their new found knowledge can further assist them with not only helping their customers, but actually help them to build upon their own business.  
Mike with RespirCare Associate,  Don - Our Canadian "Connection"
It's rather similar to when I'm teaching and I experience a student learn a jewelry technique and how their brain starts seeing all the exciting ways they can incorporate their newly acquired skill and add to their repertoire of designs.

So, these last few weeks have been spent connecting a bit more in-depth with my hubby; with our business, our family, our clients, customers and ourselves. These connections have brought us closer as a family to our future goals, to each other and to those we interact with.
I have to admit though, it's quite challenging to step out of my comfort zone and stretch my knowledge and skill set.  It's cozy, warm and comfy in my comfort zone. I like cozy, warm and comfy,....kinda like some fungi I know.
Sorry, I couldn't resist!! LOL!! ;-)
So, who or what are YOU connecting with these days?  Please connect with all of us this weekend over at The Studio Sublime. You never know where your connections will lead,.....
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Forming and Fostering Connections!

Focus on Life: Week 40 - Give Us A Smile!

So this week's prompt from Sally over at
The Studio Sublime was, "Give Us A SMILE!"
It really does help to lift the spirits of people when you give them a smile, or you get one in return.
These two are always smiling. 
The "Masked Rider"(Unmasked!) and his sweet and beautiful girlfriend.
Their future's are bright, they are both respectful of each other and those around them, they're funny, smart and all around good 'kids'.  
Seeing them happy, makes me smile
Scroll on down the page here or head over to the Studio Sublime to see who else is smiling and what they're smiling about this week won't you?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and All Smiles!

Focusing on Life: Week 39 - Your Best Shot!

Okay - so has anyone else been singing Pat Benatar's
"Hit Me With Your Best Shot"
this entire week or is it just me? 
I will not put you though the You Tube version of this 1980's classic just in case you're in the free and clear!
(You're Welcome!)
Sally's prompt this week for the
Week 39:  Your BEST Shot
"This week get snap happy!  Give us YOUR best shot!"

I snapped lots of photos of jewelry this week in hopes of getting them edited in time for Stringing Magazine's Spring 2014 issue deadline of the 26th and was going to use one of those (a sneak peak anyway) for this week's prompt.
But that didn't happen because my pics turned out pretty bad (crappy is a much better word to describe them actually!).  So needless to say, you won't be seeing those and I didn't send them via email to Stringing either (yes, they were that awful!!).  I was pretty upset with myself to say the least! 
And let's see, I failed to capture the pretty sunrise the other day, I spaced out trying to get a pic of a friend who popped into town from Georgia to have dinner with us Thursday night and the pics I took of my son before he left for Homecoming to pick up his girlfriend turned our poorly too because I tried to take them with my iPhone,...and we all know how many times I've successfully used THAT as a camera!
Oh, and of course the pic that I had the waitress take of my friend Michael from St. Croix (whom I hadn't seen in years, and yes, it was his father's funeral I attended this week) and Jackie and I at breakfast last Saturday came out blurry, too (I guess I'm not the only one who can't use my iPhone camera properly!). 
So, despite all the friends I reconnected with this week and the positive things that did happen recently, I was in an ugly 'funk' late Thursday night. Just one of those weeks, I guess.
But, I got up today (Friday) and decided to shrug off the icky-ness and adopt a positive mind-set and get on with things! 
I didn't touch my camera because I didn't want to jinx anything, so I'm giving you a photo that I consider one of my "Best" shots ever.

I know, you were expecting a picture of Italy, weren't you!   Or pearls, or flowers,...or Door Porn!!  Yep, I love this one. He's just hanging out,....unaware of everything else around him.
And yes, he was orange - not red, like most. I like that about him. Showin' his true colors! :-)
It reminds me of happy times up in the mountains, taking nice walks (snapping pics that actually turn out) enjoying nature, relaxing, being present and living in the moment and not stressing myself out over stupid things that really aren't going to matter or even be running through my head when I'm laying on my death bed!
Hopefully everyone else had a productive and happy week and was able to capture some great photos!
I'm going to hop on over now to The Studio Sublime and enjoy all the other BEST shots!  Join me? 
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Letting Things Go, Taking Stuff In, and Getting Back To 'ME' At My BEST!

Focus on Life: Week 38 - A Quiet Moment

I'm not quite sure if we're on week 38 or 39,....I think last week was week 37, but I could be mistaken - Lord knows I can't keep track of things very well any more, but either way - this week's prompt from Sally over at The Studio Sublime was one of those that really made me take notice of things around me!
Our prompt this week was:
A Quiet Moment.  A moment of calm, peacefulness, self-reflection. Quiet little moments through the day where you pause, listen to your heart and breath. This week, capture a quiet moment.
Well, this week was just as hectic around our house as last week, but in a totally different direction, so I was completely stumped for what to photograph - again! 
I love it though, because it really makes me think and observe things.
So, the hubs and I sat outside the night before the Full Moon, and enjoyed a glass of wine together and talked about all the stuff going on in our lives this week.
I tried to capture the moon as we sat outside - but as  you can see, or rather as you can't see - I was unable to capture it.
Yes, there really is a 'Moon-Rising' in this photo.
I know, it almost looks like the sun, but it's the best I could do w/my phone!
It really is right there,.....just up over those houses.
Then, just today (Friday) as I sat in his office and we were writing and reading emails that were going back and forth between us and our son's teacher and guidance counselor (it's all good, baby!!), I looked down to see these, hubby's feet.
There they were all propped up on the little foot stool thingy I gave him this week for our 19th Wedding Anniversary (we're not that into gifts, can you tell! LOL!!) and realized that even when things are hectic and seem to be going a mile a minute around you, there's still time to 'put your feet up' and just chill. Even if you are reading and writing tons of emails, answering phones, working on data review and building new classes, like he was doing all this week. 
And then, as I was looking at some pics this week trying to find some family stuff - I found these.
Quiet Moments Through the Years,.....
Yep, this one, although he rides his motorbike with his 'hair on fire' like I've told you all before, he definitely knows how to take a 'Quiet Moment'.
So thank you Sally, for once again prompting us to take the time to realize that 'Taking a Quiet Moment' (or finding one to capture with my camera!) can be nice and come when you least expect it!
Now, Hop on over to The Studio Sublime and check out all the "Quiet Moments" that everyone else had this week, won't you?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Stealing a Quiet Moment!

