Girls and Their Pearls

This Sunday, June 29th, is the 
here on the MiShel Designs blog. 

The challenge was simply this: 

Create something using pearls. It doesn't have to be jewelry or bead related at all. It can be anything your little heart desires; from pearl encrusted stilettos, to a pearl laden writing journal or lamp shade, the choice is yours.

June has been a much busier than normal month 
here in our household.  

There's been more travel this month than usual, some very sad moments of losing friends and other loved ones, an unusual amount of extra paper work for our business and school (yes, even though it's summer!), appointments for senior photos, dental and doctor appointments, designing and ordering our 20th Wedding Anniversary rings (Mine's being created by the wonderful team over at Todd Reed in Colorado, and Mike's having our friend Steve help him craft his own - I can't wait to see them both!!) and all sorts of other 'home' stuff to manage.

So, needless to say, I started to majorly stress out about the Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop I decided to host this month. 

However, a friend nicely reminded me that although I'm hosting this hop, it shouldn't be stressful at all because it's just a "link up" type of hop. 

What's that mean you ask?  

It means that if you'd like to participate that all you have to do is come here on June 29th and 'Link Up' with us via the InLinkz link up tool that will be at the bottom of my blog post that morning. 

Simple as pie!  

So, I hope you'll link up with us here on 
Sunday, June 29th 
and join in the Pearl Fun!

In the meantime this week, I am going to give you a couple of posts to wet your whistle on pearls - I mean, how could I knot. I mean not. LOL!

First up, here's a couple of quick and easy reminders on how to care for and store your  pearl jewelry.

Always keep your pearl jewelry, whether it be real pearls or imitation pearls, out of the 'chemical baths' of perfume spraying, lotion lathering and hair spray fogging.  Seriously. Be sure to use your lotion, your perfume and your hair spray BEFORE donning your pearls - and yes, that goes for pearl earrings as well gals! 

Never clean your pearls with liquid chemical jewelry cleaners. I did this once. It was on some really nice Swarovski Crystal Pearl jewelry I created many years ago with sterling silver. I dunked the entire necklace into the little basket, put it in the jewelry cleaning liquid, sealed the lid and left it there for almost 15 minutes. When I came back and took out my beautiful Swarovski Crystal Pearl and Sterling Silver Necklace,...the silver was all shiny and gorgeous again, but the crystal pearls were, shall we say, a bit 'sticky'. 

I had thought, "I'm only dipping them for a brief moment, what could possibly harm them that quickly?"  Well, DUH!  It's a chemical that cleans,...deep cleans. And obviously eats away at certain substances, pearl coatings, plastics, pearl nacre, resins, the stabilizing materials in stabilized turquoise and other gemstones.   So, my advice, "No chemical cleaners for your pearls, okay?" 

Also pearls, if strung on silk, nylon or other cording, should not be hung up in your jewelry box or from those cool DIY jewelry displays made out of a old picture frames and vintage drawer hardware or hooks. Nope. It looks really cool indeed, but it stretches the cord more quickly than normal wear and tear, thus leading to having your pearls restrung sooner than is actually needed.
Not Knot on Etsy

Ideally, it's best to store your pearls in a flat box - not a zippy bag or sealed plastic container as they need to breathe - with a nice soft jewelry cloth around them. I've used antique hankies to store mine in and to wipe them clean (you'd be amazed at the damage oils from your own skin can do over time) before I put them away.   And, I feel good that my antique handkerchiefs are getting used and not just stored in a drawer somewhere. 

Okay - that's about it for today. 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Pearls, Baby!!

FOL14 - Playing Catch Up

It's been a whirlwind couple of weeks around here. 

Busy, fun, crazy, happy, excited, stressful, frustrating, confusing, shocked, sad, lost,....we've run the gamut.

So, I'm playing a bit of catch-up today with the Focus on Life: 2014 Weekly Photography Challenge.

