Learning, Sharing and Growing,...

I wanted share a few things I've learned with you here today,...hopefully you'll stick around for this!!

My first ever piece of jewelry was published back in July of 2011 in BeadStyle magazine. A pair of my keshi pearl dangle earrings got accepted as a project and then they re-ran the project in their big book, Easy Beading Volume 8, so of course I was over the moon!

And, I submitted those pearl earrings in the summer of 2010,.....goes to show you that it can sometimes take a while for things to happen! 

I am so grateful to Tatia and all the folks over at Bead Trends Magazine.  They have made submitting pieces to their magazine (something which I was afraid to do!) a fun and exciting experience and I strongly encourage other jewelry designers out there to give it a go!
I started submitting my designs last year and was fortunate enough to have a few pieces selected and used in both the November and December 2012 issues. And then this January I was lucky enough to have an entire bridal set in their Pearls, Pearls, Pearls section.  

Tahitian Bridal Set
The real fun came when Tatia asked me to write a piece for them on pearls for their Jewel School section they have each month and include several of my designs along with the article to see if it would be something they could use.  So, I did. And Wow, I just received my copy of the February 2013 issue with my Pearl Appeal article in their Jewel School Section and was blown away!! HOLY COW!  

They always do an amazing job of photographing all the jewelry pieces that go into their magazine and the subjects they select for the Jewel School section is always filled with great information on fun topics. 
The designer spotlight in Bead Trends is always a favorite as well because each story is so different and getting to glimpse inside another designer's creative process and thinking allows you to view their designs with new admiration and respect.

I also submitted to Jewelry Stringing Magazine last year and although they said I didn't have what they were looking for at the moment, they still asked to keep my designs for a while just in case and then they ended up using a pair of my earrings in the Winter edition and they used my earring wires in their "Beads to Buy" section.

I also got an email asking of they could use my ear wires on a couple of designs in their holiday earrings ebook this winter too, so it all turned out pretty well in the end!
Okay, here comes the advice,...or more aptly, what I've learned that I'd like to pass along.  Even though it's been said before by people who have been published way more than I have, I want to pass along some things I learned in submitting to bead magazines in order to possibly help some other talented designers who might have had the same 'fear' of putting your designs out there that I did. 
So here goes:
"My Beloved Cherry Tree"
Cherry Blossom Pendant by Jeannie Dukic of Jewelry by Jeannie
Echo Creative Club Design Team - 2012
Check out the magazines you like and select designs of yours that you believe would be a good fit for the magazine. Check out their submission requirements if they publish it online and find out what they're accepting or asking for at the moment. 

Great example of a "Simple and Classic" Design.
The photo is awful,...but I guess it's proof of progress in the last 5 years in the photo department!!
Bon't be afraid to send in something that's a bit unusual or different from all the other designs in the magazine. As long as it's in the same medium/materials they publish in, go for it. Different and unusual are the 'norm' now, so your design will probably be a big hit! But remember,...elaborate, mix-it-all-together designs aren't the only ones people like. Simple, sleek, clean lines are lovely too. Don't think because a design you've created is visually 'simple' or labeled as 'classic' that it won't be accepted.  I've seen tons of designs that some people would call simple, basic or classic that make me stop in my tracks when I see them because they're so well crafted and down right stunning!

Clean, crisp photo. Probably one of the best I've ever taken.
I'm pretty sure most of it was pure luck! LOL!! ;-)
Which leads me to Photography.  

Take good, clear photos that are on clean, un-cluttered backgrounds and show how good your workmanship is. I should repeat that sentence - it's that important!  Even with a point and shoot camera (that's what I have) if you use your macro setting (little flower thingy on your settings), photograph in a well lit or filtered sun area with out your flash and use a tripod or set your camera on something so it's not moving, you should be able to get some good photos. It will probably take some practice and lots of pics that you click through on your computer and say 'no-way' to, but you can do it. There's some great photo editing software out there to help you make the shots pop - but don't over do it on the textures and all that stuff when sending in a photo, the editors want to see your jewelry, not your cool editing tricks. Plus, there's also online classes for photographing jewelry, tons of great books and even You Tube videos on the subject - so invest your time in this one - it's important!