Focus on Life: Week 37 - In Motion

*If you're looking for the Ears To You Reveal - Click Here!*

It's week 37 for the Focusing On Life Photography Challenge hosted by Sally over at The Studio Sublime and this week's prompt was:
In Motion
This week I was 'In Motion' pretty much constantly, trying to play 'catch up' and get things ready for my Pearls Blog Hop tomorrow but I failed miserably at getting a photo of any of my motions, or anyone else's motions for that matter.
So, I remembered my butterfly pics I took a couple of weekends ago while at my sister's cabin for "Girlfriends Weekend" and there was my shot! 
He's so pretty!  And he even stayed put right there after I walked away and continued up the path back to the cabin.
Then, my friend Ginny comes rushing in just gushing about the gorgeous butterfly that stayed on the path over by the creek and how still he sat while she captured tons of pics. We both turned on our cameras and saw we had taken photos of the same butterfly.  We started laughing because it had to have been at least 10 minutes between when I returned up that path and when she returned.
Guess, he wasn't really that 'into motion' after all. But he sure was exercising his beautiful wings for us!
Hop on over to The Studio Sublime and see what every one else has captured "In Motion" this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Moving Right Along,....

Focus on Life: Week 36 - In Two

This week's prompt from Sally over at
The Studio Sublime for Week 36 of the
In Two
"This week, let's focus on things in twos!"
And this is exactly what I've been doing ALL WEEK LONG! 
Yep,  over 160+ pairs of 'twos' to be exact.
Ear Wires Galore!

But I thought these 'Two' were much more fun (and cute!) so I decided to get a pic of them as well.
Say hello to Coco and Kiki, our Peach Faced Lovebirds. 
Coco and Kiki
Coco's 7 years old and Kiki is just 1 year old.  Kiki's a bit more camera shy than Coco.  And, she's got 4, (possibly 5 now, I haven't checked this morning) little eggs she's sitting on.
Not sure if they'll develop - her last few batches (or what ever you call them) didn't.  But she's a really good Mama and sits on them almost all day for a few of weeks until she realizes they're not going to amount to anything. 
Not sure if I'm ready for 'Grand-Birdies' or not,....
I'm down in Tucson this weekend for the Fall Gem, Jewelry and Bead Shows they're having (insert happy squeal here!) and I think I'll find at least "Two" perfect pearls to put on a pair of those ear wires but I may not make it around to every one's posts until Monday when I return.
In the meantime, why don't you hop on over to The Studio Sublime and see what other 'twos' popped up in every one's lives this week!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and 'Two' Much  Fun!

Focusing On Life: Week 35 - Growth and Change

It's week 35 for the Focusing On Life Photography Challenge hosted by Sally over at The Studio Sublime and this week's prompt was
"Growth and  Change"
"This week,  focus on what is
growing and changing about you
or the environment around you!"
I think Sally's psychically linked to all of us because so many times her prompts are completely 'spot on' for what's going on in all of our lives. 
There was indeed "Growth and Change" this week in the Buettner (pronounced Bittner, by the way, for those of you who have asked me recently) household. 
However, since my camera either wasn't handy at the time of these changes or said subject refused to let his photo be snapped, I waited until this morning (yep, around 6:30a.m. Saturday) to snap some pics as I walked around with my sister up at her cabin
(It's girl's weekend - Woo Hoo!)
Here's the low-down this week for "Growth and Change"
  • The addition of a licensed driver to our household = Growth (yep, the "Masked Rider" is now legal to drive alone!)
  • The Passing of an era hit us as we sold "Coach" (our trusty old R.V.) to make room for a third vehicle = Change (the boy's getting the hubs Z3 soon and Mike's gonna need some wheels when that happens!)
  • Decisions regarding the growth and direction of the various businesses we own were set into place  = Change and Growth
  • And upon arrival at the cabin last night I was anxious to awake this morning so I could see the "change and growth" that has taken place over at Grandma Emma's just since being up here last month.
After the fire - June 2011
After the 2011 Wallow Fire destroyed the family cabin that had stood so beautifully for over 50 years, everything is now grown up and change is coming soon as "S and H" are preparing their section of land for their new cabin (yeah!!)
You can barely see where the site of the original cabin once was, but the fireplace chimney still stands tall and proud.
New Growth - August 31, 2013
There's so many new wild flowers that my sister's head is ready to explode! There's new tree growth, more birdies this year than the last, more pine cones on the ground and Mother Nature is changing and growing,....replenishing her land and rewarding those who call this place home.
New Life Springs Up!
Now, hop on over to The Studio Sublime and see what "Growth and Change" has taken place this week with everyone else!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Growing and Changing with the Times!