Sally over at The Studio Sublime, gave us these two prompts for weeks 24 and 25.

Week 24:  Have FUN and get snappin'. To shoot with abandon, basically. 

These folks are kinda making fun of me taking photos. We're all 'snapping' each other 'snapping' each other - fun. And FUNNY! (it was to us, anyway!) I laughed so hard last weekend my sides still hurt.

Week 25: Be Colorful 
a) full of interest; lively and exciting.
b) having much or varied color; bright. 

Each day this summer I've tried to 'drink my colors'.  I mixed various fruits in my glass each morning, add ice and water and drink several glasses and then at the end of the day, eat the fruit. It's really refreshing, especially here in the desert with the 100+ degree temps.

I hope you're all having a great summer!  Be sure to hop around and see what 'colors' every one else has captured this week!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Colorful Fun!

Life and Major Do-Da

Sorry for the silence on the blog - there's been so much going on this month that I'm having a hard time catching my breath.

So far in June we've had a weekend with friends, traveled out of state to meet up with family for a brief time, have had senior photos taken, dentist appointments, international travel for work is about to take place and all the classes have been written and put together, jury duty is coming up, we are having meetings with the college for the Fire Science course our son will be taking next year, have had a friend's father pass away and just the other day one of our good friends and neighbors here in our cul-de-sac passed away as well. 

We're all trying to cope at the moment with this fast track of a train called life.

Needless to say, I'm still going to try to pull together the Pearls! Pearls! Pearls!! blog hop that's scheduled for June 29th. I may just facilitate it with the InLinkz code at the bottom and some interesting pearl information and fun links because I seriously doubt I'll have time to create anything new myself.  But we'll see.

I will keep you all posted.

I do apologize for not posting all the interesting Pearl blog Posts that I had wanted to post this month so that you could find some fun inspiration to help you along with your creative endeavors.

I'll be in touch as soon as I can. 

Until Next Time,
Peace and Love,

FOL14 - week 23 - Silliness

I'm late posting for week 23 of the FOL:14 Weekly Photo Challenge this week. 

I was up at my sis's cabin this past weekend for our semi-annual Girlfriend's Weekend and was armed with only my hubby and son's 'silly' iPad and couldn't get things to post.

Even all my 'apple juice' friends with their i-thingies couldn't get anything to work for me.  It was frustrating to say the least and I'm so very happy to be back home, typing on my p.c. 

Yep, I went there. Yes I did. 
(I used to have an iPhone, so it's not like I haven't tried the stuff!)

It's June, and this month's theme for the 

Finding the Fun in Photography!

For week 23, Sally over at The Studio Sublime
gave us this prompt:

"For the first week of June, let's get SILLY!  Or, catch someone being silly 

Well, there was tons of 'Silliness' going on this weekend in the mountains for our semi-annual Girlfriend's Retreat!

The Famous Tree House!

Once everyone arrived on Friday night, we trekked up to the Tree House for some 'silly' photos and to toast to our friend Janet who got us hooked on Butterscotch Schnapps Shots!

Many Happy Hours Have Been Had on the Tree House Porch!

Just look at these crazy kids! 

Fun was had by all!

I love these girls (and Kyle!) and although we were missing a couple of the 'gang' because of family things and work (life does that sometimes), we were all together in spirits.  

I mean, in spirit! LOL!!

Speaking of life, I even missed Sally's Photo Contest because of life, work, computer issues (internet connections and email servers), but things like this happen.

I'm going to try and get to every one's posts this week, so if you see my late comments, you know why! 

I will either be posting really early this coming Friday or late Monday for this next week as well since we are meeting up with Mike's sister, hubby and their friend in Vegas!  

Oh Yeah Baby - we're Vegas bound! 

Vegas Baby!! (Via Pinterest)
It's funny. I don't gamble, so I don't know why I get so excited to go to Vegas. Except for the shows, the lights, the shopping, people watching,...the shopping.  