It's okay to use other people's designs as inspiration, but don't copy. This is a hard one because so many of us use the same materials, purchase from the same suppliers, like the same trends and have very similar design styles, but you can still make yours just a bit different than someone who inspired you.  I can't tell you how many designs I was ready to submit or even list on my Etsy site and then, as I'm surfing the web or looking through various bead magazines, there is something almost identical to what I just created. This is where the saying, "The early bird gets the worm" pops into my brain and I smack myself up side of the head for being so slow to get things done!  It's also where I stuff my design away in my bead cabinet and don't even photograph it because it looks too much like someone else's design which is already out there.  I realize with everyone who's into designing jewelry and with all the stuff that's floating around out there on the internet that it may be hard to know if one of your designs looks similar to something someone else has created, so do your best to try to be aware with out stressing yourself out.  At the same time, don't allow it to stop you from submitting a design of yours that you love and really want published - as long as you truly haven't copied anyone. 

Okay, these weren't copied from anyone, but seriously,
you can find ones that look just like this every day of the week all over the internet and in every magazine - It's kinda hard not to with a simple design like this!  To make them my own I created my own eye pins,
made my own ear wires and used a mix of bali beads I wasn't used to seeing with coin pearls. 
Follow instructions to the best of your ability. When you send in your creations to a magazine, be sure to follow their instructions and requirements as close as you can to exactly how they've asked for them. This is important because they wouldn't tell you how they wanted stuff if they didn't care and it could hinder them from wanting to work with you on future endeavors if you don't. 
Be patient. This was a hard one for me because I'd email a magazine and then check my email every 5 minutes for the next month! And once a design of yours does get accepted, realize that magazines work several months ahead of whatever month we're in and it could take several months or even up to a year to see your work in print. 

Fun and Funky. It's okay to play!!
Be professional and courteous even if your designs are rejected. Send a thank you email or card expressing your appreciation for their time and energy in looking at your designs. And when you do get accepted remember to send a thank you email or card letting them know you appreciate the opportunity.  Then, after the issue comes out, send another thank you and help promote the magazine or special issue with your social media contacts such as your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Flickr, etc. This last part can be challenging at times because we all have super busy lifestyles and many responsibilities, (and some of us are more forgetful than others - points finger at self!) but simple acts of professionalism and kindess go a long way.


Be organized, take good notes and keep good files. Or at least try. This is especially true if you're sending different designs into various magazines in the industry and trying to keep track of who has what, what's required of you and by what date, which issue is the piece being published in, who's returning what, who's not, and so on.
Ask for help. If you're not sure how to send in inquiry letter (I think I still need help on this one!) or if you want someone to look at your piece before you actually send an email or mail the piece in for submission, ask a trusted friend and get their opinion or advice (don't put it out there on facebook for the entire world though!).  This doesn't mean you have to take their advice or agree with their opinion mind you, but sometimes it's good practice for things to come.

Shel's Ribbons - Metal Awareness Ribbons by MiShel Designs
Now, go ahead. Edit that perfect pic you just took of that awesome design you just created and send that email or pop that piece in the mail today!  You can do it!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Learning, Sharing and Growing!

Each Week,...

I've joined up with Sally over at The Studio Sublime for her weekly photo challenge this year called
Each week she gives us a prompt and we go and snap a pic of how we interpret the prompt and then share it with the group.
(Feel free to join in with all of us - there's still time!!) 
The first week was Self Portrait and you can see the post I did by clicking here.
This last Saturday (week 2) was: Your Word. We had to pick our word for the year and blog about it and of course, since it's a photo challenge, take a photo and explain it.  You can see Saturday's post here.
I had never chosen a word for the year before. It's kinda like New Year's resolutions - I don't really do those either. But hey, it was a challenge so my word for 2013 is READY.
Yep, pretty simple a word, huh?!
I chose ready because I felt so many words resonating with me for 2013 and I felt 'Ready' for all of them.
I decided I'm actually going to do a very un-official version of a "Word a Week" for myself this year.  I will choose a word each Monday as my mantra word,...what I want to improve, focus on, do,...you get the picture.
I'll probably share quite a few of my words with you here on the blog and when I do, I'd love for you to chime in with your own words and things you're focusing on and are READY for.
For the first week of the year my word was 'Organize'.
I did that here,...in this post.
For the 2nd week of the year my word was 'Change' because I am making some changes this year to some things and I was focusing on those.
And that brings us to this week. Week 3 of 2013.

My word for this week is "Grow". I'm READY to grow my business in some new directions, GROW my skills with new techniques, GROW by sharing things I know or feel passionate about,...Grow. 

This week I am READY to GROW!

What are you focusing on this week? 
This month, this year?
This Moment?
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Words with Meanings!

I Heart Macro - It's Sunday!

Happy Sunday Everyone!
Linking up with I Heart Macro over at
Studio Waterstone this Sunday
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Up Close!

