I'm a Kreativ Blogger!!

Kashmira, over at Sadafulee,...Always in Bloom, received the Kreative Blogger award this week which is awarded by your peers.  Way to Go Kashmira! 

Her blog is really beautiful and she shares so much of her life with you, it really is a great read. She tells of how she is new to beading, but her designs are very beautiful and not exactly you'd expect from someone who labels themselves as a beginner! (she's a bit talented, I tell you!)  Oh, and her photos are awesome, too. She actually has 4 blogs I found out -busy woman!

Kashmira contacted me yesterday to tell me she had selected me as one of the Kreativ Blogger recipients from her blog - Wow!!  Thank you so much Kashmira - you're too sweet!!

The Kreativ Blogger Award is something that's been going on since the spring of 2008. It's an award that's given to you by your peers, which I think is quite awesome.  I mean, who better to give you an award than someone who follows your blog and your work, right? 

And, I just found out that Lisa over at Pine Ridge Treasures (check it out - beautiful work!) also listed me as a Kreativ Blogger recipient and I didn't know it yet!  Thanks so much Lisa - that was awesome of you!!

I'm feeling a bit special today - can you tell!!??  Thanks so much to both of you!

Okay - the rules are pretty simple; once you're selected by your peers you must:

1) mention and link to the person/blog that bestowed the award to you,
2) post 7 well thought out and random facts about yourself and,
3) Pass on the award to 10 other bloggers and let them know about it! 

So, with out further ado,...here's the 7 random facts about me (some of them are even listed here on my blog) and also my 10 Kreativ Bloggers that I'd like to pass on this award to as well,....

Random Facts about me,....

1 - I'm ambidextrous.
2 - I lovingly refer to my small home town in Central Illinois as "Mayberry" and old Route 66 runs right through the middle of it.
3 - One of my friends and I tried to see if we could drive from one end of our home town to the other (about a mile) with out going down a road that had a stop sign. We almost made it! LOL! I cherish that memory!
4 - I twirl my hair almost constantly. Except when I bead or smack metal around!
5 - I love listening to people talk who have a British, Irish, or Australian accent - it's so sexy!
6 - Love Actually is one of my top 10 all time favorite movies - EVER! (British Accents Galore!!)
7 - I'm so sad the Phoenix Suns don't have Steve Nash anymore,...but I will always be a SUNS Fan!!

Now for the 10 Bloggers and their Blogs that I would like to pass on this award to:

**I tried to pick 10 that I didn't think had received the award already - so if you've already received it - sorry about that! :-) **

1) Deb over at Deb Duty Photography:  Awesome blog, awesome photos - tons of inspiration.
2) Cynthia with Beatnheart: Her designs make me drool. They're cooler than cool!
3) Cyndi with Beading Arts:  She shares so much and has a wicked sense of humor that I adore!
4) Delia Stone: Her designs and wire work are amazing!  I'd love to take a class from her!
5) Linda with Fresh Baked Designs: I love her designs and how she's always upbeat and positive!
6) Regina with Regina's Writings: Great Designs! She's warm and genuine and it shows!
7) Sandra with Beaded by Sandra: Such pretty designs!  Great sense of color!
8) Sally with The Studio Sublime: Oh,..what a fun personality and her jewelry rocks!
9) Lela with Gallery 13: Great jewelry, and I'm loving the turquoise she did recently!! Ohhhh,....
10) Don with Urbandon: His style is awesome and his blog is ultra cool! Great photos, too!!

So many others that I wanted to pass on to you.  Some of them had already been chosen and some had not, but I only had 10 spaces, so be sure to check out my blog roll off to the side here!

Congrats again to Kashmira and thanks so much for sharing it with me!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Cool Things!

Walk in the Woods - I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

I went for a walk in the woods with the hubby
this weekend while up at my sis's cabin.

Some of the weeds are almost as tall as Mike!

We got some cool shots of the bugs and butterflies,

and flowers and other things.

I'm linking up with I Heart Marco over at Studio Waterstone this Sunday (it's been awhile for me!).

Hope you'll hop on over and check out all the gorgeous photos - they're amazing!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Enjoying the Outdoors!


Annie Girl - she's a bit camera shy!

Weekend Sail Anyone?

If you could be doing anything at all this weekend,
what would it be?

San Clemente State Beach Park, California

I think it would be fun to go for a sail.

Sailing into Catalina Harbor

Feeling the sprays of the water on my face. Smelling the salty sea air.

Long Beach Harbor, California

Hearing the boat slice through the water,...seeing the deep blue ocean.

Here's what I'd wear.

And somewhere, 'Sailing' by Christopher Cross would be playing,.....remember that one?!

Hmmm,.....can you see it?  Hear it?  Feel it?

Perfect Seas!!

Me, too.

What about you? 

What would you do,.....and how would it look, sound and feel?

Logan and Mike sailing into Catalina Harbor back in December of 2008

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Visualization!


Did You Hear?

Andy Griffith passed away.