We haven't been to Vegas in like 5 to 7 years,...maybe longer. I just found out they no longer have slot machines that accept coins or tokens. Only bills. What!??!! You must be joking!!

Next thing you know, folks are going to tell me that Dean Martin, Sammy Davis and Old 'Blue Eyes' are no longer performing.   

Via Pinterest
Such Silliness!! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Silly Times!!

FOL14 - Week 22 -

May's topic for the Focus on Life 2014 weekly photography challenge is 
'In, At and About' 
and for week 22, Sally (The Studio Sublime) gave us this prompt:

"This week we are focusing on what is IN Bloom!"

The only thing blooming here in the desert right now is the heat.

Well, there's tons of saguaro blooms that are looking pretty awesome right now, but I couldn't capture a good pic of those this week.
And, bougainvilleas and bird of paradise are always in bloom here when it's summer and super hot, but the pics I took of those didn't come out as well as this shot of one of the last roses in our rose bush. 

The pics from the top looking down on the rose showed all the scorched petals, so I chose this angle because it looked the prettiest!

Okay, back to the bloomin' heat!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Beauty In Bloom!

*A little side note,...
Today would have been my Dad's 95th Birthday. 

Happy Birthday Dad!! 
Miss you so much - every single day! 
May 31st, 1979- My 8th Grade Graduation and my Dad's 60th Birthday

Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop Update

I've had some people message me that they 'missed' signing up for the Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop that we're doing with the reveal date on June 29th.


I wanted to let everyone know that since I'm doing a link-up via Inlinkz, anyone one who wants to just 'hop along' with us on the reveal date, which is  Sunday, June 29th, is welcome to just jump in that day and join in our fun with Pearls! 

This makes it super easy for people to join in the fun if they feel like it at the last minute and it also gives people who might not be ready on the reveal date the opportunity to back out with out anyone knowing. (sweet, eh?!)

And, I like the Inlinkz link-up because it gives you just a little 'sneak-peak' of what someone has created. 

Plus, if you don't have a blog, but want to link up via your facebook post or your Flickr account, the Inlinkz link-up makes it convenient to join in with out having to have a blog or do a lengthy post if you don't feel like it. 

And, you can also link-up with a photo over on Instagram now too. How cool is that?! 
Click here to go to the Inlinkz Blog and see how to do it.

For those of you who have 'signed up' for the Pearls Blog Hop, if you've sent me your email, then I'll be able to give you the Inlinkz code the night before the hop so you can post it on your blogs too, if you'd like. 

But, don't feel like you have to have the Inlinkz thing on your blog post if you don't want to.  It will be on mine so all you'll need is a link to my blog or my actual post on the 29th of June. 

So, easy peazy, right?!!

"Freya" by Michelle Buettner - aka, me ;-)

Thanks to everyone who has shown an interest in the Pearls Blog Hop. It warms my heart. Especially since I've been a bit out of the loop this year with work and all,...makes me feel like I'm not missing as much as I think I am! LOL!!  

I have missed quite a few hops that were right up my alley - like Diana P's Waxed Linen Hop that just happened and Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Blog Party, just to name two (out of more than 10 that I wanted to  participate in!!). 

Yes, it's been tough missing out, but I've had fun seeing so many fun and beautiful designs as I've tried to visit as many people's hops and blog posts as I can.

Okay - it's time to get your pearl-mojo going.  There's tons of Pearl inspiration over on Pinterest if you get the chance to hop over there and take a look. 

Here's  a link to my Pinterest Board

Via -
And remember, what you create doesn't have to be jewelry or jewelry related. 

It can be anything.

Lamp shades adorned with pearls 
(I really want one of these!), 

Pearl Lamp via A Bit of Bees Knees Blog
Shoes adorned with pearls 
(yes, I'd love a pair, thank you!),

Via -

writing journal adorned with pearls, 

Pearl Journal via Pinterest

home decor items, and the list goes on!