Focusing on Life - Week 2 - Your Word

It's Week 2 for Sally Russick's "Focusing on Life: 52 Photos".  Our prompt for this week is:  Your Word.
Okay,...this week was way more challenging than the first week for me. 
I started thinking and writing down words last weekend when Sally gave us the prompt. She said we could write out the word or photograph something that represented the word. What ever we wanted. 
Your Word.  My word.  One Word.  Just One Word.
So many people chose their 'word' for the year,...their mantra, what they focus on, what helps them get through things, gives them strength, etc.
Not me. I've yet to be able to pick just one word for an entire year (maybe for a week or a month, but not for an entire year!) and it's probably the same reason I don't have a tattoo (other than I'm not real partial to pain or needles!).  I can be indecisive. At least on some things anyway.
There's so many words right now that seem to resonate with me for 2013.

 So, this "Your Word" thing had me totally baffled.
I want to connect more with my family on a deeper level. Connect.
I want to be present, live in the moment, take it all in: Present. Aware. Live. Listen. Absorb. Breathe.
I'm working to manage my time better: Organize. Streamline.
I want to accept changes more easily and move forward: Accept. Change. Forward.
I want to create more: Create. Inspire.
I want to earn more: Abundance. Gratitude.
I want to learn new things: Learn. Grow. Thrive. Reach. Fearless. Jump.
I'd like to be more gracious in all I do: Grace. Acceptance.
I feel more comfortable in my skin these days, but I'm still doing a bit of soul searching and trying to listen to my heart more: Soul. Search. Heart.
And the list goes on. 
All great words with equally personal and deep meanings.
In this moment I feel ready to connect; to be present and aware. To live, listen and absorb things around me and to organize my time and streamline my life. Ready to accept change and move forward without fear and to create more and inspire others to create as well. To be more thankful for the abundance of things in my life such as my family, our health, our home. I'm excited to learn new things and grow and thrive in areas not yet known to me and to reach fearlessly out of my comfort zone and jump in with both feet.
I'm eager to search within my heart and feed my soul.
I'm ready to do these things with grace and acceptance of who I am and who I want to be.
Inhale. Exhale. Breathe. Relax. Enjoy.
This Year, I am READY.
Don't know what's in there.
Don't know where it's going.
But like me, it's Ready!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Ready!

*Please sail on over to the Studio Sublime today and catch everyone else's WORD!


BTW - Before and After

I cannot stand clutter. Loathe it.

 But for some strange reason - planetary alignment, Zombie Apocalypse, Mayan Calender/Word Ending kind of thing, the Holidays, you name it - my creative space was a wreck.
I was super-ready to have my office/studio cleaned up and better organized!
So, between Thanksgiving and Christmas break I started slowly (r.e.a.l.l.y. slowly) reorganizing a few things.


Little by little things got moved and re-arranged.

Doming Block, Letter Stamps, Extra Easy Knotter for My Students, etc.
I started with my clothes,...moving them from the dresser into the master bath and closet area and filled the drawers with my hammers, bench blocks and other goodies! 

Gold, Silver, Brass, Copper, Steal and Craft Wires,
along with some Soft Flex and other stringing materials.

 I used to have a room all to myself as an office, but in
this house, my office/studio is in our master bedroom. I could consider it a draw back, but looking on the bright side, I have a killer view of our backyard and the lake and I can open the sliding glass doors and create right on my patio with out having to move hardly any supplies! (heaven!)

I must admit - I have the best views in the house!

Anyway, things became crystal clear (in my head) as to how everything else should be arranged and organized and so after the tree and all the holiday decorations had come down I kicked it into high gear and got to rockin' and a rollin'. 


OMG - What was I thinking to let it get this out of hand?!

Much better than before!  And there's room for more!


I finished up late Monday night, with a few more little odds and ends done yesterday,...just because I changed my mind! (imagine that!)

Holy Cow Smokes - Looks like the paper monster threw up in here!
(And some other monsters, too!)
Organized packing supplies and a few left over fibers in baskets,...much better!

The before shots were taken between late 2011 and December of 2012 and the after shots (I'm pretty sure you can figure out which is which w/out me telling you!!) were taken Monday.


Not too bad,..but I have a large antique sewing box and tons of baskets for my ribbons/ fibers
so why waste this gorgeous space?!!
Love how this chest looks now!
Mixed media supplies, Vintaj Big Kick, Cuttlebug, Patinas, gilder's paste, paints, sealants.
Oh, and some Ice Resin that's not opened,....wonder when I'll get the guts to try that again?!