Andy Griffith as Sheriff Andy Taylor on the
Andy Griffith Show

He was a favorite of mine.  

He was a good actor and made it all look so easy!

I loved his voice.

My hubby, son and I like to watch re-runs of the Andy Griffith show. 

It’s a reminder of simpler times and a more relaxed way of life.

I've lovingly refered to my small home town in central Illinois as “Mayberry” for a long time now because it’s very quaint and everyone knows each other. 

That's my home town library back there. 
Old Route 66 runs right through the midle of town.  It really is Mayberry!

Kinda like Sheriff Taylor's town.

This is the post office where my dad worked.

It’s a place that as a teenager I couldn’t wait to move away from, but it was the best place to grow up in!

I’m gonna miss Andy Griffith,
but I will always cherish those reruns.

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Good Ol’ Memories!!


Thankful For My Freedom!

Celebrating Independence Day today here in the United States.

Remembering those who serve our country and feeling much gratitude to all those who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that I can have the life I do.

In memory of USMC Sgt. Wade D. Wilson

Thank you!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Grateful to be able to Celebrate the 4th of July!!




I’ve been working on getting photos of things I’ve created over the past few months.

Yes, I said months.

Usually I’m able to get pics with in a week or two,…but that’s not the case here lately.

I have stuff from back in March that I created during Spring Break while on the beach in California that I am just now getting around to photographing.

Does this ever happen to you? 

I mean, do you ever have plans to do things and for whatever reason, they keep getting pushed back or put off? 

Is it procrastination,…laziness,….too much to do with too little time to do it? 

What’s the deal?

For me, it’s a bit of all of this. 

I procrastinate.  I’d rather be doing other things.
Or like normal – I get sidetracked!! 

My hubby and son have nicknamed me “Sidetracked Shelly”. Not sure that’s a good thing!!

And sometimes I’m just lazy and would rather do this than that today.  Or this over here looks easier, more fun and interesting than this thing over here that needs attention.

(Sound familiar? Please tell me it does!!)

And then there’s times when I’m actually ready to do something and I’m working to get it accomplished and now, because of my procrastination and laziness,…well, now there’s too much to do and too little time to do it in. 
(Self-induced stress – what the heck?!!)

What do you do in situations like this? 

I mean, I know what I need to do to get all my stuff done, I just find other distractions, ya know?  

I've been updating my C.V. and some of my past classes and this kind of stuff lately too, and as I look back on the last few years I realize that I actually have accomplished quite a few things.


How about you?   Does it sometimes feel like you’re not accomplishing anything? 

Or, have you ever looked back after thinking that and said,

"Hey, that’s not too shabby.  I know I can do better, but it's not too bad!”

I hope so!! 

Here’s to kicking each other in the pants to keep us all going in the right direction!!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Moving Forward!

***Side Note***
I find it a tad ironic that this post will hit just as I am ready to go away for the 4th of July and have my shops on vacation mode – LOL!!
I guess this isn’t good timing – but it is what it is, right?!! 

Oh, and I was playing around with some photoshop stuff and some ipiccy things for this post.

You know,...instead of doing what I'm supposed to be doing!


Suburban Girl Studio Design Team - Summer Reveal!

Wow - Summer!  Can you believe it?  Where's the time gone?

Right now it's time for the Suburban Girl Studio
Design Team Summer 2012 Reveal. (Woo Hoo!!)

Diana sent me this very cool Starfish Pendant - beautiful!

  And this amazing shell bead connector - super sweet!

  And then she included one of Jan Opinenco's  beads, too - oh my!!   It looks like a summer swirl of sea, sand and surf goodness, doesn't it?!!

Lampwork glass bead by Jan Opinenco

Okay, so when I think of summer I think of the Beach. 

San Clemente Sate Beach Park, San Clemente, CA
Photo by Michelle Buettner

When I think of the Beach I think of the ocean and the lovely blue and green colors of the water.

Then, I start to think of sail boats.

Sailing into Catalina Harbor
off the coast of California
I LOVE sailboats!

One thing I love about sailboats and all things nautical are the knots that tie everything together. 

So, for my design I decided to use some natural waxed linen cord from White Clover Kiln over on Etsy because it looked like the old ropes used on the docks and to tie up sailboats. 

Then, I knotted some immitation sea glass together with some sea-foam colored Recycled Sari Silk from Darn Good Yarn.

The beads reminded me of all the sea glass you can find on the beach and the silk reminded me of the sails and how they move and take shape in the wind. 

This design is definitely going into my personal stash because it's something I will wear over and over this summer - and any time I go to the beach!!

I big thank you to Diana of Suburban Girl Studio for allowing me the opportunity to be on her Design Team and to showcase her lovely, handcrafted ceramic beads and findings.

They're totally amazing and you really will love them - so go check 'em out! 

And, thanks to Jan Onipenco of Motlen Mayhem for her amazing lampwork bead!

The very talented Suburban Girl Studio
Design Team Members are all listed below with links to their blogs. Be sure to check them all out and see the amazing designs they've created this season!


Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Sailing Through Summer!!