By Soiree Supply on Etsy

 I'm going to be doing a few "Pearl Posts" through out the month of June with various types of pearl info, but if anyone has any questions, please shoot me an email or message me here on my blog or over on facebook (just FYI - I'm not on FB all that much anymore, but I do scoot over there at least once a day) and I'll answer you as quickly as I can. 

Have a great week everyone!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Fun with Pearls!



Memorial Day

Remembering all those are have served and who are currently serving our country. 

Thank you for your selflessness and your sacrifices. No words can truly express my gratitude! 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Honoring Those Who Serve!

FOL - Week 21

**I'm trying to link up with the FOL2014 Group this weekend but due to the internet connection in the mountains being totally useless, I may have to link up on Tuesday when I return home and pop over to see everyone's photos and comment next week. Sorry folks!!** :-) 

May's topic for the Focus on Life 2014 weekly photography challenge is 
'In, At and About' 

and for week 21, Sally over at  

The Studio Sublime, gave us the prompt:
This Week Fill in the Blanks: 

At or In the __________, I_________.
This one stumped me for a bit, but then I realized that
In the mornings, I take care of Coco and Kiki.
I fluff their seeds, refresh their water, talk with them and watch them snuggle.
It's rather difficult to get a focused photo of these two cuties!
It's a morning ritual that is rewarding!
Be sure to see what all the other 
Focus on Life 2014 participants 
have captured this week!

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Snuggles!!

Pearls In The Spotlight

Pearls are so versatile. 

The truly do go with anything.

It's hard to believe the fashion and fine jewelry industries are just getting around to really embracing this idea.

What I mean is, I think these industries have tried (on many occasions) to 'bring forth the pearl', but as a whole, most people still see them as 'stuffy', snobby or classic and all 'prim and proper'.  

Not me.

I believe they go with anything, on anyone, in any season and for any reason. 

Because I love them so much the thought never crossed my mind that they couldn't look great in any type of design or with any type of material.

 Pearls are such a passion with me that I feel that it's part of my 'life's mission' to spread the word about them and show people how wonderful they are.

  My Keshi Pearl Dangle Earrings
Find the BeadStyle Magazine Tutorial
Available over at the 
Kalmbach Bookstore

I'm glad I'm hosting another Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop.

I think the craft / handcrafted artisan jewelry industry already has the whole 'pearls' thing pretty much figured out. 


I see so many of my fellow jewelry artists using their pearls with such a variety of materials and in so many unique and different ways that it makes me feel all tingly inside.

Just look at a few of the creations that were in the 
Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop in September 2013.

L to R - Dee, Lynda, Kashmira, SharylCynthia, Jasvanti, and Tracy

Click Here to go to the 2013 Blog Hop Reveal Page
and see all the Gorgeous Designs posted that day.

  Super, aren't they?!

The 2014 Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop
reveal date is June 29th, which gives you a little over a month to get your pearl mojo on, so if you'd like to join in the fun this go-round, hop on over to the info posted HERE and read all about it.

Or, just come back here on Sunday, June 29th, and link up with all us 'Pearly Peeps'!!

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and PEARLS, Baby!! 


FOL14 - Week 20 - The View About The Ground

**If you are looking for the 
Pearls! Pearls!! Pearls!!! Blog Hop II
Info and Sign Up Post, Click HERE

May's topic for the Focus on Life 2014 weekly photography challenge is 

'In, At and About' 

and for week 20, Sally over at  

The Studio Sublime, gave us the prompt:

The View About The Ground

I'm always looking at the ground - usually for cool rocks. 

I decided to photograph something else this week though.

The grass with it's tiny yellow 'flowers' and this fallen leaf from the Grapefruit Tree.

This seemed a bit more 'summer' than rocks. 
Plus, the rocks were hot to stand on and photograph in my bare feet and the grass felt good despite the 104 temperature!

Hop around to the other participants this week and see what they captured in their "View About The Ground". 

Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Looking About!