Organized, convenient, pretty much 'clutter-free' and it makes sense,....things are where I would reach for them or they're with their similar counter-parts, etc.
(yep,....I'm a bit anal!).

Clutter Capital! And what's w/all the empty boxes under my desk?
Must have been close to the holidays and I needed them for shipping?
Who knows! ;-)

It's still the hub,...I have to work and also create here, so it's 'busier' than I'd like,
But it's nice to have the boxes removed and my Knotty Do It All close at hand!

The one thing I didn't clean or de-clutter was my bookcase. However, the bookcase WILL be tackled this weekend for sure as it's the only thing distracting me from being ready for everything that 2013 is going to be lovingly tossing my way!! 
(Attitude is Everything!)
So, what's 2013 bringing for you? 
Are you working on special goals, starting new projects and hitting the ground running or are you taking it easy, sitting back and savoring each moment? 
I hope you're enjoying all of the above!
Until Nex Time,
Peace, Love and Ahhhh,...


**Linking up with Bead Table Wednesday (BTW) over on Flickr Today**


Tickle Your Fancy!

It's a new year with all sorts of exciting and fun things to do!
Here's a short list (no, that's not a pun on my height - although it is appropriate!) of a few creative challenges, blog hops and happenings going on here in cyberland.

The Studio Sublime:  Sally's offering up a great challenge called "Focusing on Life: 52 Photos" where she sends you a prompt each week during 2013 and you snap some shots and blog about them or post them over on her Flickr group each Saturday.  This past Saturday was the first grouping and you should see everyone's posts and photos! Very fun indeed!  You can still jump in with both feet on this one - don't miss it!

Tracy over at Make Bracelets is hosting a challenge/blog hop that is super cool!  It's called Inspire Change: Wellness Words Jewelry Challenge. Tracy always hosts up a good time, so you need to go over and read her post and check out the challenge. I read this the other day and was bummed that I can't participate because I might not be here (and I wait until the last minute to do everything!) on the day of the hop.  But, you still have until January 20th to get signed up - so hop on over and join in! (My brain is still trying to figure out how I can squeeze this one in!)

Art Jewelry Elements served up their Earring Challenge this weekend, too. Earring Eye Candy - did you hear me?! Yes indeed - Earrings with art beads and/or charms - sweet! You sign up for 13 weeks at a time and they've got all the details posted on their blog - go check it out!
Don't forget that Lori Anderson's Bead Soup Blog Party is coming up here soon, too. Sign ups are January 25th - 27th and there's 3 reveal dates since the party is so big.  Hop on over and read all about it and get in on the fun - this is one party that's sure to stir your creative juices and have you meeting new, fun and like-minded people! 

You can even get a copy of Lori's Bead Soup book to help you get ready for the fun!! 

Okay, I know I'm forgetting TONS of other fun challenges and hops out there that I've seen/read here online and I apologize for that, so PLEASE, PLEASE SHARE any of the challenges and/or blog hops you've seen or that you're having yourself.
Just give us the links right here in the comments below :-)
I hope that 2013 is being good to you so far and finds you happy, healthy and creating beautiful things!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Creatively Fun Things To Do!

*P.S - Oh, and don't forget to check out
Artisan Whimsy,
they've always got challenges, blog hops, events and all sorts of fun stuff going on over there!

Focusing on Life - Week 1 - Self Portrait

Sally Russick over at the Studio Sublime offered up something that sounded like a wonderful way to get in touch with myself and my surroundings this year and become a bit more 'aware'. Not to mention, help me with editing some photos on a regular basis.

She's hosting a photo challenge entitled "Focusing on Life - 52 Photos" and each week she's sending us a 'prompt' of what to focus on and capture in a photo.
Our interpretation can be literal, figurative,...whatever we see fit for our word that week.  I think it might turn out to be a self-guided tour of my inner most 'me'.  I hope you'll join along and have some fun with with us!
Focus on Life - Week 1 - Self Portrait

This is me.  I twirl.  I'm a twirl-a-holic.
I twirl when I'm tired, when I'm thinking, when I'm happy, when I'm worried, when I'm excited, when I'm bored, anxious, upset, calm, contemplating, sick, sad, content, inspired, creating (yes, somehow I find a way to twirl even when I create jewelry believe it or not!), watching movies, playing games, listening to music, driving (It's almost as bad as texting, I know!), when I'm waiting in line, cleaning house, figuring things out, grocery shopping, talking on the phone and even when I sleep (yep, had my fingers tied up so tight in a knot in my bangs one morning I thought I was going to have to cut them out of my hair!).


 I'm sure if a psychologist/psychiatrist got a hold of this one they'd have a field day and haul me off to the nut house.
But this is me,...I twirl!  And I like it! 

I can actually twirl my hair with both hands at the same time while tying knots in my hair,....but that's probably another post!

Thanks to my niece Misha for snapping these pics last night while we were at here Mama's house celebrating her upcoming birthday  (hope that isn't cheating - but I would have never been able to get a pic of myself being my true twirling self!).  She perfectly captured the moments of me worrying how I was going to get home given the fact that the freeway was shut down back up to Phoenix and the detour route through the Indian Reservation was also shut down (due to another accident )and both were expected to stay that way until very late. All the while I was playing with her kiddos, talking with her and enjoying cake and ice cream and twirling! 

Thanks also to my nephew who let me follow him back up to the Valley via Maricopa (a route I had never been before) while I twirled with anx and frustration as the semi-driver behind me had his headlights up my ass,......

Until Next Time,

Peace, Love and Happy Twirls!!


*P.S. - Special thanks to all the girls over on the Flickr group who told me how to get my pics uploaded here on my blog via html,...since blogger's being a stinker!!
I sooooo appreciate all your help!!

Happy New Year!

From Me To You,...
May 2013 Be Your Best Year Yet!

Peace, Love, Health and Happiness!

May Your Holidays Be Bright!

Wishing you Peace, Love and Joy During the Holiday Season!

Laughter Really Is,.....

It's been a hard week for me since the tragedy last Friday at Sandy Hook Elementary.  I know it really affected a lot of people all over the world. 
I haven't been able to watch any of the news reports on the victims, their families or any of the 'goings on' since a couple of days afterwards. The hubby's a heart attack survivor with a defib in his chest, so he can't watch either - it hurts his heart and that's not a good thing.  

Plus, we've got a teenage son whose own high school was on the news this week with word spreading of a possible threat to the school and/or students (they beefed up police patrol/security and every one's assured us things will be fine) and so tuning out most of the media do-da has been a priority.
I did make an effort - socially - to do a few FB posts, to comment on people's blogs and their FB posts and things like that, but it just felt so trivial.
I realized as I went about finishing up my Christmas card writing and packaging up things to mail off to family who live out of state, that I was completely engulfed in a total 'funk' if you will, of doom, gloom and sadness. Not to say that it wasn't appropriate given all the beautiful lives that were taken recently, but being depressed and 'out of it' wasn't helping anyone, especially my family and those I care about.

And, as the fates would have it, as I pushed forward and was editing some pics to get my next blog post ready, the photos I was working on brought back some wonderful memories and an excellent reminder.

It reminded me that even in the wake of change, whether that change is something we find negative, neutral or strange, hard to grasp, or what ever, laughter and humor are the best way to recover and carry on.
To 'adjust our sails', as I like to think of it.

I'm talking humor that makes you roll with laughter - true, tickle your belly, gasp for air, laughter!!

Like what you see here.
Jen, Denise, Shelly and Kathy
Creative U Holiday Party - December 2012
It's pretty obvious that Jen and I are on our own little "planet" in the photos here,...well, Kathy eventually gets our humor a bit, too, but Denise is the only one even remotely concerned that my hubby's standing around, some what patiently, trying to snap a good pic of us (at our request!),...to no avail! LOL!!

This was a fun night filled with tons of laughter, great moments and wonderful energy!

These photos represent some change as well. This was the Creative U Holiday Party and Gift Exchange (Jen's holding one of Mike's 'Stash Sticks' from the White Elephant Swap) last week and it's the last one we're having because Kathy has announced that she's closing Creative U as of December 31st, 2012.   :-(

So, no more fun classes, no more laughter in the studio, no more exploding kilns (unless Jen comes to my house and has fun with mine!), no more yummy chocolate breaks in the middle of teaching class,...it's the end of an amazingly creative and fun place.
But, where there's laughter among friends and creative spirits, memories to share, hugs to give and love to bind,....there's always more adventures on the horizon!

Thinking of the fun times refreshed my spirit and reminded me that it's okay to go on and not feel guilty for things I'm blessed to have in my life,...like my child, my husband and my wonderful family and friends. And that sending love and prayers out to those who are hurting is needed, but to laugh is to heal. I believe it's also a way to honor those who've gone before us, for I think they'd want us to be happy and laugh instead of cry!
So I wish you all much love and laughter,.....healing laughter that tickles your tummy and immerses you in those wonderfully fun moments you will cherish for a life time!
Until Next Time,
Peace, Love and Letting Laughter Heal Your Soul!